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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Quote: Vahkos Nationality: Empire Skill: Power Attack: Magic Immune: Poison Ability: When anyone dies, you capture their spirit at the start of the following day. You may attack one person per day (you normally receive the first strike) in addition to sending out one of your spirits to attack. On the final day, you may send out as many spirits as you desire. If you have any spirits captured, when targeted with any ability that counts as an action (attack, ability use, offensive item use) the action fails and a random spirit attacks the offender. Spirits normally get the first strike and inherit all properties they had in life. After a spirit attacks (or attempts to), it is gone. You are immune to the antimagic status. You are allowed to create a priority list of which spirits you want to attack and which ones you want to defend. You may not tailor your defense to specific character attacks. Victory: You are the only survivor at the end of the game. Where does that say that Vahkos can't use any items? Roles that aren't able to use items can still hold the items (i.e. Fae, Aimee is the exception), so you're not being very convincing. Edit: Tarson!
  2. If you claim to be so many different roles, you'll probably end up getting attacked, which usually isn't a good thing...unless of course you're Vahkos.
  3. Infiltrator Skribbane Addict Trickster SIC Adventurer Empire Spy Dionicio Bound Servant Anama Hunter Pure Spirit Those are all the roles he's claimed to be so far. If he's not Vahkos, then who is he?
  4. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba BoA BoA Editor Avernum Trilogy BoE Exile Trilogy I remember that this was the correct order for these five forums. I never payed attention to the other four so I don't remember.
  5. I've noticed that the necromancer is still listed as a role that can join Gladwell. Can the trickster join Gladwell as well?
  6. I'm reading the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Surprisingly, even though Steinbeck is one of my favorite authors, I've never read it before.
  7. I only thought you were Fae because Thuryl told me so.
  8. Would the player whose action was redirected become aware of it if the action was something like a curse?
  9. Originally Posted By: Sporefrog About DLs: The domont really has to be on the ball. Since there's no secret word anymore, we figured each other out based on our mutual enemies list. Our random targets were only known by us, so once we both started listing off the same people, we knew we'd found each other. It was pretty scary when we both revealed our roles though. I could post the dialogue if anyone's interested. We were fortunate enough to have Craftmaster Strine and Machrone as targets, since I could easily mention them in PMs without looking suspicious.
  10. I think Duck stayed loyal, but otherwise, yeah.
  11. Originally Posted By: wz. As Yeah, sorry Sleeping Dragon. You made it clear you wanted to win whether or not I survived, and I couldn't quite trust you. Had you just handed over that holy symbol, all could have turned out well Good job DLs! That was really well done. She was secretly plotting with us to kill you, anyways.
  12. Interesting, could we please see the log?
  13. I tried to kill you with bandits, but you were apparently protected by the mystic symbol.
  14. Wow...that was a quick game. Is this the first time that all three DLs have won? In case anyone was wondering, the 5 names I received at the beginning of the game were: Stareye Thuryl Sporefrog Omlette w-dueck
  15. What does the holy symbol do for the alchemist now that we got rid of alchemicals? Does it simply allow the alchemist to make two more potions?
  16. ^ Funny. Shouldn't we just have a vote on this? It seems to me like lots of things are being repeated in this thread, and we still haven't decided on a solution.
  17. Oh, I was thinking the cap the party could carry was 25,000.
  18. Wow, nice. So basically, you can't buy a spell from a shop once your skill in the spell reaches a certain level. Oh well, it's not like any scenarios leave level 20 arcane blow at your fingertips.
  19. Joining them also lowers your reputation, which is why I never join them.
  20. I agree with Drakefyre. I don't see the need to establish a rubric or any other concrete method of scoring. Having recently read some reviews, I noticed that all of the reviews offered useful points to the designer, yet there was a variety of methods used to score the scenario, and all of the methods seemed to produce a reasonable conclusion. Plus, some people will likely be deterred by having to conform to a set guideline.
  21. Originally Posted By: Earth2025 monolith: Avernum is meant to play mostly by mouse so ............... The second trilogy you mean. I don't use the mouse too often in the original trilogy (usually for inventory and not much else).
  22. In both A3 and E3 I ended up forgetting about the golem ambush on the bridge north of Gale, and my party was fresh from the slime pits too.
  23. If you need any more, I can test too: Name: Exalibur E-mail: int80 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net OS: Windows XP
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