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Everything posted by *i

  1. You should find a way to get past the gate allowing you to reach the Dark River. This is important to avoid doing the quest forcing you to deal with Muck.
  2. I would not ignore them entirely, the lower level ones are cheaper SP-wise and are often very useful even in the late game. The number of Energy Potions/Elixirs is limited given that you would rather use the ingredients for knowledge brews, so sometimes casting cheap in the mundane battles is a good idea.
  3. No, and according to Jeff there will never be one. You should seriously consider Blades of Avernum or Blades of Exile if you are interested in that.
  4. I'm guessing you mean the Drake Pillars, but please be more specific. Southwest of Exodus, you will find a mine owned by a Nephil. Inside you will find an elevator, after that head to the sections north, west, and north again and you will find it.
  5. It is Nd4 versus Nd3 respectively. N is the sum of the base (14 and 16 respectively) and your combat skills (strength + melee or pole + blademaster). Long story short, the bloodspear is usually better.
  6. I did find a third pair of eyestalks (along with Heartstriker and a bunch of other stuff), but you get them after defeating General Redmark, so it is too late to use them for anything.
  7. Dorikas will indeed confirm this, although briefly.
  8. It depends on your role playing style. In one you will need to be evil at times and do things that will make towns and areas very angry with you. A while back I did some analysis and showed that you can pretty much get his stat boost a bit later if you do not accept the geas without doing all those nasty things. Granted, this is not until near the end of the game. Really, it comes down how you want to play the game. In the long run, I see Gladwell as not worth it, but there is added play value.
  9. You can modify the scripts to do this.
  10. Yes, press the "u" button to reveal usable items.
  11. You generally do not need to worry about it. I believe they only appear if you actually get the quest.
  12. If I remember right, you need to keep moving forward. Once you go through here you cannot go back, at least not until you get to the next pylon.
  13. In principle it is possible to complete the game, although it would be very hard. Not all side quests will be doable, for sure, but the main part of the game should be. If you count healing with magic, I doubt you will be able to finish the last fights.
  14. Look around for another crystal. You have a key now, you may want to explore areas you may not have been able to before.
  15. It's around 10-15, I'm sure someone will look in the scripts and give a more definitive answer. To get through this quadrant, there is an easier way. After dealing with the Prime Sentinel, you should have easy access to the SE quadrant. Go to the east end of the barrier zone between it and the NE quadrant and you should find a passage along the wall that will let you sneak past the sentinels.
  16. Report it to Jeff via e-mail.
  17. Go to the area with bones and keep walking around in circles. Can we get details on what you tried? The more specific, the better.
  18. In A5, morals are pretty much up to your role playing experience. There are few in-game negative consequences for being evil other than towns going hostile. So play in a way that enhances your experience the most.
  19. I always saw the Tame Rat as a valuable thing in my fight against Lysaak. He never really died, but I did have to take turns to heal him occasionally. I don't know, having NPCs is something that has been tried in other games. It could work, but you need to be careful with the balance issues. I'm not sure how having a rat would add though.
  20. Did you prebuff your party: bless, shield, and haste work wonders. Also, make sure you get help from the Avernite soldier and the giant rat if you have enough nature lore. Don't be afraid to summon a couple shades to act as things that can absorb some damage and deal some as well. Another thing is a basin that gives you essence armor is nearby, drink that. Finally, items: use them. EDIT: One more thing. Using leg sweep helps out a lot too. Shield breaker is more effective when there are three of them.
  21. Prefer what you like, it is not going to happen I am afraid.
  22. Hit 'u' to see what usable items/buttons are on screen. Have you got to the part with the goblin? If so, you need to do something with this.
  23. The easiest way to get past Ruth is earlier tell Tholmen you want to join and let him escape. Ruth will accept this as "payment" and if you decide to join, it pays off in the long run to let him live. The other way, albeit much more difficult, is to kill Solberg.
  24. Actually, Melanchion will specifically not take the chip of the Crystal Soul. You can offer it to him, but he does not want to anger the Vahnatai.
  25. If you do the geas, you will be forced to complete a lot of quests that make towns angry at you. Also, you will not be able to take up certain quests or join the Anama. The stat bonus is nice as are the rewards, but you can pretty much get all of that elsewhere later on.
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