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Everything posted by *i

  1. This probably should be impossible. You may have a very hard time proceeding later on in the game. Wait until killing council members until you get the mission from Ghaldring, if you decide to go that path.
  2. Actually, Alwan doesn't care what you do with the Shredbugs. He only cares that everyone else in the place dies. I know when I played it, I forgot to do anything with the control panel.
  3. First, what is your level? You should probably be around level 45-50 when you get here. Also, you should probably pump some stats into your creations if you have not done so already. Furthermore, do NOT attack Ghaldring right away. You need to speak with Astoria first in the northwest corner of the map. If you have some high leadership, you should be able to get a few creations to help you that have been locked away. I would suggest shaping a War Trall or two along with a couple Wingbolts. Glaahks are fairly weak later in the game, so I would just get rid of them unless they are really high level. Same with Battle Betas. The Cryodrayks are nice, but be sure to pump their stats so they survive. Otherwise, make sure you disable a few of those damage machines before Ghaldring gets too drained. Hope this helps.
  4. Uber, Please stop posting questions on things you can easily figure out for yourself. If you have a question, ask yourself: How can I answer this myself? If, after trying a few things, you cannot, then come here and ask. Do not ask things here as your first impulse.
  5. It is difficult to assign a superlative. I would say either Astoria or Alwan are fairly ethical depending on your ideas of creation rights. On the other end, the well-meaning Trakovite faction gets marred by Litalia's extreme tactics. Ghaldring turns you into an assassin (one could debate the ethics of this, I suppose). Taygen makes you participate in genocide.
  6. The BoA Editor suffers from not only an increased complexity, but less integration. While a computer science person will say that the modularity in BoA is superior to that found in BoE, it can get overwhelming for the casual user. I found that it is far easier to have one application handle everything than having to keep track of numerous files.
  7. Quote: Sleeping Dragon is asking if the zone in GF4 is named after the character in GF5. Judging by Crenshaw's relative unimportance, it is unlikely that the place was named after the character. A likely explanation is both the character and the place are named after a more famous Crenshaw. An even more likely explanation is Jeff subconsciously reused the same name.
  8. There are some bandits in Murkwood. In their lair, you will find a clue that allows you to find Crenshaw's base.
  9. I will add that the Blades of Exile engine is far easier to work with than the Blades of Avernum one. Granted, you do not have as much power, but it is a better place to start.
  10. Just to elaborate, you have to beat the presence once in the eastern core, twice in the western core, and once more in the central core. Let the messages on the scrying crystal be your guide.
  11. It is $25. Uber, once again, please try and find this information before asking us. Download the demo and read the help files. It is also online. If you want to design a scenario, start very small. Maybe 1 outdoor section and no more than 4-5 towns. Keep it simple.
  12. Morality depends on the person using it. My morals are different than yours. Granted, there are some generally agreed upon things such as killing people indiscriminately. Nonetheless, is using a gun in war to kill a human being immoral? It depends on the person. Someone could argue that anything that makes you more effective at killing would be immoral as well. What is more concrete is ethics. These apply more to societal norms than individuals. If you are a soldier, is it ethical to kill an opponent in war as a means of survival? Yes. Now we can argue about the ethicality of war itself, but given that you are trapped in one (whether ethical or not), it is not unethical to kill. Mind control is an interesting topic. Are there a set of circumstances in which controlling another person's mind would be ethical? What do people think?
  13. Jeff changes cheat codes around every few games. Occasionally he forgets to remove a few. The ones not on the list, however, are not recommended because they may end up breaking your game by doing very unexpected things that Jeff did not account for.
  14. Quote: I'd like to see all the world maps put up. Just an FYI, these maps should not be directly from the hint book. Jeff is nice enough to give people electronic copies and he does not want his generosity abused.
  15. GF4 had a much more dynamic plot than any of Jeff's previous games. The characters were far better developed than the more one-dimensional caricatures that we had before. They actually did things other than sit in their office/throne room and give you quests. The player was more involved in the storyline. This is in stark contrast to A4; while a good game, the plot was horribly predictable with no major character development. I honestly can't remember anyone truly notable from that game. Sure we got Dorikas, but he was minor and we didn't know a whole lot about him. There was Rentar-Ihrno, but after the demo area anyone who has played A3 would realize she was going to be the main villain. Besides that, no one comes to mind. GF4 developed Alwan and Greta as people whereas in GF3 they were caricatures for the Shaper or Rebel sides. Agent Miranda was introduced, who was perhaps one of the most colorful characters. We got to meet Ghaldring, whose character was a very intriguing atypical one. Unfortunately, he became a bit too typical in GF5. Also, your actions had greater impact and it felt like you were making a bigger difference in the game whereas before you may have filled out a 40 question survey on your feelings of Serviles, joined a faction, did some quests, and watched the ending.
  16. To paraphrase, Jeff realized that his best writing was for a world involving magic in a medieval setting. Perhaps with his increased skills as an author (GF4 showed a new level of skill), he can try something a little more different than the jump from the Avernum universe to the Geneforge one.
  17. I use 'exitzone' quite a bit because I don't like wasting time going from one place to the exit. I admit I use 'healmenow' and 'rechargeme' to save me from having to go back to a friendly town to recover.
  18. I know I didn't have trouble with them, but I was a fairly high level before coming back to these guys. What is your level, stats, and what creations do you have? Just an FYI, you should probably be around level 30 before going to Ghaldring, and even then, these areas can be difficult depending on how you build your character. It may be best to wait until you have more spells, equipment, and creations.
  19. Good work! I particularly liked the way he tied everything together with that specific ending. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Jeff has been pretty assertive that it is time for something new. Which, honestly, is a good thing. As the number of sequels grow, the author is further constrained by what he/she can do. As neat of an idea as the Shapers are, I think the thrill of exploring a whole new universe is needed.
  20. It is possible to shift factions, but it would take some serious management of reputation. I don't think anyone has yet done any analysis on how extreme one can shift; in other words, is it possible to join Taygen and then switch to Ghaldring?
  21. Try leaving the zone and coming back again. Enter the Power Core not in combat mode and see what happens.
  22. Rotdhizons are nice, but it needs support. It lacks all energy resistance which is a major drawback. Of course, support from your PC or the addition of War Tralls balance this out significantly.
  23. You could definitely be part of GF2 saga; however, the one reason I doubt it is because Alwan and Greta both know you. Litalia may or may not have known you, but it seems like she knows more than she is willing to admit. Still possible, but less likely. As for GF1, it is also possible, but even less likely because of the sheer amount of time and the Geneforge you used (being much more powerful, requiring specially made gloves) back then does not match the description of touching your hands to the surface. Still possible, but less likely.
  24. Quote: Oh, that would be A Perfect Forest (and as I said at Shadowvale : make more scenarios, *i ). I would like to, it is just difficult with all of my other professional obligations.
  25. Reload an earlier save or change the flag.
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