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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. Originally Posted By: *i I made the Anama Priest a bit stronger defensively. The ability is now as follows: Quote: If you are attacked, your skill is power for the duration of the battle. May use one of two abilities: (1) Once per game, may resurrect one person, or (2) remove all status effects from a target. Even though I will probably never be the Priest again, this still makes me happy.
  2. Well, Machrone wouldn't get confirmation or denail if he only made one mistake out of two. And if he's submitting a role, he's probably fairly confident about it anyway. And he can always lie about what *i tells him, so the confirmation is limited to Machrone.
  3. There are very few changes this time. Could it be that we are approaching the perfect role set?
  4. Creator: I like your ideas about Machrone, but as stated, he needs at least five days to win. No game has lasted the long yet, so I'd remove the two-per-day limit and replace it with a per-day minimum. I'm thinking two per day, possibly with day 1 being optional, and a win condition of not getting any wrong. This gives Machrone a reasonably difficult job, as he not only has to learn a lot, but has to learn it fast. It makes him a useful ally, because he'll probably know more roles than the two public ones on any given day, and also a dangerous enemy, because if you cross him he may publish your role. EDIT: Stareye, there's a mistake in your recap of the game. On day 1, you have "Bound Servant kills Anama Priest" when you mean to say "Bound Servant kills Shanker." Also, I was very curious about how and why I died, and now I understand a little better. I take it the SIC and the Nephil Activist were working together, and either learned that I was the Priest or knew that Shanker had the Crossbow. So now my questions for Sporefrog and Andraste are which was it, and how did you know?
  5. First, the odds of the Infiltrator being the Darksiders' random target are quite low. Second, if the Infiltrator is the Darksider's random target, only the Darksiders will know this, so it will not affect the Infiltrator's strategy in deciding whether or not to attack randomly. Third, even a 33% chance of death is pretty high, especially since the Infiltrator has to kill three times. I'd only make a random attack as the Infiltrator if time were nearly up and I were desperate.
  6. As far as I can tell, the Infiltrator's only enemies are Avernites. That's a lot, but there are plenty of Empire roles, and attacking one by accident will almost definitely get the Infiltrator killed.
  7. I disagree. Vahkos is very hard to kill already. If he were able to make himself stronger with items, he'd be almost invincible.
  8. I was also working with the Cultist/Fae/Shanker trio. I hadn't made any progress on my victory condition yet when I attacked you, but if I hadn't, I'd have attacked Andraste instead and been halfway there. I could have met my second condition by killing Xelgion, or by sweet-talking Marlenny into giving me the Assassin's Leather. Unless you betrayed me to Dionicio and Dionicio decided to attack pre-emptively, I think I'd have been okay. Moral of the story: when you have a Wand of Death, use it!
  9. It's too bad, really. If we'd both been honest, I'd have won.
  10. I have to echo Marlenny's praise for RCCCL. He had me completely fooled about his role. And also, wow, Marlenny is scary good at this.
  11. Ash: Fae only kills you when you give an item to her, not vice-versa, so the Addict isn't a target for her at all. As for weakening the Addict, I think he should be added to the list of targets for the Adventurer and the Empire Spy, for the following reasons: 1. Both the Adventurer and the Spy are weakened slightly by the new rules, because one of their targets (each other) is no longer guaranteed to be present. Adding a new possible target restores their number of target options to about what it was before. 2. Since the Adventurer and the Spy do their own killing, they are unlikely to work with the Addict anyway. As such, this change doesn't reduce the number of possible alliances. 3. The roles are naturally rivals, because all three are people that some other role might go to when they need help with a kill. Any time a kill gets given to one, the other two lose out. They have an incentive to want the competition dead, so they logically ought to be enemies.
  12. Yes, that's right. Without any roles who want the Addict dead, he can basically stand up and say "Hi, I'm the Skribbane Addict. Ask me about murder for hire!" Not only would he win the game easily, but whoever was lucky enough to get randomly dealt some skribbane would practically get a free kill.
  13. You could also kill him with a Wand of Death. A Box of Traps would work, too, if you could predict where he was going.
  14. The "everyone is enemies" bit is the best thing about Vahkos. It creates the potential for a situation in which even totally irreconcilable enemies like the Anama and the Anama Hunter have to work together in order to win. The fact that Vahkos isn't guaranteed to exist and only some of the people working together to kill him know his identity for sure make it even better. I see it playing out rather like a horror movie, which is appropriate.
  15. That sounds pretty cool, but the Addict also needs a couple of enemies. There's Ronaldo and Aimee, I guess, but since neither is guaranteed to exist and neither is very strongly opposed, it's not much.
  16. The Addict's description says that he randomly kills, not that he randomly attacks. That's another unsatisfactory part of the role, come to think of it; someone who's played well doesn't deserve to lose just because *i made an unlucky role of the die.
  17. Well, with the peacekeeper, it's all about balancing the role. After all, there must be some number of players that we can realistically expect might survive. Furthermore, the peacekeeper would have lots of potential allies, as there are many roles that stand to gain from fewer deaths. Furthermore, the random element in game 4 will probably substantially reduce the violence, as it's now much harder to know who you're attacking. EDIT: As for the Addict, there are two problems: One, he's very bad at killing people, so killing for skribbane isn't that good an option for him. And two, the deal still isn't very good for whoever's giving the skribbane, since there's the risk of getting randomly killed afterward.
  18. Vahkos is interesting, but I'm not sure he's well-designed. If nobody figures out his role, his game may consist of little more than submitting a kill order once a day. It could be a challenge for him to manipulate the other players into making the other eight necessary kills, but judging by how bloody all of our games so far have been, it probably won't be that hard. If someone does figure out his role, which is mostly a product of chance, then he'll almost certainly die, since every other player has a reason to kill him. EDIT: I misread "always get the first strike" and assumed that that only applies when Vahkos attacks. If, as I now assume, it also applies when he is attacked, that makes things far more interesting. I'm also unsure of the Skribbane Addict role. On the one hand, he has no particular enemies. On the other, he has nothing to offer to whoever gives him Skribbane. The giver may stand to gain from causing a random death, but also risks being that random death. On top of that, the role has little to do apart from getting and consuming two Skribbanes, which seems pretty boring. On the bright side, I really like what you've done with Aimee.
  19. REGISTER SARACHIM Excalibur: I think *i just meant that we'll use the same role set, not that we'll all get the same role we had before.
  20. I think she means that, near the end, it looked like you might refuse to join her. If you hadn't changed your mind, she'd have lost, because there was nobody else left alive to recruit.
  21. It seems like there is nothing to prevent Gladwell from compelling the Bound Servant to use his investigative ability on other players. I assume this is an oversight.
  22. The DL Blademaster, DL Mage, and Domont all have a "random target." Do they get the same one, or different ones? Also, there is currently no role that has any reason to kill Domont. Could that be unbalancing? Part of what made Machrone so easy to play last time was that I had absolutely no reason to hide from anybody.
  23. I had the Crystal Spire from the beginning, but I never used it. Excalibur seems to have killed you at random, since he told me he didn't know your identity when he did it.
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