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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Well, the topic is stickied, so I don't think you need to do that much.
  2. Originally Posted By: Report High Crimes and Misdemeanors There is a link to this topic now. Yes, but clicking on it brings me to the forum list.
  3. Yes, it sounds good. You seem to have problem with spelling though, which is something you want to watch out for while making a scenario.
  4. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel And you would also need to find some way to deal with magic, which isn't really suited to the Star Wars universe. What about that guy in the sixth episode that shoots lighting bolts?
  5. Originally Posted By: Ackrovan And is there anyway to change the name of this topic to "Questons of the Newb about Blades?" Yes, click the edit button just below your first post and change the subject in the subject bar.
  6. If you use custom graphics people make be sure to credit them somewhere.
  7. Mine is: 1. Slith tank, pole weapons, assasination, quickstrike (sickness prone) 2. Nephil archer, melee weapons, tool use, gymnastics, defense (sickness prone, and strong back or fast on feet) 3. Human priest, potion making, magery (natural mage) 4. Human mage, arcane lore, magery (natural mage)
  8. Petersburg, though I also have to read Fast Food Nation at school.
  9. You should have spoken with a dragon on the storage level (level with the chitraches, library, and chicken farm), who wants you to free him. After you free him by using the control panel on another level the rocks will be removed and you can get past. -There's a walk through for the scenario in the Blades of Avernum manual by the way.
  10. Hey Iffy: Are you going to send me the uncompressed file anytime soon?
  11. Originally Posted By: SyNIKgy Originally Posted By: Excalibur Twilight Vale: Oh no you didn't... Sorry about the typo, though that isn't really as bad as the fact I left it out! I'm assuming Smoo's comment about the nude pictures was a joke, because I didn't get any mail from Smoo. Note: Adrift, In the Shadow of Dragons, and Witch Hunt all came out to an average of 4.17 in the finals. I don't know how it's calculated with a different number of judges throughout, though there was a majority among judges with those three.
  12. Newcomer: Witch Hunt: Jewels (6.5): My opinions haven't changed. Fairly enjoyable. I loved the poison arrows and the story was sound enough. I think the designer should have included a pre-made party because of the removal of equipment. It would lessen the risk of accidentally ruined parties. Excalibur (6): This scenario has a few points that cause it to suffer. A lot of the combat was performed by my buffed archer, which didn’t make it much fun. The plot was pretty bad I thought, but the writing was okay. It’s annoying that equipment is not returned, as well as the fact that the witch somehow appears in town. The town design was rather bland. Regardless, the scenario wasn’t boring, but not nearly as enjoyable as some other scenarios. In the Shadow of Dragons: Jewels (7.1): Well written and plausible. Some beautiful dungeon design. I did note a few bugs. The caves could have used some alternate text for after the dragon was killed especially in the area where the dragon had been hibernating.[/b] Excalibur (7): The combat is challenging, but not too hard. The outdoor and town design is unique, though not the greatest. The writing is nice, as is the plot. The scenario has way too much loot for its size, and the final fight with Gavin is too easy. Despite that, it’s a fun scenario. Blades of Rogue: Excalibur (7): It really is quite a technical feat to create a rogue-based generator. It actually wasn’t boring, but it took a while to finish. One disadvantage it has was that trapdoors were visible on the automap, which I took advantage of (It made the combat harder, but oh well). Jewels (2.5): There is no story, there is no real objective, there is no end... Not even a way to quit 'normally'. It may not have any bugs, but neither does it have any reason to be played. Wilderness: Excalibur (8): Short and sweet: a sufficient plot, fun combat, well-done writing, and nice town design. This is an exemplary short scenario. Jewels (4.4): Well, it was kinda... meh. A scenario this short shouldn't have simple errors and yet I counted five grammar/spelling errors and the stairs to the inn couldn't be climbed again after fighting after the vampire without explanation. The outdoors looked cool but it was hard to navigate. I didn't enjoy it very much and I don't expect to ever replay it. Kill them Dead: Jewels (6.7): Slightly interesting and somewhat funny, bug free with cute and sexy custom graphics. Worth at least one more replay to see if I can be a bad dude. Deduction for unnecessary profanity... Excalibur (4): Kill then Dead seems to have been created for the purpose of humor, but it isn’t any bit funny. Half the scenario seems to have been written with the caps lock on. The combat is boring, or just simply annoying, and the writing and plot is rather bland …but at least the sparkles look nice. Done!
