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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. Trakovites are not a large threat simply because they don'tshape. The only threat the trakovites pose is a slight nuisance and demoralizing the people. So long as people support the Shapers, the trakovites don't really stand much of a chance. However, they do have a moral high ground, at least in many people's eyes. They aren't going anywhere, which includes up.
  2. I believe that in the creations folder, I'm not sure what it's called, each creation has a given speed. You can increase the number. However, as always, it will affect all creations of that model, not just yours.
  3. Due to popular demand (as well as my desire to do it) I have started working on a script to give a number of coins equal to your current reputation in geneforge one. I chose to add it to the entry sign in Vakari (sp). I added a new talk node (and I'm not exceeding the limit), and set the state for the node (no, it's not used by anything else and it's the next empty state). I then went to the node for the sign and set the next state for the new one I made. My problem currently is not that the node isn't working, but that a completely unrelated line (1527) now has too many strings! This line is one of the ones involved in the reputation encounters where what a person says is dependent on your reputation. The script here is exactly the same as it is in the unedited version (which works fine), but whenever I play, the dialogue is broken and nothing works! Any suggestions?
  4. Yes, but as for batons, just point them at the ground and you'll be fine. And the doors probably have a maximum speed which would allow people to get out of the way. Now that new flat screen TV you just bought at the market...
  5. Sorry if this has already been addressed ad infinitum, but I can't seem to find it anywhere (yes, I did use the search feature). I have started replaying the original Geneforge and eventually the other games, and I was wondering if someone knew how creation stats were affected by levels. In other words, is it worth keeping creations around or is it just as good if not better to remake them once you can make them a higher level? Any and all data would be much appreciated. Thanks
  6. Well hey there Irritation. I would say the customary greeting, but the second half always eludes me. Winning as a pacifist, that is, without killing anything, is not particularly easy and I don't have any advice for you. Creations: Early on, it's pretty simple: Fyoras and such. As the game progresses, wingbolts tend to be the best you can get. Battle creations are not the greatest. And as for factions, I believe (it's been a while) that you can wait until very close to the end to declare a faction. Be warned, however, that you should keep you reputation fairly neutral if you wish to reap the benefits of both sides.
  7. Shaper Spddin, thank you for these wonderful, er, terrible ideas. I have no idea how you could have come up with them. Nonetheless, I will have to try them!
  8. Off the top of my head, Litalia, Alwan, and Greta are introduced in number 3 and end up as major characters in both 4 and 5. However, I haven't played the older games thoroughly or recently enough to give any more insight.
  9. Ahh, an MMO geneforge world. If done well, it would have the potential to be amazing. But, alas, it will never be done, let alone done well.
  10. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: The Ratt Upon reflection I am interested to know where in GF5 do you have to right-click. I can't think of any examples. To bring up the stats of inventory items. I use a mac and, if my memory serves, I never have any trouble using the pseudo-right-click. However, I haven't yet played much on my laptop, and it sounds as if you are, or you are using one of the new small keyboards. If you go to system preferences and then keyboard, you can alter the F(X) keys. I have mine set so that the printed function only applied when I hold down the function key and they act as regular "F" keys when I just click them.
  11. Yes. I believe that there may be a few more down in the storeroom. If you really have killed them all, it's most likely a corrupt save file and you need to go back to an older save (or start over (be glad you haven't gotten that far)). And the presence: Click to reveal.. It goes from the right foundry area to the left foundry area and then to the center. The aforementioned geneforge is in the center area.
  12. Speaking of the repository, what do all of the levers in the patrol houses do?
  13. Originally Posted By: Shaper Spddin It would also be cool to build a fortress where you could do shaping. shape turrets and mines to defend it. And once in a while the enemy attacks you and you have to fend it off. In this fortress you could shape a servent mind to control everything and you could use clawbugs to dig,, so you could expand underground. Welcome to my fantasy world (well, one of two), please check your reality at the mystic portal.
  14. I think he means being able to use your awesome shaping powers on yourself. For example, shaping a tail onto yourself.
  15. Originally Posted By: ichiniisan while not in combat. So make them and enter combat mode.
  16. I used to say geneforge as jen(like the girl's name)-forge, but then switched to gene(as in DNA)-forge. Now that I've seen the videos, or at least the first two: They're pretty amusing. Good advertising, but he (sorry if that's anyone here) isn't the greatest player. Not a noob, but not amazing.
  17. Ooooh right, like when the unbound come and tear down a building. Having creations/spells be able to target anything would always be fun, although the programming and graphics would, at least so it would seem to be, very difficult.
  18. Besides making a hideout fort to defend from rebel attacks... Full shaping, like what real shapers can do would be nice. That would include serviles, minds, podlings, and so forth, as well as the ability to augment creations during the shaping process, or however you get the cool creations that shapers can make but we can't.
  19. I'm not sure, but I think I've heard people say that it's not the first time that that's happened. Maybe it's because they are the classics and the first spells you learn...
  20. Actually, I only ever put about one point into strength with my Shaper. All I ever do is heal and buff (which gets done before battles), so having full APs isn't really necessary.
  21. Yes, the only good parts about IGU are a few canisters, but for hardcore anti-self-shaping-people like me, it doesn't matter
  22. Quote: But the Rebel game is well worth playing because it's quite different from all the others, more than they are different from each other. And if you play it right, you can enter every area in the game except for one small part of the Lost Dera Vault, so you don't need to miss much of what you see in the other plots. This implies that you can in fact get to inner gazakii uss as a rebel. Either I am mistaken or I would very much like to learn how to do this, as I am currently (and slowly) doing a power-game run through.
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