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Everything posted by *i

  1. If you accidentally kill her, I doubt it could be an accident. If you harm any councilor and you are not part of Ghaldring's faction, the game ends with you being hunted down and killed.
  2. It seems that Jeff implied that your PC in GF5 is indeed one that you played in either GF4 or GF3 depending on your class choice. If you were a Shaper class, you were the GF3 PC. If you were a Rebel class, you were the GF4 PC. It does seem that many of the major characters knew you prior to your memory loss, so it is logical. As for Monarch, I heard the idea advanced that he might be the PC from GF 1 after using the Geneforge. Very powerful, totally mad, etc. It could be, but I doubt we will ever know.
  3. You can, however, modify the flag if you want to join. Type: sdf 60 16 0
  4. If you mean user drawn ones, I would go out and search some of the BoE graphics databases. The Louvre might be a place to start your search. Otherwise, search for "Blades of Exile" and "graphics" in Google. You might find the remnants of a lot of databases out there.
  5. To clarify, this is probably the save file I sent him. I created this on a PowerPC Mac OS 10.4. If one tries to load it on an Intel Mac, this might (and I am speculating here) create problems because of how the binaries are processed.
  6. The key word is "good". I argue that it is notoriously difficult to create a puzzle that is universally agreed upon as "good". People who struggle with it, may feel the exact opposite and call it a "bad" puzzle. Because of this, most of Jeff's recent puzzles tend to be fairly trivial and barely merit the title. To be fair, A5 had one in the Soultaker's Pit, but it is optional. I don't think GF5 has anything. It's unfortunate, but a "bad" mandatory puzzle in the demo can cost sales. It is probably best he avoids them and errs on the side of being too easy.
  7. In some respects, I can see why puzzles can be difficult to do and should be left out. You have to strike the balance between being challenging but not frustrating. Also, puzzles should, ideally, be language or culturally independent. Often times, this is a difficult balancing act to strike consistently. It is far too easy to make a puzzle either trivial or mind-numbingly counterintuitive. At the same time, I would not oppose optional puzzle dungeons. As part of the main plot, they are probably best left to their own genre.
  8. For the experienced gamer who has played all of Jeff's games, it is not too bad. If you are the casual gaming type, I could see how it could scare a lot of people off.
  9. In the end, will not make a significant difference on the actual difficulty of the game. If you are a power gamer, then it matters, otherwise just replace him. I think the sentiment is echoed here. These boards are meant as a resource to everyone. Completely stuck? Ask a question. However, please do not crowd out other topics by posting every little question. If you feel the urge to ask, try to solve your own problem first. I find that I can solve 95% of things by just experimenting. Honestly, Jeff tries to make these games fairly straight-forward -- he learned from his experience with Exile 2 and the Tomb of Dahris-Bok. Before you ask, it was a really hard, mandatory dungeon in the demo that scared off many prospective customers. I think Jeff is quoted as saying he doesn't even know how many customers that dungeon cost him.
  10. You could just go back and find out yourself or just read the scripts rather than making a new topic here. Here is the script: Quote: text2 = "_Callaran -_"; text3 = "_Normally, lesser tribes using my name earn destruction. However, you have impressed me with your effectiveness. Instead of disciplining you, I will allow you to pay me tribute and join my army._"; text4 = "_We will negotiate this in person. You will come to my keep, in the White Wastes. Look for an abandoned camp, with pens for raising creations. Ask the nomads. They will know the place you seek. Do not keep me waiting._"; text5 = "_Destroy this letter immediately._"; text6 = "_- Bennhold_";
  11. It has nothing to do with AP, I often have 10. The triggers indeed seem to start to hiss and explode during my movement. I do not get the message that they started hissing prior to me clicking on the mine, but they sure do on my way there. Either way, something funky is going on with this encounter; it should not require weird, counterintuitive engine abuse to complete.