  13. General Entries B: Bonus Army: Excalibur (6): This scenario is short, not as short as some, but the plot isn’t satisfactory. The scenario ends when the plot has barely begun, and the story is a bit confusing as well. There’s no combat, and the town design isn’t anything exceptional. The graphics play a good part in creating a good tone, but that’s the only thing I found praiseworthy about it. Nioca (5): A hard one to rate. A good story, but that's all there is to it. Still, the atmosphere is good, and TM shows competence in writing the dialogue and text. Still, there's no fighting or interaction. Simply walk to this space, read some text, move on. Jewels (3): My opinions haven't changed. Not much to rate... enjoyability low, replayability non-exsistant. Could have been a good beginning to a story but alone it's just not up to par. Outpost Valley: Excalibur (7): This is a great 24-hour scenario. The writing is silly, but the combat is endless fun. There are some nice technical things (such as NPC’s using your equipment), as well as a standard plot. Nioca (7): You may ask: why do I like this scenario so much? The plot is nothing special. It has a neat technical trick, but nothing awe-inspiring. Graphically, there's been better. And Aphobia has this one beat when it comes to combat. So why? Because it wound up being better than the sum of it's parts. Each and every element complements the others, and a general aura of fun permeates it. That's why. Jewels (5.7): A bit buggy in the beginning. My party jumped around without reason. The only scripting that really intrigued me was the leaving of the parties items in various areas or in monsters hands throughout the dungeon. Storyline was OK but grammar was a little off. Graphics were nothing special. A mediocre play. Settlers: Excalibur (6): A rather well made scenario given a 24-hour time frame. The plot is standard, and the ending could be better (the fort is destroyed). The writing is okay, but it could be better. This could have been a seven, but I thought the combat was too hard for a level one party. The scenario, as a whole, was a bit boring I thought. Nioca (6): While intended to be just an example to newbie designers, this example scenario stands it's ground rather well. While the plot is nothing special, it had a nice little twist at the end. Town design was commendable here, as was combat. Jewels (4): My opinions haven't changed but my score did a bit. If you want to learn how to make a scenario, it's a great resource. If you want to play a fun scenario, pick a different one. Shades of Grey: Excalibur (9): The sheer splendor of the graphics is amazing (which still don’t work on my Mac). The combat is fun and challenging and the plot and writing is solid. The ending is a bit confusing though, and a bit disappointing as well. Jewels (8.4): My opinions haven't changed but my score did a bit. Very enjoyable. I loved the special items and look of the scenario. There are a few holes in the plot, presumably leaving room for a sequel, but the end left me... uncomfortable. Nioca (7): I liked this scenario. Good plot, interesting town design, good (if limited) combat, and interesting tricks now and then. Plus, Ephesos pulled out all the stops for prettiness in this one. Tales from the Tabard Inn: Excalibur (9): This scenario is one of the best there is. The storytelling is engrossing, and each tale is fresh and unique. There’s a lot of technical achievements, well-done combat, and hours of entertainment. Nioca (9): Five tales in one. Astounding technical work, but two of the plots were a bit weaker (one a lot so). Still, it worked excellently. Jewels (8.8): Very intriguing. A well told tale, or rather 5 of them. There were no bugs that I saw and the scripting was exceptional. Only saw two grammar errors. The way the scenario plays out is a little clumsy though especially with the required PC setup. Not that it could be helped. I had to restore a couple of times because I had forgotten to equip my armor and weapon. Since it was mostly story and just a little scenario, the dialogue boxes became wearing on me. 