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Everything posted by Callie

  1. -I always hoard food on my mage. -My characters always have the same names -In E3 I had a character who only picked locks, disarmed traps, made potions, and accumulated mage and item lore, though he sometimes threw poisoned darts. -In E3, every one of my characters could cast Divine Thud.
  2. -My parents just planned a trip for August 8th-14th(13th possibly), could I still judge?
  3. Originally Posted By: Toby-Linn Read Lloyd Alexanders Prydain Chronicles books, they're really good. That series tends to deter people because the first few chapters of the first book are boring. It's pretty strange that any good author would do that.
  4. I can judge, and have both BoA and BoE (Ormus version).
  5. It'd be kind of cool if both the surface and Avernum (not Upper Avernum) were included in one game. However, that's way too much scripting, so I won't get my hopes up.
  6. Originally Posted By: Iffy ...I will soon have nothing to read. Golden Compass is good, if you haven't read it already.
  7. I picked up Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America. I have to read for my English class come September, but it looks interesting anyways.
  8. This is a lot of work. I think it's pretty cool that monsters can unlock doors. It's also highly practical to have eight doors sharing the same SDF. Nice work, you might want to upload it to the Blades Forge though.
  9. I personally like the old-school look and want to keep it that way. The graphics in the post A3 games are just plain clunky anyways. Originally Posted By: Jumpin' Salmon With profanity, it is nice to use multiple languages. Agreed...la vache.
  10. Arcane Lore is still useful. It will allow you to read spellbooks and acquire new spells that you couldn't get if you didn't have any arcane lore. Edit: beat me to it
  11. Frostbite is specifically made for a singleton, and there is no way you can avoid having the rest of your party removed. If I remember correctly; Avatar, Imagine This Scenario, and El Presidente are all singleton scenarios as well.
  12. Originally Posted By: Toby-Linn Anyways, I propose an experiment! Who'll volunteer? I don't have any saved games that are close to day 160 I played Exile III past day 160. You start getting these weird messages, and then a voice calls you to the Tower of Magi. The place gets ravaged by demons, due to one of Linda's experiments. You have to meet with one of the triad mages in the room that's usually blocked. You then have to find Linda, the source of the experiment, who you kill with a special knife. I'm surprised I remember that much, as I haven't played Exile III in years. I'm assuming the same thing happens in Avernum 3, but I never took that long to finish it.
  13. No, but I'm sure it wouldn't be very useful, as I can't think of any scenarios off the top of my head in which you can find mandrake root. If there were any I'd assume mandrake could be found in the Za-Khazi run (spelling?).
  14. I think the difficulty between the two series is pretty much equal. However, I found that some encounters were harder in the Exile series than in Avernum. For example, I spent several hours getting to the slith king in Exile while in Avernum I probably spent about twenty minutes. Exile 3 in particular is quite different in my opinion. I thought the rakshasha battle in Execa, Black Halberd dungeon, the undead infested inn in the Midori province, and the final battle with Rentar-Ihrno were all harder in Exile III than in Avernum 3. As for general combat, the lack of spells in Avernum makes combat in a bit harder. In Exile you could simply bombard the enemy with divine thud, firestorm, wall of blades, and summmoned basilisks.
  15. Originally Posted By: Munchkining Rabbit I want soul cristals back. Alien Slime, I choose YOU! Seconded. I love having the upper hand because I brought a basilisk into the mess, even though Ur-basilisks can't be captured. One more thing: I want a bestiary and scry monster again, as it was pretty useful. (Yet for some reason Erika and Rentar-Ihrno never stayed in the bestiary)
  16. Well, since I seem to like the rebels best, I'd like to think the series will end with them. I wouldn't mind the shapers though either. ... I never played anything more than the demos, so I only have a taste.
  17. Callie


    Quote: Thralni:I won't say anything major about it as yet, for telling what thing this scenario is inspired by, will either give away too much, or people might think I'm doing something different than I'm actually doing. What I can give you, is the first and last lines of the introtext: So you can't tell me whether or not HIM is supposed to be an acronym of anything?
  18. I played through much of A5 and found that once I hit vahnatai lands, I became bored. It seemed to repeat itself in every section, and I hope this won't happen again in Avernum 6.
  19. I like the vahnatai. I think they're an interesting race, and worthy opponents as well.
  20. My only complaint about summoning is that the computer seems to have a mind of it's own. For example, when I fought the chitrach queen, I kept summoning chitrachs. At least killing your summoned creature doesn't lower your reputation.
  21. Originally Posted By: Thuryl No, no, you're misreading him. He doesn't want to get ungeased, because he doesn't HAVE a geas. He wants to get a geas just so he can get into Shafrir's ungeasing area to look around. My apologies.
  22. Shafrir should be able to remove them. Talk to him and he'll eventually bring up his interest in geas.
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