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Everything posted by *i

  1. I got a couple questions. Here are my answers: 1) You can submit killing actions to me in the first 24 hours. It's just I will not process them until a day is up. Once the time has passed, anything I could not process before due to that rule will be processed in the order they were received. If you kill someone first, they cannot be alive to kill you. So there is still an advantage to submitting your kills earlier than later. 2) Someone asked if it was okay to quote me in their private messages. I allow private communication, but there are a few restrictions. One reasonable one I feel is to request people not quote me and instead speak in character during public and private communications about the game. Besides, my words can always be fabricated by the unscrupulous player . I don't want to be a pedant about this, so just use your common sense.
  2. UPDATE: Someone made a good point about how people know how close they are to their victory condition. I am leaning toward giving relevant people some information about how well they are doing. * Adventurer, Empire Spy: When they make a kill, they will be told if the person was a target role or not, and, if so, which one. * Anama Hunter: Will be told when he or she kills an Anama member. Will be informed once all Anama are dead. * Dionicio, Darkside Loyalists, Anama Priest: Once per day, will be given information about how many enemies remain. * Bound Servant + anyone else under a geas: Will know when Gladwell dies. Do these sound fair?
  3. All right, more forum weirdness. If you submitted a PM to me, check to see if it's still there.
  4. I weakened the crystal spire, it now only gives information on skill and NOT immunities. For a stealth role, his or her first attack will be undetected. Every attack thereafter has the 50% chance of being revealed to a random person. The person being attacked is never seen as suspicious. You may not attack yourself.
  5. Thank you everyone for agreeing to play and watch. Here are the ground rules. Only the moderator (me) and people who are playing the game and are alive may post here. Anything else will be instantly deleted and you will have permissions removed from this forum. The current living players are: Alorael Ash Lael Bloodmoon Dikiyoba Excalibur Iffy Marlenny Master Ackrovan Nicothodes Sarachim Thuryl Tyranicus Some ground rules: 1) If you are playing PLEASE READ ALL THE RULES. They have been updated recently due to board irregularities. 2) Private communication is allowed, but only with PMs and you may only do so on a one-on-one basis. No PMs with more than one other person. You may have as many PMs with as many different people as you like so long as they do not contain more than you and that person. 3) Submit your actions to me by way of PM. If I cannot figure out what you want to do, I'll simply ignore it, so try to be clear. 4) Actions will be processed in the order they were received when I get around to them. Read the rules for how often you can submit and any other exceptions. 5) Please posts all rules questions in your PM with me or in the rules topics. This is a new game, so I anticipate having a few things here and there that may need minor fixing. 6) If you are not playing or dead, please do not influence the game. You may look, but not touch. Otherwise, the game begins as of this post. Have fun! No actions capable of killing anyone will be processed until Tuesday March, 23 2008 at 9 PM EDT. Game will end on Monday March, 30 2008 at 9 PM EDT.
  6. Darn forum irregularities. The last comments should now be addressed in the revised rules.
  7. The protective ability of the Bound Servant (and all of Gladwell's subsequent servants) are a strictly defensive thing. It functions much the way wards from Shanker do. When a player tries to attack someone serving Gladwell, the person will get a message that magical wards prevented him or her from reaching the target. The person attacked will not even know the attack happened. What it does not do is offer any offensive protection. If the Bound Servant attacks a power role, he or she will (nominally) end up dead because someone of standard skill cannot harm someone of power skill. Note that there is no protection from traps or the wand of death. These two things kill anyone regardless of any other effects. Fortunately, both the box of traps and the wand of death are one-time use things. To clear up confusion, a counter attack happens automatically if the original attack by the offensive player fails because of a skill mismatch or immunity. If the counter attack fails, then neither character is killed but both know of the attack and who was involved. Anything after that is up to the player.
  8. I will reiterate I give a lot of leeway when it comes to these games. My intent is to not make people be afraid to do things to win. I just remind people that there are still standards and everyone needs to watch themselves because arguments can get heated during these things. The general rule is to not get personal with the game. Randomizer is correct. Generally speaking, personal insults will not motivate people to cooperate with you. For game purposes, who cares if someone gets called a "dirt cheap lying son of a sea horse"? It does not impact the standing in the game one bit. Now being killed by a more powerful character for refusing to cooperate does. Like the rest of these boards, just use common sense and you will be fine.
  9. You may say anything you want to other players so long as it does not violate the Code of Conduct. This includes lying about your role. Since this may come up, I'll address it now. You can make in-game threats such as saying you will attack a player if they do not cooperate with you. The line is drawn when things become personal: no name calling, personal insults, racial slurs, etc.
  10. Generally speaking it is a scenario without any plot, but serves a purpose of helping out a player's party or a scenario designer in some way. The High Level Party Maker is an example of the former and a sound test scenario is an example of the latter. Hope this makes sense.
  11. That is correct. The skill only counts as power when attacking an Anama.
  12. As a clarification, no, these are identified to the moderator. I will make sure something gets into the instructions for the player. Of course, Machrone (or anyone else) may identify them publicly. Thanks for looking this over.