'How many more do I have to enter through', was the thought instead of 'what's gonna happen next'. It may have been smoother for the author to combine some of the boxes or do some cut scenes for the shorter back and forths. I know the boxes get to be a hassle when entering through them after having to restore. Took me 5 hours to complete, one hour for each story. I don't regret any of it. Twilight Valley: Excalibur (8): This scenario is pretty, especially because of the custom graphics. It has an excellent plot and exceptional writing, but there is no combat whatsoever. As a result, some parts of it are boring. As a whole though, I found it highly enjoyable. Jewels (7.6): My opinions haven't changed. It's a lovely scenario. Lovely story, lovely graphics, lovely mood. It draws you in well. Nioca (5): The story is excellent in this one, as is the plot progression, but I feel that the lack of combat really hurts it. There were several opportunities for the party and the antagonist to show down, but Nikki side-stepped it. Perhaps if you didn't know ahead of time that there wasn't combat, it would have been better. As it was, despite the tension at some points, I knew it wouldn't amount to anything. War Preparations: Jewels (7.2): Technicality was moderate. It used some neat terrain changing but there wasn't anything too exceptional and I did run into two bugs. One was a dialogue box called when returning to the king saying don't come back without a replacement when I had already given him the replacement and they stood beside him. The second was odd. When I pulled the lever in the golem machine for the first time, it insta-killed me but then it went to end-scenario "Congratulations, do you want to save?" I, of course, said no thinking I'd just have to reload my previous game, but it sent me to the "You lost because everyone is dead" box. "Do you want to "quit, restore, or restart?" and restore didn't work. It sent me in a loop back to the "you lost" box. I had to choose 'quit' and then reload my saved game. I really liked some of the custom graphics. The golems in the cart looked really nice, but some of the outdoor ones weren't converted to the Windows color so they were dark and stood out. Story line was, well, not my cup of tea, but on the other hand I saw no grammar errors and there is replayability. I wanna know what happens if you don't start killing the goblins. I really enjoyed trying to find the green oil. That town was designed really nicely. I didn't enjoy having to run back and forth to build five golems. Part of that though is that I'm on my laptop and there is no number pad. I have to move diagonally with the mouse, but that's not the designers fault. All in all, in seems I'm in the middle about everything but most that I don't like is just personal preference so. Excalibur (7): A clever scenario. I chose the golem-making path, which proved interesting. The combat was challenging and enjoyable. I liked the plot as well as the writing. The town design and technical aspect is excellent. However, it took a long time to find the last metal bar, and helping the ghost was difficult (especially since all the lizards respawned), which brings the score down from an eight to a seven. Nioca (6): Interesting. A short little scenario with three different endings (four, if you count the total loss ending). The problem, though, is that the golem part was downright tedious. Additionally, there were a few points that left me thinking, "Okay... now what?" All in all, though, a good scenario. 100 Evil Sliths: Nioca (8): I was a little torn on how to rate this one. On one hand, it was amusing, and it did a good job of poking fun at scenarios. On the other, though, I felt it relied a bit too much on the "What kind of crap scenario is this?" Too it's detriment, in fact. Also, I must suck at BoE combat. Hard. Because, despite having an L35 party sent through level raiser and character editor, I was still getting owned by everything. But I am new to this, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Finally, it was nothing short of mindboggling how many slith varieties Bain came up with. Jewels (5.9): Well, sometimes parodies are funny and sometimes they're just stupid. Nice graphics, few bugs, stupid plot. imho, of course. Our sense of humors just don't click. Excalibur (3): I was disappointed by how much time I spent creating a high level party in order to play this. The writing and plot is extremely annoying, as it is neither serious nor funny. The combat is tedious, as most of it is spent watching NPCs fighting each other. At least there were more than a few warnings about how bad it is. One more post...
