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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel I thought he was asking for the Windows version so that he could convert the graphics himself... No, I was asking for the Windows version because I cannot convert the .cmg file myself.
  2. My old Mac couldn't read the .bas and .cmg files, you'll have to send me the Windows version. Sorry about that.
  3. I think there's three skills that you'd focus more on than with a normal party. Endurance, defense, and luck would all be useful, though only Endurance is really needed at first. I've never found Hardiness to be all that effective, but that's just my opinon. You might want to give your characters the toughness (and totally avoid using cursed at birth) trait if you can, as it helps quite a bit against any sort of damage. Elite Warrior might be good for the first three, and fast on feet for the archer. Elite Warrior, though, has a big xp penalty, so you probably shouldn't give it to a slith character, as they already have a pole bonus. Because of the nature of the party, I don't think you'd want to give them any disadvantages at all. Kind of obvious, since you're not using any magic, you should join the Anama in A3. They sell potions and other magic alternatives for a cheap price.
  4. Yeah, I think you're right, I was just mixing up the two contest entries.
  5. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Previous experience: I think I've beta-tested one or two things before... but I can't remember what they are. I think you tested 100 Evil Sliths. If you needed another beta tester I could be available, but I totally abandoned WtRM 2.0 when I signed up for it...so only use me as a last resort...I'm not reliable. Name: Excalibur OS: Mac OS 9.2.2 (Preferably) and Windows 2000 Professional. If you send the Mac version it needs to be compressed with WinZip or WinRar. I doubt custom sounds could work, and it might not work at all on my Mac (SoG and Adrift had custom graphics which didn't work) E-mail: int80 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net ...It's also in my profile. Experience: Shades of Grey, Adrift, Muffins 'n Hell
  6. I only use one savefile, unless I've decided to go townkilling or something like that. The frequency at which I save depends on where I am. If I'm bringing about the end to the slime plague I probably save only twice, while I saved it every minute or two in Rentar-Ihrno's fortress.
  7. I've just sent you one. It's compressed, so if you want it sent uncompressed you can just tell me.
  8. When exactly does Chapter 4 start? I might have one, but I don't remember when Chapter is. (Windows save file)
  9. You're not supposed to pass the traps on the first floor. You're supposed to go through another set of gates directly south of the tower entrance...which brings you underground. If there really is a force barrier there that I'm forgetting about, there's a woman in the south tower on the Isle of Bigail who sells piercing crystals. However, I do know that nothing in Bojar's tower that is necessary to ending the plague is blocked by a force barrier, just three fire barriers. To fight him you had to have passed a spiny worm in the lower level, which would bring you to a disused laboratory and a fight with some slimes that Bojar summons on some runes. After you fight those slimes he summons you have to go through a secret passage in the southwest corner of the room. I hope I'm making sense.
  10. Originally Posted By: Fermata Yeah, the game doesn't seem to distinguish the Nephilim and Nepharim very well. They don't seem to matter much in the story, anyway. They should be colored with a darker hue, like giving and item adjustment in BoA.
  11. You don't destroy it, you have to walk through them (there's three barriers) and take the damage, then fight the wizard. After you kill him you go into his bedroom and read through his stuff.
  12. -It'd be cool if there were item descriptions (non-generic ones I mean) like there were in Exile, customizable ones of course. -I think BoA needs some major touch-ups to the way it handles cutaways. It looks goofy sometimes, and that probably drives some designers to change things around because of it. -This probably wouldn't help much in most instances, but it'd be cool if the limit on items and NPCs in a town was increased -BoA needs a better method to port scenarios, which you've already addressed. Most of the BoE scenario designers aren't around anymore, though. Originally Posted By: Ishad Nha At one byte per slot that would leave 255 possible types of wall. You could have four types of wall per town. You could also have provision for one – way walls&&. Extra sets of walls can be solved by custom graphics (which is an even worse idea when you're using a lot of custom graphics). I did that once, but the cutaway didn't work too well, so I used the set for a decorative thingamabob.
  13. I think there was an Adamantite Axe somewhere, but I don't remember the faintest detail about its location.
  14. Originally Posted By: Fiend Angelical ...Khoth's for Mac (which I think is down anyway). It was two days ago when I downloaded it. It only works on OS X though.
  15. I've sent my rankings in. ...wonder when Tyranicus is going to come back...
  16. Are you going to post the scores we gave when the contest is over? I'd be rather curious as to what other judges gave to certain scenarios. The newcomer category will probably be a close win.
  17. Originally Posted By: Evnissyen EDIT: Personally, I think John Steinbeck is just one of those moldy guys who needs to be removed from the Literary Canon, and replaced with... oh... say Ben Marcus, or Gary Lutz, or Donald Barthelme, or Mark Z Danielewski... or Andrei Bely for chrissake. Having never heard of any of those, I've decided to find a copy of Petersburg. Hopefully the county library has it, because there isn't a bigger library for 150 miles. -I've been reading a lot of long articles on the internet recently. To be more precise, ones about serial killers. That's not being morose or sadistic, just a recent interest I've had in psychology. Ted Bundy is particularly fascinating.
  18. Err...double post I've sent my scores in via e-mail. -If for some reason my e-mail didn't get through I'll have to PM you. My e-mail was having a few problems when I sent it, but I'm pretty sure it got through regardless.
  19. This isn't the only instance in which you could get away with a crime. In E3 you could set quick fire to a place. I'd usually surround myself with force barriers so I could watch. There's also some odd things in both games...like killing a chicken or a cow causes the whole town to become hostile. Originally Posted By: Iffy But slaughtering towns in games is fun! Except when the town has an annoying script that automatically kills you (Fort Emergence, Blackcrag, Gikhra, etc.). I always thought it was odd that cooling amulets protected you from Erika's fire defenses and not Gikhra's. But yeah...Shayder is really fun to wreak havoc on. *smiles malevolently*
  20. Kind of a random question: Does anyone besides me like John Steinbeck?
  21. Originally Posted By: BainIhrno REMINDER! Scores are due a WEEK from TODAY! The only person I've received scores from is Nioca. Sorry, I meant to do it a lot earlier.
  22. Defense. Originally Posted By: madrigan Also, are swords really hard to use in this game? My sword character has 7 in melee weapons but she seems to miss at least half the time. You probably need more dexterity.
  23. Oh well...perhaps a third party could correct the numerous bugs, but that's extremely wishful thinking.
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