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Everything posted by Sarachim

  1. You misunderstand me. I meant that the endings where the PC uses the Geneforge provide details that conflict with what happens to Monarch. Specifically, the PC winds up building himself a kingdom with his creations out in the wilderness, where he lives in isolation for a very long time. Monarch doesn't do either of those things. At least, that's what I remember happening, but like I said, it's been a while. I don't remember the endings where the PC doesn't use the Geneforge nearly so well, but I think what happened is that the PC generally manages to readjust to society, and that the canisters only make him a little weird. If Monarch came from a non-Geneforge ending, you'd also have to explain how he got to be so incredibly powerful. Furthermore, while Monarch's name is vague, his gender is not. The PC from G1 could easily have been a woman
  2. It's been a while since I played G1, but don't all the endings conflict with the PC being Monarch? I'm sure the ones where the PC uses the Geneforge do.
  3. What's the lowest level anyone has had when they've won the game? I just finished at level 31, and the final fight was pretty tough even on normal difficulty. So I'm curious. What's the lowest level you've ever finished with?
  4. IIRC, there's one in the Chasm Drake's lair, southwest of Fort Remote.
  5. Quote: Originally written by synergy67: As a local of the Seattle area and a Mac user, I am doubly-pleased having Spiderweb nearby to take some pride and pleasure in. It also gives me some obvious inside scoops of a few more of these naming sources. In Avernum 3: Paulsbo, Port Townshend, and Bremerton are towns on the Olympic Peninsula here in Washington across Puget Sound from Seattle...it takes a ferryboat ride or a long roundabout drive to get to them from here. I played E3 before I ever visited Seattle. When I noticed these towns on a map, my first thought was "Wow, I didn't know Exile was that famous."
  6. There should be enough gaps in the trees to get you where you need to go. Try looking more carefully. Your goal is a town on the coast of the big lake. EDIT: Also, 500 posts! Wheee!
  7. Personally, I like flaming steel waveblades, but those are expensive. Mithral broadswords also seem to be popular, although I've never used them much.
  8. Sulfras was male in Exile 1, as I recall, but was referred to as female in E2 and 3. The confusion in the Avernum series probably result froms Jeff porting some of his text directly from Exile and writing some of it from scratch.
  9. Doesn't matter. You can say "The Master" and "San-Racku" without dying, and that's why Sovereign wins.
  10. In the Avernum series, the Tower of Zkal was the worst, but the worst dungeon of all, bar none, was the Tower of Shifting Floors.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Solomon Strokes: I won't join this futile argument, but... Quote: Originally written by Turumby: Thuryl, *i, et. al. have made a lot, ...Thuryl has made one scenario. I meant a lot collectively.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Solomon Strokes: I won't join this futile argument, but... Quote: Originally written by Turumby: Thuryl, *i, et. al. have made a lot, ...Thuryl has made one scenario. I meant a lot collectively.
  13. Quote: Originally written by DreamGuy: You seem to be pretty passionate about curing our ignorance, so why not help the community for real by making a scenario? Thuryl, *i, et. al. have made a lot, and people here generally seem to like those. If those people don't understand even basic concepts, you must know a great deal we don't, and anything you designed would obviously be the pinnacle of anything ever designed for Blades. In fact, when I think about how obviously superior you are, it strikes me as cruel how you've yet to do anything with that superiority except tell us about it. Maybe you're put off by the hostility here. I know I'm pretty abrasive sometimes, but I'd like to be the first one to humble myself a bit. Please, please, Dreamguy, show us the error of our arrogant, inexperienced ways, and design the masterpiece only you know how to make. If you really care, you'll go right to work without wasting time on a reply.
  14. Quote: Originally written by DreamGuy: You seem to be pretty passionate about curing our ignorance, so why not help the community for real by making a scenario? Thuryl, *i, et. al. have made a lot, and people here generally seem to like those. If those people don't understand even basic concepts, you must know a great deal we don't, and anything you designed would obviously be the pinnacle of anything ever designed for Blades. In fact, when I think about how obviously superior you are, it strikes me as cruel how you've yet to do anything with that superiority except tell us about it. Maybe you're put off by the hostility here. I know I'm pretty abrasive sometimes, but I'd like to be the first one to humble myself a bit. Please, please, Dreamguy, show us the error of our arrogant, inexperienced ways, and design the masterpiece only you know how to make. If you really care, you'll go right to work without wasting time on a reply.
  15. ATTN DreamGuy: AFAIK, you have never designed anything for BoE or BoA. This makes you quite literally the least experienced designer in the debate. I suggest you keep that in mind before you chalk up the things you don't like to inexperience.
  16. ATTN DreamGuy: AFAIK, you have never designed anything for BoE or BoA. This makes you quite literally the least experienced designer in the debate. I suggest you keep that in mind before you chalk up the things you don't like to inexperience.
  17. There's a walkthrough on Gizmo's site. EDIT: Quote: 2.) Lots of reference to Skribbane The problem there isn't so much the number as the quality. It's been awhile, but I remember the drgu parts being really, really dumb.
  18. I think the rationalization for the Empire's responce (or lack thereof) to the plagues was that Prazac was concerned about maintaining an effective quarantine. Presumably, if there's a way for soldiers to get in, there's a way for monsters to get out.
  19. Quote: Originally written by TakenName: Wow, I have an unhealthy habit going here, i think. You do indeed. It's called spamming.
  20. Fort Haledon doesn't have a crystal soul, but it's part of the path to recover one. First, you need evidence about the location of the last CS. I think that evidence is in Limoncelli's fort, in the middle of the big lake north of Ft. Emerald and west of Ft. Dranlon. EDIT: If you already have the evidence from Limoncelli's fort and found the crystal soul it pointed to, then the evidence for this one is ith the rebel vahnatai north of Mancuso. Once you have that, go to the Vahnatai council, and you should be on the right track.
  21. I'm in, but I also agree with TM. Proper custom sounds would be more interesting.
  22. Sylak: Reviving a dead topic is okay if you've got something worthwhile to contribute. You know, like you didn't.
  23. If you have to start over, try focusing your fire on the Avian lords. Killing one will either make the other flee or just end the battle (forgot which in this storyline, sorry.)
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