  14. Comments (By scenario only) General Entries A: Adrift: Jewels (8.5): Beautiful graphics and setting. No bugs found. Wonderful scripting. Storyline was a little bit lacking for my taste. My party seemed a little too OK with the first appearance of the undead and the story could have been greatly broadened if we could just understand the ghosts. Who was the double sword wielding man, anyway? No journal to find out, no long-winded speech of a life once lived... The story could have been expanded so much further then the "there are ghosts you have to kill" we're given. As great as the rest of the scenario was, it deserved an equally great story. Excalibur (8): Being by Ephesos, this scenario has exceptional graphics and writing. The ship is eye candy. The combat is more on the difficult side, but it doesn’t require too much reloading. The plot is good, but not the best. The technical aspect of this scenario is commendable for its size. Nioca (7): It's Ghosts on a boat. What's not to like? Plot was decent, combat was great (save for the skeleton deck fight), and it was graphically strong. Aphobia: Excalibur (7): I’d imagine I gave this scenario a rather high rating. It was quite enjoyable, as I found the story to be highly interesting. The combat didn’t have much variation, but it was fun (spiders and more spiders). It’s unique, in that nobody else could have created such a good scenario about hallucinations. Nioca (7): Because who can't use a little extra courage? Quite possibly the best combat balance I've ever seen. Good story, excellet plot progression. Jewels (6): My opinions haven't changed. Well, I like it less then ITS. Not that it was worse or that there's anything wrong with it. It's probably the sense of not being able to finish my quest that bothers me. What was my quest anyway? Bandits? Spiders? What was real, and what was not? A literal head trip. Avatar: Jewels (8.7): My opinions haven't changed. Bravo! Quite thought provoking. Beautifully designed and well scripted. Excalibur (5): This scenario is about dismantling feudalism and a mandate of heaven type government. The combat was okay but boring. The writing seemed to have GOD in every sentence, and made the scenario a bit over the edge. It was mediocre, and the strange story really killed the enjoyment. Nioca (2): This was one of two scenarios that I did not look forward to playing again, and I'll echo my comments from the 1/10. Awful combat and shoddy plot, only partially redeemed by good grapical and technical. Darkness: Excalibur (7): The first part of this scenario was rather boring: You just walked down some caves fighting black mist. The final battle is great, though, which compensates the lack of good plot. Jewels (7): I was not that impressed. The story was not compelling and seemed very amateurish. The scripting and graphical effects were nice but I would have liked more light in the 'darkness' room just so I could actually see the effects that were going on. Nioca (4): Not one of Ephesos' better scenarios. I mean, it worked, but some problems arose. The almost total lack of plot was one. Length was another (too short). Still, it had good combat, and it was somewhat interesting. El Presidente: Excalibur (6): There’s two different paths, but the scenario is still pretty short. It’s basically just a race to get from one place to the next, and it isn’t very fun. Nioca (6): A dual-sided story, but a short one. Decent plot, good combat. Jewels (5.5): Could have done without the swearing. Really, people, adding swear words to anything written, be it a scenario, short story, or book, does not 'add' anything to the story. In fact, it turns off whatever percentage of your audience that doesn't like to swear. If you want the player to know that someone has a dirty mouth, there are