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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I only recall the fire lizard egg quest. I don't remember any use for drake eggs or aranea fangs.
  2. There's an efreet in Empire land who sells blessed weapons.
  3. I don't think there's any other skills you can buy. You can always keep a large hoard of valuables at the inn in Silvar.
  4. You also need to know the recipe, and I believe you have to be indoors as well.
  5. Isn't there a third red pass that hasn't been mentioned?
  6. Buy anatomy from Elgar (the priest) in Mertis. It costs 3000 gp/point.
  7. Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff No, there's always been zombies in Avernum. I'm picturing a 16-foot-tall, heavily decaying corpse lurching around and talking in a shrill, squeaky voice. Calling you cute and trying to kiss you. *shudders* I bet swamp folk (in A Small Rebellion) would be worse.
  8. Finish the quest for the giant, intelligent, friendly, talking spiders west of Fort Draco. There's also some loot in it as well.
  9. Now we have to deal with giant, intelligent, friendly, talking chitraches. *shudders*
  10. Oh ...Mertis then, since it's undead problem isn't so bad, it's relatively free of Empire problems in E2/A2, and it's not too far from the Tower of Magi or Silvar.
  11. The tests are used if the council feels you need to make yourself worthy to them. If you played right on the way to the vahnatai lands you never have to do any of them.
  12. Not buying the max amount of barter from a trainer early on is silly, I think. If you do have all that barter early on then money won't be a problem for the rest of the game.
  13. Farport seems nice, or somewhere to the southwest of it (where Ernest and the dryad are).
  14. Hmm...First aid was so bad in the trilogy that I never bothered later on, and consequently never learned that first aid restores spell points. Oh well, there's always next time.
  15. I never found first aid helpful in any of the games. I'd rather just cast a healing spell.
  16. That giant is probably just a prisoner, kept there for all the usual reasons. Perhaps Lorelei thought it could learn something from it.
  17. A2 first and A3 second. I like the plot of the former and the openness of the latter.
  18. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Brooms for Resuscitation —Alorael, who has run parties in which everyone had all the positive traits just because he could. That's what I do with my standard party, for the same reason. I did that the first time I played, because I didn't know ant better. It's pretty nice when all your characters regenerate HP quickly.
  19. Originally Posted By: pitchblack Whew, do I smell fetid rot and decay here? How many times has this thread been resurrected? It isn't really resurrected: it's merely refreshed on a regular basis.
  20. You also don't have to type in the whole word, merely the first four letters of the word (well with E3, anyway).
  21. 1. Slith tank - pole weapons, assassination, strength 2. Human fighter - melee weapons, defense, 3. Human fighter - bashing weapons, alchemy, wide skill spread 4. Nephil archer - archery, melee weapons, lockpicking/disarm traps, and defense. 5. Human priest - some bashing weapons 6. Human mage - some melee weapons I actually think this is a weaker party, since bashing weapons aren't very useful, and archery doesn't cause much damage. All characters end up have training in priest spells, and in one game all my characters could cast divine thud (I could also turn a battlefield into a painful field of blades). I use spells a lot, and I use my warriors to take out more important monsters like mages or jeweled golems, and to simply take damage. I haven't played in a long time, though, and haven't developed any new strategy.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dark.Fenix havent u talked to all of them? there was also the one who was raising the baby spiders that in turn were always trying to eat her (baby spider instinct) I probably missed one. It's a bit hard to distinguish them considering how they all have the same graphic, and are all named Spider.
  23. Riditas (In Oglai, A2 of course), who sells mushrooms - "Only the best. Large, soft, well treated, and very energizing. And few harmful hallucinations!" In A5 the GIFTS are the funniest characters, I think, though I don't remember anything from Dark.Fenix's post in the game.
  24. Does the Anama do that in A4 or something? I haven't played it, so I wouldn't know.
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