  12. Could be. Just curious, Dahak, what are the stats and equipment of your PC? EDIT: I put on all my infiltrator items and find no observable difference in the time it takes to get killed. Most of the time, it is just right as I enter the doorway. I also tried boosting luck, to see if that made a difference, but no avail.
  13. I tried just that and the timers explode before I can reach the mines in the middle of my combat turn.
  14. When I tried that I got blasted while I was moving. Perhaps there is a very narrow path one can follow in combat mode. Either way, I couldn't find it despite my best attempts.
  15. I was wondering about that too. I concluded it was a red herring because I do not think it is mathematically possible for my Shaper to get it. I would need about 20 endurance at level 50 before I could think about it. I suppose for the other classes, it is possible for warrior/guardians/serviles to take this hit, but it would be very hard. I would probably consider this a bug.
  16. Sounds like a bug. You should e-mail Jeff with a bug report at spidweb .AT. spiderwebsoftware .DOT. com. Replace the .AT. and .DOT. accordingly.
  17. Could you please post your level and stats? If you do not have enough essence because of creations, save the game, absorb them, find out, and reload. If you do not have enough essence period, you have clearly done something very wrong in building your character. While we encourage people to ask questions, I have noticed that you ask very many of them that you could just figure out very easily on your own. Because posts take disk space (which Jeff is so nice to purchase for us) and they need to be purged periodically, try to exercise some restraint so we do not have to purge too soon.
  18. That depends where you are in the game and what level you are currently. We need to know before we can help you. Beyond that, just go to any uncleared zones (or cleared ones with enemies left) and clear them. Go to towns and cities, talk to people, get quests, etc. You should have no trouble in this game breaking level 40 easily. By game's end, I was at level 46 and I didn't try to max my level.
  19. While we encourage discussion on the games, I fail to see how this topic serves the community, so I am locking it. As Randomizer said, get items to help you, or simply do it the old fashioned way and gain more levels.
  20. You can always check the scripts. In this case, no, you have to fight.
  21. Furthermore, regardless of whether you keep creations or dispose of them, the game should not be too difficult to complete either way if you have built and equipped your character correctly. In other words, power-gaming aside, the impact on the actual difficulty is fairly small.
  22. I finished Alwan's and Taygen's ending. The Alwan ending is actually quite good and he does moderate, in the end. He turns out to be merciful and allows the remnants of the rebellion to have the Ashen Isles for the Rebels that are currently living. After they die out, the Ashen isles will be reclaimed by the Shapers. This may cause trouble, but at least both sides agreed. Rawal and Taygen lose their council seats and Astoria maintains hers but everyone is always suspicious of her. Shaper law is reinstituted and strict controls are put into place, but the Shapers are more benevolent. Takovites are discredited and Litalia killed. You end up living a comfortable life. All and all, most people are happy. The Taygen ending is a "bad" ending. You win, he unleashes the purity agent without the council's permission. Rebellion is totally eliminated. Rawal becomes high councilor, Alwan dies in shame, Astoria retains her seat but people are ever suspicious, and Taygen is exiled. Shaper law is reinstituted, but Trakovites philosophy slowly gains a lot of influence. Litalia is killed. You end up as an outcast. Most people are disgusted in the end.
  23. All right, this forum is not about TM, but about GF5; let's stay on topic and move this discussion to a private one. Thanks!
  24. More likely is that the Shapers were a lot less centralized and their culture far less strict in those days -- centuries before the series. One could envision many reasons for Sucia to be hurriedly abandoned and the Serviles abandoned and no one returned for the Serviles. The most likely is that they did not see Serviles (or any creation) as a threat. Let them stay there until they decide to return. Over generations, the knowledge of what is on Sucia is lost other than that it is barred. Another cause could be a war or internal revolution could have called the Shapers of Sucia back to the mainland. These Shapers lost and during the takeover, knowledge of Sucia was lost as well. Of course, this is just "speculation" and far from cannon, but there could be justification beyond incompetence. This rationale would make a far more interesting story than the previous one.
  25. You cannot get into Nodeye or Lethia, period.
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