many cleaner and more creative ways to express the same thing. "So-and-so burst out in a long string of explicits that would cause even your sailor of a great-uncle to blush if he could hear them." Swearing is automatic point deduction in my book, especially for a game that should be able to be enjoyed by younger teens. /motherly wash your mouth out rant. Graphics and town design nice, scripting pretty neat, both storylines, meh, been there done that. It was nice to see how each side saw the battle, though. I did run into a bug during the fight with the mayor while playing town guard. The mages were attacking their own melee fighters. Frostbite: Excalibur (10): Excellent, absolutely excellent. It’s almost flawless (well, there’s some typos). Nioca (9): Stunning. Absolutely stunning. Powerful graphical work, gripping plot, wonderful dialogue, and killer combat. However, some flaws come through as well. Certain battles (banshees) were overly-reliant on luck. End plot bottomed out. Other things came to mind as well. Jewels (8.9): My opinions haven't changed but my score did a bit. I loved it. By the end of the scenario, I was so in touch with the characters that I was really upset they all died(even though the story said they would from the beginning). The technicality was great, beautiful cut scenes and graphics. HIM: Jewels (8.3): Very strange. English not being Thralni's first language actually aided the story, I think. I did find a few 'real' grammatical errors but they weren't that noticeable considering the writing style. There were some good graphics and effects and the scripting was neat. The story seemed original enough and maybe even TMesk... maybe. I liked it in all it's goodly weirdness. Nioca (7): So as to avoid spoilers of any kind, I'll merely say that this was a good scenario by Thralni, though there are a few things I would have done differently. Excalibur (6): The writing in this scenario is unique, and it greatly adds to the mood. The combat; however, is repetitive. There isn’t much of a plot either, but it has some nice technical features. IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: Jewels (6.2): My opinions haven't changed but my score did a bit. Odd... though I actually followed it. Technicality, through the roof as usual, but there's not much else to grade it on. Excalibur (5): Unique, but eccentric. It involves a child’s rantings about various subjects, embodied in the form of demons. The teddy bear thing was really strange. The combat, plot, and writing (which is simply mediocre) all seem to support some sort of philosophy the author has. Maybe if this scenario wasn’t so strange… Nioca (1): I get enough propaganda from mainstream media; The last place I want it is in the BoA medium, especially when it's this blatant. Just be thankful that I can't use negative scores. Kingdom Hall: Jewels (4.2): A literal head trip, but unlike TM's (Aphobia), it never makes you think, except maybe 'What's going on?'. The storyline was pretty much non exsistant, and the scripting was only slightly neat when the stone throwing goblins moved around. On the bright side, I saw no bugs and it was rather pretty. Still... Excalibur (4): This scenario has little substance, and makes no sense at all. If the purpose of it was humor, then I seemed to have missed it. Nioca (4): A purely story based short. Competently written, but it felt like there wasn't a point to this scenario. In fact, I suspect there isn't a point to this scenario. And still going...
