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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Wow...I didn't have to do much at all. Nioca, were you going to compel me to do anything?
  2. The Anama Priest couldn't kill Vahkos with a counterattack, though.
  3. This looks great. It will definitely force people to be more cautious.
  4. Oh, I forgot. I had this amusing exchange with Drakefyre: Originally Posted By: Excalibur Hello Drakefyre. I don't think it would hurt to tell you this: I have a physical attack type. Care to tell me yours? Originally Posted By: Drakefyre Let's get physical! Physical! Originally Posted By: Excalibur Thanks. *opens mP3 of Olivia Newton John*
  5. I was going to attack Doom Warrior just before the game ended, since I thought he was the Empire Spy.
  6. *i, could you unsticky the previous game thread and sticky this one? Thank you.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan They still call that area Moab? Anyway, all the best for the trip. I would wonder why they called it that in the first place, let alone keep that name. I don't understand why you would choose a name in Hebrew that has something to do with incest ("from the father").
  8. REGISTER EXCALIBUR Edit: How is this going to be played if we have the same roles? That'd be kind of...awkward.
  9. Originally Posted By: RCCCL Hrm so you say. Anyway lets do a public Poll. Everyone tell us where you're from. I'm from Nevada.
  10. I thought the PM limit was 200.
  11. Actually, she told me that she's the DL Mage. She also says she cursed Nikki (Don't ask me why!).
  12. Hmm...We don't have a poll yet. Does that mean Machrone is inactive?
  13. Welcome RCCCL, prepare to...oh nevermind. (Oh, and I never traded info with Locmaar, so you're out of luck) Originally Posted By: Nikki. He's clearly the Fae. I somehow read this as "The Frey." *hits self in head*
  14. Is that some sort of weird way of saying that you want the Ivory Skull, or was it a random post in order to get the keyword "gibberish" out there?
  15. Yay! Anyone care to tell me their role?
  16. I wish my climate was stable. A week ago it was 71 F, the next day it was snowing...and that isn't any bit unusual around here.
  17. Yay Iffy! *wishes he could download the scenario to see everything fixed*
  18. Originally Posted By: Iffy You played this just to do it, didn't you? Nope Originally Posted By: Iffy Meh, I'll just make a scenario with you in it. Then I'll hand the party a Wand of Death and see what happens. Just as long as I get to beta test it.
  19. Yes, Alorael was a random kill, well, I picked a person I hadn't contacted yet, but still. And people, don't apologize. I was thoroughly amused by my own lack of caution. I spilled everything I knew to Sarachim, and for some reason, it didn't occur to me that Sarachim was with Gladwell. That was a rather clever ruse to kill me with the Necromancer trap. I had been thinking about attacking Bloodmoon, and if that happened, I would have known Marlenny was lying. Also, oddly enough, I don't recall lying once throughout the whole game. Basically, I took a whole lot of risks, which led to my death. Thanks *i for doing this. I especially love how I fried Iffy with the wand of death.
  20. You need to have told BoA what town script to be used for the particular town (go to Town Details in the town menu). In addition, your dialog script should be the name of the town script with "dlg" added on to the end of it. So if your town script was "town.txt" your dialog script for the town would be "towndlg.txt".
  21. Okay, apparently our posts in this thread can't be edited so... I'd like to learn some information via this thread instead of a whole bunch of PMs. I have learned that Thuryl targeted me last night, which also means he wasn't killed by a counterattack.
  22. Why would you want to kill Machrone, though? He can't do much harm.
  23. That's odd. Everyone's has logged in at least once since the game started, so it doesn't make any sense for Machrone to not submit a question.
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