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About Nic

  • Birthday 04/20/1985

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Curious Artila

Curious Artila (3/17)

  1. Not to be a broken record, but how do I do that?
  2. So I went through Bennhold's keep and was about to get to the point where he's waiting in the middle of all of the mines. I find myself low on essence and health, and my pack full, so I decided to pop into town to sell my stuff and heal up. I come back, go through the door with the lever in the beginning, go up to the area and Bennhold is gone and I couldn't find him anywhere. I didn't start any event with him, I have no idea what happened or where he is, any ideas as to how to fix this issue? Obviously, my autosave is useless and I quicksaved after I got back from town...
  3. Yeah, I read the previous topic, but this sucker just ain't coming out. Any tips?
  4. Don't get me wrong guys, I thought that A4 had great plot and good gameplay, I was just really turned off by how linear it was. It's not one of Jeff's better games, but still a great game, regardless.
  5. I'm a big fan of spider web games. I bought and beat Exile 2, 3, and Avernum 4, but I have a question before I want to buy Avernum 5. I have to say, I was rather unimpressed with Avernum 4. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but I found it way too linear and I felt that there wasn't much of a sense of exploration compared to the previous games. With that said, is A5 better?
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