  15. I'll post them here for now (no harm intended) (I may have made a mistake somewhere with the math, so forgive me please): Best Scenario Judging By judge: Bain-Ihrno: 1. Frostbite 2. In the Shadow of Dragons 3. Shades of Grey 4. Kill them Dead 5. Witch Hunt 6. Tales from the Tabard Inn 7. Adrift Excalibur: 1. Frostbite 2. Tales from the Tabard Inn 3. Shades of Grey 4. Adrift 5. In the Shadow of Dragons 6. Witch Hunt 7. Kill then Dead Lazarus: 1. Shades of Grey 2. Adrift 3. Kill them Dead 4. Witch Hunt 5. In the Shadow of Dragons Jewels: 1. Frostbite 2. Shades of Grey 3. Tales from the Tabard Inn 4. Adrift 5. In the Shadow of Dragons 6. Witch Hunt 7. Kill them Dead Nioca: 1. Tales from the Tabard Inn 2. Frostbite 3. In the Shadow of Dragons 4. Adrift 5. Shades of Grey 6. Kill them Dead Tyranicus: 1. Shades of Grey 2. Tales from the Tabard Inn 3. Frostbite 4. Adrift 5. In the Shadow of Dragons 6. Witch Hunt 7. Kill them Dead By scenario: Frostbite: Bain-Ihrno: 1; Excalibur: 1; Jewels: 1; Nioca: 2; Tyranicus: 3; Average: 1.6 Shades of Grey: Lazarus: 1; Tyranicus: 1; Jewels: 2; Bain-Ihrno: 3; Excalibur: 3; Nioca: 5; Average: 2.5 Tales from the Tabard Inn: Nioca: 1; Excalibur: 2; Tyranicus: 2; Jewels: 3; Bain-Ihrno: 6; Average: 2.8 Adrift: Lazarus: 2; Excalibur: 4; Jewels: 4; Nioca: 4; Tyranicus : 4; Bain-Ihrno: 7; Average: 4.17 In the Shadow of Dragons: Bain-Ihrno: 2; Nioca: 3; Excalibur: 5; Jewels: 5; Lazarus: 5; Tyranicus: 5; Average: 4.17 Witch Hunt: Lazarus: 4; Bain-Ihrno: 5; Exalibur: 6; Jewels: 6; Tyranicus: 6; Average: 4.17 Kill them Dead: Lazarus: 3; Bain-Ihrno: 4; Nioca: 6; Excalibur: 7; Jewels: 7; Tyranicus: 7; Average: 4.67 Overall Rankings in Preliminary All Categories: 1. Frostbite: 9.33 2. Tales from the Tabard Inn: 8.93 3. Shades of Grey: 8.13 4. Adrift: 7.5 5. In the Shadow of Dragons: 7.18 6. Twilight Valley: 6.87 7. Aphobia: 6.75 8. War Preparations: 6.73 9. HIM: 6.7 10. Witch Hunt: 6.68 11. Outpost Valley: 6.57 12. Kill then Dead: 6.33 13. El Presidente: 6.2 14. Wilderness: 5.73 15. 100 Evil Sliths: 5.63 16. Settlers: 5.33 17. Darkness: 5.25 18. Blades of Rogue: 5.13 19. Bonus Army: 4.67 20. Avatar: 4.43 21. IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: 4.05 21. Kingdom Hall: 4.05 General Entries A: 1. Frostbite: 9.33 2. Adrift: 7.5 3. Aphobia: 6.75 4. HIM: 6.7 5. El Presidente: 6.2 6. Darkness: 5.25 7. Avatar: 4.43 8. IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: 4.05 8. Kingdom Hall: 4.05 General Entries B: 1. Tales from the Tabard Inn: 8.93 2. Shades of Grey: 8.13 3. Twilight Valley: 6.87 4. War Preparations: 6.73 5. Outpost Valley: 6.57 6. 100 Evil Sliths: 5.63 7. Settlers: 5.33 8. Bonus Army: 4.67 Newcomer: 1. In the Shadow of Dragons: 7.18 2. Witch Hunt: 6.68 3. Kill Them Dead: 6.33 4. Wilderness: 5.73 5. Blades of Rogue: 5.13 9th Contest Judging (preliminary): By Scenario: (See "Comments" for comments) (Judges in order by their scores, and alphabetical order if same score) General Entries A (Nioca, Excalibur, Jewels, Bain-Ihrno) Adrift: Jewels: 8.5; Excalibur: 8; Nioca: 7; Bain-Ihrno: 6.5; Overall: 7.5 Aphobia: Bain-Ihrno: 7; Excalibur: 7; Nioca: 7; Jewels: 6; Overall: 6.75 Avatar: Jewels: 8.7; Excalibur: 5; Bain-Ihrno: 2; Nioca: 2; Overall: 4.425 Darkness: Excalibur: 7; Jewels: 7; Nioca: 4; Bain-Ihrno: 3; Overall: 5.25 El Presidente: Bain-Ihrno: 7.3; Nioca: 6; Excalibur: 6; Jewels: 5.5; Overall: 6.2 Frostbite: Excalibur: 10; Bain-Ihrno: 9.4; Nioca: 9; Jewels: 8.9; Overall: 9.325 HIM: Jewels: 8.3; Nioca: 7; Excalibur: 6; Bain-Ihrno: 5.5; Overall: 6.7 IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: Jewels: 6.2; Excalibur: 5; Bain-Ihrno: 4; Nioca: 1; Overall: 4.05 Kingdom Hall: Jewels: 4.2; Bain-Ihrno: 4; Excalibur: 4; Nioca: 4; Overall: 4.05 General Entries B: {Nioca, Excalibur, Jewels) Bonus Army: Excalibur: 6; Nioca: 5; Jewels: 3; Overall: 4.67 Outpost Valley: Excalibur: 7; Nioca: 7; Jewels: 5.7; Overall: 6.57 Settlers: Excalibur: 6; Nioca: 6; Jewels: 4; Overall: 5.33 Shades of Grey:Excalibur: 9; Jewels: 8.4; Nioca: 7; Overall: 8.13 Tales from the Tabard Inn: Excalibur: 9; Nioca: 