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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. Those are two separate list items. Each of those last six items are used for (non-Nicodemus-related) quests, but you can find one of each near where you get the quest, so it's not super important to hang on to them. The items to keep for Nicodemus are different and are mentioned under Nicodemus's quest entry. Those are Oak Pitch, Sapphire Powder, Powdered Demon Horn, Infernal Larva, Dragon's Fang, Enchanted Nugget, Gold Powder, and Meteor Iron.
  2. There are two libraries in the west and southeast of the Tower of Magi. Each has one book.
  3. You may have missed a note giving you a hint on how to destroy the portal. Spoilers if you want 'em:
  4. They'll try to move toward you, so if you're anywhere in their general direction, neither waiting nor moving around will help, since they'll just sit at the shore staring at you. If you can't dislodge them from anywhere in the areas you can access now, you're better off just coming back later in the game.
  5. If you travel far enough away from the affected area, the wandering monsters will eventually disappear.
  6. Yeah, I think it might require you to have done another quest first.
  7. Eventually. Avadon 3 was just released, so it's possible that a Geneforge remake will be the next project in line. Check back around the middle of next year, maybe.
  8. It's Homeland: The Stone of Night, an RPG formerly published (but not developed) by Spiderweb Software. Searching for the full title should give you a little more information, but in short, it was not a commercial success and the developer isn't around any more.
  9. Yes, you've had two opportunities to allocate specializations. If you didn't put them both in the same specialization, then presumably you put them in different specializations instead, or else you haven't allocated one of them yet. It might be easiest to just post a screenshot of what your character's skill training screen looks like at the moment so we can see what you've done, because at the moment I'm not even sure exactly what you're confused about. You can upload it to an image hosting service like imgur and then link it here.
  10. The only thing specialization does is give you a free point in each skill in the column you're specializing in. It's exactly the same as if you'd put the skill points in manually when levelling up, except they don't count toward the 8-point cap. There are no unique special skills that are locked or unlocked based on your choice of specialization. Basically, just ask yourself "what skills do I most want free bonus points in?" because that's literally all it is: extra points in some of the skills you already have.
  11. Yes, you can stack more than one level of the same specialization. You can't get everything on a single character by the maximum level, and even if you could you can only take one action at a time, so it's better to focus on the skills you find most useful.
  12. Your resistances are capped at 90%, and it's pretty hard to get them even that high because of the way armour and resistances work (basically, you can think of all your sources of protection as a series of layers, each of which lets a percentage of damage through to the next, so there's always some damage that gets through to you in the end).
  13. Yeah, it's not a specific quest item or anything. Just have a regular old hammer in your inventory.
  14. I actually felt almost the opposite way; the G4 Trakovite ending isn't especially happy (none of the G4 endings are, for various reasons), but it's a logical consequence of your actions, while the G5 Trakovite path feels to me like it pulls a happy ending out of thin air in a way that directly contradicts key themes of the series.
  15. Have you emailed Spiderweb Software directly with a report of your problem?
  16. There's already been one mod post in this thread reminding people to stay friendly, and it doesn't seem to have worked very well. I really, really don't want to have to lock this thread, but that's the direction it's going in if people can't dial it back and stop implicitly calling each other cowards for disagreeing with each other.
  17. Getting a passport right now isn't a bad idea for trans people even if you don't plan on international travel, because in many states it's one of the easiest ID documents to get a gender change on, and that might not remain the case forever.
  18. As far as I know, this is the most complete scenario archive currently online.
  19. There's no rule against being wordy. On the other hand, you've pretty much admitted to intentionally provocative posting in a way that borders on trolling, which we do discourage here. I haven't stepped in because people seem to be enjoying the discussion so far and nobody seems to be too upset about it, but try not to rile each other up too much in future.
  20. If the game says your hit rate is 95%, it's 95%, even if it doesn't always feel like it. Sometimes you just have a run of bad luck. Wearing a lot of heavy armour can be a problem for your hit rate early on, but eventually your stats should be high enough that it won't matter.
  21. Make sure to invest most of your melee characters' stat points in Strength, as it has a significant effect on your hit rate. As long as you do that it shouldn't be hard to cap out your hit rate eventually regardless of armour.
  22. That one's also reportedly intentional, or rather the unavoidable consequence of an engine limitation in the way portals work.
  23. the MMPI is pretty much the gold standard in terms of personality tests with something resembling validity but i wouldn't exactly call it "fun"
  24. Confirmed by Jeff not to be a bug. The skill is still effective even for non-sorcerers, it's just that they have no way of getting it except from items.
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