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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. As I recall it's actually closer to ending 2 or 3, with the shapers who were sent to investigate the island basically taking the place of Goettsch.
  2. The automatic stat increases on levelup are the same for all characters regardless of class: it always cycles through Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Endurance.
  3. Yeah, the only thing that's affected by your class choice is your starting stat and skill allocations: the prebuilt classes are basically just there to make character creation a bit less intimidating for new players.
  4. If you want to do that, there's a very specific way to do it and it requires that you haven't given the specs to the Shapers.
  5. Also, note that giving the Unbound specs to Alwan is a really bad idea if you have any intention of going for a non-Shaper ending.
  6. Can we maybe spin this line of discussion off into another thread if it's going to continue? It's getting pretty severely off-topic.
  7. i mean, you don't have to do a thing just because one person said so. use your own judgement as to what they contribute to the work.
  8. I'm assuming you've already tried talking to your housemates about this without success? It sounds like you've already looked up a number of relevant authorities to complain to, and you may be nearing the limits of what you can achieve on your own. Is there any kind of free legal aid service for people with low incomes or disabilities in your area? They might have a better idea of what your options are. If all else fails, I guess "put the photos online, share them with everyone you're remotely connected to and hope it goes viral" is an option, if something of a nuclear one. It's definitely not gonna make you any friends, but if it's either that or continue to put up with your current living situation... well, it's your decision to make.
  9. i mean some fermented stuff has the potential to be pretty offputting even if it's plant-based, like natto i've had tongue but tbh it didn't even occur to me that people would think of it as that weird. it's just a muscle, like most of the meat that people eat is
  10. it's kind of hard for me to judge what other people on this forum would find weird about my diet. i'm pretty big on organ meats, which i know from experience that a lot of people are weirded out by, but my mother's side of the family is Ukrainian and she grew up poor so liver and kidneys were always a normal part of her diet, and of mine when i was growing up in turn. usually pan-fried with onions. when she was younger she'd also eat other things like chicken feet which i didn't really get much exposure to anything involving raw meat can be pretty confronting too, the first time you encounter it. since you mentioned Ethiopian food, i've had and enjoyed kitfo, which is basically spiced minced raw beef. but on the other hand, most salami is basically uncooked meat that's been fermented, and people in Europe or the Anglosphere nowadays would think of that as a normal food, so it's not just about the content of the food but the familiarity. my mother grew up in a time and place where most people thought of even spaghetti as an exotic foreign food; growing up, she quickly learned to keep her mouth shut about her own diet around other kids at school. heck, as someone who grew up in Australia Vegemite is a completely normal condiment to me but i've encountered lots of foreigners who are baffled by it. so it really does come down to what you've had experience with, i guess. okay that was all sort of rambly and nonresponsive. what else have i had that people might find weird. i guess i tried stewed pig's feet at a Malaysian restaurant once? they were okay. i've eaten stir-fried crocodile, that was pretty good, but i feel odd about calling it a weird food because, like, protein is protein, you could make the same dish with calamari instead and the taste and texture would only be a little bit different
  11. It sounds like what he's envisioning is something that'd be a direct competitor to sites like StoryNexus, if you're familiar with that: a platform for creating mostly text-based browser games. The problem, of course, is that those already exist and have access to more staff and resources than Jeff does, so if they can't adequately curate all their content it's hard to see what Jeff and his wife could do that anyone else can't. Also, Jeff doesn't necessarily want to spend his time vetting other people's work even if there were money in it; he's mentioned repeatedly that he prefers to work on his own, and his previous experiments with publishing other people's stuff (I'm not just thinking of BoE/A here but also Lost Souls, Galactic Core, etc.) have had mixed results at best.
  12. Yeah, Jeff's blogged a bit about online gaming before. His assessment is that firstly, it's not really where his skills or interests lie as a game designer and programmer, and secondly, there are a lot of bigger and more experienced competitors in that market, there are high costs of entry and ongoing expenses, and if he tried to compete there's a pretty good chance he'd be eaten alive.
  13. Nobody knows for sure how effective Ward of Thoughts is or even exactly how it works, but Ward of Steel and Ward of Elements actually show their effects on your characters' armour or resistances if you look at their character sheets before and after casting it. From memory, I think they reduce damage by something like 20/25/30% at levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively, but I could be a little bit off. edit: I checked Strategy Central and yep, Ward of Steel is 20/25/30% protection from physical and acid, and Ward of Elements is the same for fire, cold and energy. They stack multiplicatively with any other sources of resistance you have, and they're still subject to the overall 90% cap on resistances.
  14. I mean, wanting the power and prestige that comes with being Keeper seems like a perfectly good reason in itself, if your character is that kind of a person. Sure, it's a dangerous job, but if you've gotten that far it's not like danger has stopped you before. Well, he's strong in battle. It's less clear that he's still got all his wits about him, especially in Avadon 2.
  15. It's mentioned in G4 and G5 that some of the Shaper laws are being enforced less strictly as the Shapers get increasingly desperate to put down the rebellion.
  16. His twitter is the most regularly updated way to hear from him. He also has a blog, but it hasn't updated in a few months and when it does update he links to it on his twitter anyway.
  17. I've never heard that before and I'm pretty sure it's not true.
  18. Also, researchers tend to focus on specific areas of study, and it seems like most of the research conducted on Sucia was focused on modifying humans. If the Shapers on Sucia felt that shaping oneself to improve one's own abilities was a more reliable route to power than making new and stronger creations, then creation research might not have been a high priority for them.
  19. Well, I mean, he's said more than once that as he gets older and keeping up with new tech becomes more challenging for him, he never knows whether his next game will be his last: no more games would imply no more new IPs. I don't think he's ever outright ruled out starting on a new series, but he has said that new ideas good enough to hang a game on are getting harder to come by and he doesn't have any definite plans for what, if anything, his next IP will be (or didn't last time he talked about it).
  20. it's meant to be someone playing a trumpet fanfare
  21. From experience with BoA scripting, -1 usually means "nothing to see here, ignore this entry". It's especially common to see it if the script is importing data from another monster or item that does have a non-negative value for that entry, in order to override and disregard that part of the import. Looking at the Blades of Avernum documentation might be helpful for this too. I can't guarantee everything's stayed the same between games but it'd be a good starting point.
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