9; Jewels: 8.8; Overall: 8.93 Twilight Valley: Excalibur: 8; Nioca: 7.6; Jewels: 5; Overall 6.87 War Preparations: Jewels: 7.2; Excalibur: 7; Nioca: 6; Overall: 6.73 100 Evils Sliths: Nioca: 8; Jewels: 5.9; Excalibur: 3; Overall: 5.63 Newcomer: Witch Hunt: Bain-Ihrno: 7.5; Lazarus: 6.7; Jewels: 6.5; Excalibur: 6; Overall: 6.68 In the Shadow of Dragons: Bain-Ihrno: 8; Jewels: 7.1; Excalibur: 7; Lazarus: 6.6; Overall: 7.18 Blades of Rogue: Excalibur: 7; Lazarus: 7; Bain-Ihrno: 4; Jewels: 2.5; Overall: 5.13 Wilderness: Excalibur: 8; Lazarus: 6.5; Jewels: 4.4; Bain-Ihrno: 4; Overall: 5.73 Kill them Dead: Bain-Ihrno: 7.5; Lazarus: 7.1; Jewels: 6.7; Excalibur: 4; Overall: 6.33 By judge: Bain-Ihrno: General Entries A Adrift - 6.5 Aphobia - 7.0 Avatar - 2.0 Darkness - 3.0 El Presidente - 7.3 Frostbite - 9.4 HIM - 5.5 IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO - 4.0 Kingdom Hall - 4.0 Newcomer: Witch Hunt - 7.5 In the Shadow of Dragons - 8.0 Blades of Rogue - 4.0 Wilderness - 4.0 Kill the Dead - 7.5 Excalibur: General Entries A Adrift: 8 Aphobia: 7 Avatar: 5 Darkness: 7 El Presidente: 6 Frostbite: 10 HIM: 6 IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: 5 Kingdom Hall: 4 General Entries B Bonus Army: 6 Outpost Valley: 7 Settlers: 6 Shades of Grey: 9 Tales from the Tabard Inn: 9 Twilight Valley: 8 War Preparations: 7 100 Evil Sliths: 3 Newcomer Witch Hunt: 6 In the Shadow of Dragons: 7 Blades of Rogue: 7 Wilderness: 8 Kill them Dead: 4 Jewels: General Entries A Adrift: 8.5 Aphobia: 6 Avatar: 8.7 Darkness: 7 El Presidente: 5.5 Frostbite: 8.9 HIM: 8.3 IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: 6.2 Kingdom Hall: 4.2 General Entries B Bonus Army: 3 Outpost Valley: 5.7 Settlers: 4 Shades of Grey: 8.4 Tales from the Tabard Inn: 8.8 Twilight Valley: 7.6 War Preparations: 7.2 100 Evil Sliths: 5.9 Newcomer Witch Hunt: 6.5 In the Shadow of Dragons: 7.1 Blades of Rogue: 2.5 Wilderness: 4.4 Kill them Dead: 6.7 Lazarus: Newcomer: Witch Hunt: 6.7 In the Shadow of Dragons: 7.6 Blades of Rogue: 7 Wilderness: 6.5 Kill them Dead: 7.1 Nioca: General Entries A Adrift: 7 Aphobia: 7 Avatar: 2 Darkness: 4 El Presidente: 6 Frostbite: 9 HIM: 7 IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO: 1 Kingdom Hall: 4 General Entries B Bonus Army: 5 Outpost Valley: 7 Settlers: 6 Shades of Grey: 7 Tales from the Tabard Inn: 9 Twilight Valley: 5 War Preparations: 6 100 Evil Sliths: 8 Still more...
  16. Originally Posted By: BainIhrno If anyone wants to see individual scores, give me your email and I will forward all comments & scores to you. Yes please: int80 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net
  17. Wow, the ninth contest is actually over. My scores in the preliminary had no decimals. Now everyone is going to stone me for it, except for Nioca, who is giving me utmost pity and condolences.
  18. Name: Excalibur OS: Windows 2000 Professional and Mac OS 9.2.2 E-mail: int80 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net (It's also in my profile) Experience: Shades of Gray, Adrift, Muffins n' Hell Just send me the Windows version, because I can easily convert it to Mac.
  19. An essay we read in composition class was rather interesting: Politics of the English Language by George Orwell. Evnissyen: Still haven't dropped by the library to pick up Petersburg.
  20. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar "da" as a definite article sounds more like Rapper English,... Or, if not a definite article, the Russian word for "yes."
  21. Yes, vahnatai cloaks block 1-4 and I think normal cloaks are only 1-1.
  22. *lol* *looks above, doesn't believe self*
  23. I think Blades of Avernum itself is a better game, but Blades of Exile has a much larger collection of scenarios.
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