  13. There are twelve roles in the game in alphabetical order. Below is information on each role's abilities, skill level, immunities, and victory conditions. Please offer comments below. Adventurer Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. If that person has any items, you steal one of them (chosen at random). Victory Condition: Kill, by your own hand, two of the following: Dionicio, Necromancer, Gladwell, Anama Priest, Darkside Blademaster, Darkside Mage. Anama Hunter Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. Reveals if that person is in the Anama. While attacking someone in the Anama, your skill level is treated as Power. Victory Condition: Total elimination of the Anama sect. The Anama Priest and all followers must be dead by any means necessary. Anama Priest Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: Magic Ability: May target one person per day. Reveals if that person is a magic user. Victory Condition: Have the number of Anama members outnumber the mages at the end of the game. The magic users are: Shanker, Gladwell, Necromancer, Darkside Mage. Bound Servant Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: So long as Gladwell is alive, you are protected from being attacked. This does not apply if you attack someone. Also, when you attack someone under your geas, your skill becomes power for the duration of the battle. Victory Condition: Gladwell dead by any means necessary. Darkside Blademaster Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: Physical Ability: None. Victory Condition: All four of the following must be dead, by any means necessary: Adventurer, Dionicio, Shanker, Empire Spy. Darkside Mage Skill: Stealth Attack: Magic Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. The target (if not immune to Magic) is cursed for the next 24 hours. If the target decides to attack anyone, his or her attacks will be unable to harm the opponent. Note the curse only affects when the target attacks, not when the target is being attacked. Victory Condition: All four of the following must be dead, by any means necessary: Adventurer, Dionicio, Shanker, Empire Spy. Dionicio Skill: Power Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. Reveals that person's role. Victory Condition: Both Darkside Loyalists dead by any means AND have possession of Crystal Spire at the end of the game. Empire Spy Skill: Stealth Attack: Physical Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. If the person does an action in the next 24 hours, you will follow that person and learn where they went, but not what they did. Victory Condition: You must kill, by your own hand, at least two of the following: Adventurer, Dionicio, Shanker, Necromancer, Darkside Blademaster, Darkside Mage. Gladwell Skill: Power Attack: Magic Immune: Magic Ability: You may do one of the following once per day: (1) Compel one of your servants to do any action they could do, or (2) Switch your immunity form magic to physical, or vice versa. Victory Condition: By the end of the game, have at least three living bound servants. Machrone Skill: Standard Attack: Physical Immune: None. Ability: Once per day, submit one question. For any player (except you) to do any action, a response (to all unanswered questions) must be given to the moderator in a PM along with the action. This will be posted in the public thread by the moderator. Victory Condition: Correctly identify four roles, including at least one of the following: Dionicio, Gladwell, or the Darkside Blademaster. Necromancer Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immune: Physical Ability: May target one dead person per day. Reveals the role that person had in life. The next day, you may use that ability instead of your own. Does not inherit abilities of Gladwell, Bound Servant, the Anama Hunter's power skill when attacking Anama, or any recruitment abilities. Victory Condition: At the end of the game, have at least two artifacts in your possession. Shanker Skill: Standard Attack: Magic Immune: None Ability: May target one person per day. This person is protected by magical wards from being attacked for 24 hours. Victory Condition: At the end of the game, have at least two artifacts in your possession.
  14. microphage, Please do not use HUGE COLORED TEXT, it is quite distracting. Please keep our forums clean. Thanks!
  15. I'll put it this way: More is not always better.
  16. Type shift-D, and type: sdf x y value To make flag 1,13 to a value of 6, you would type: sdf 1 13 6 Go through the scripts and look to see what flag gets set with that message.
  17. While I applaud your efforts to learn about QM, you are probably reading popularized works that present oversimplifications that anyone can grasp at a basic level. Do not confuse understanding these oversimplifications with any real understanding of QM. Don't worry, I tried around your age as well. Today, I'm aware the more I know about this kind of stuff, the more I realize how little I know.
  18. If memory serves, he opens them during the fight. If you kill him too fast, they never open.
  19. How I've always seen things is Jeff's universe acts as a template. It is convenient because it allows a designer not to have to develop and flesh out a completely unique universe of their own. It took Jeff three pretty large games to do this fully, but he still has a lot of loose ends. An individual designer within the context of a single scenario would have a harder time doing this, so Jeff's universe makes a convenient fall back. The problem is, once you start using Jeff's universe for these reasons, it is hard to completely remove oneself from it as the story develops. Believe me, I've thought about it, but I feel it a lot easier to introduce new things than to do major retconning. So my attitude has been this: My scenarios take place in my universe which is based on the template of Jeff's. I have a similar attitude about this with other designers as well.
  20. The spaceship is a little tricky to find. You need to find an amulet in the Grotto that can be used. Take the amulet to the stone circle in the second half of the scenario and use it. A gateway will open to the spaceship.
  21. Originally Posted By: TheTerminator It's not an exploit, it's a bug/inherent problem with the HP system. Perhaps changing the difficult should only apply after reloading the zone? That would probably be the easiest fix. But seriously, this doesn't seem like that big of an issue so long as it doesn't make the game unwinnable. I mean, if you really want to cheat, there are far more efficient ways.
  22. No, but to be honest, that's a pretty minor thing because we never saw the continent and really did not significantly change the consistency of the actual plot itself. In other words, only the archivists really care. Now, let's say in making Geneforge 5, Jeff got bored with the rebellion and it just vanished altogether with a cursory explanation, that would seriously make for a disappointing series. Also, if he decided to radically change the dynamics of the universe, that would also make a lot of people go "huh?" as well.
  23. Yeah, Geneforge is nice, but it's time for something the new. The problem is once you have a fully fleshed out world, it becomes constraining, as cool as the world is. I'm really looking forward to what comes after.
  24. Probably in the resource files on the Mac. Not sure about the PC equivalent. The best way is to play GF 5, and get all the creations. Should not be hard if you are an avid canister user.
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