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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Jewels expressed some reluctance in letting people pick isotopes because she had to figure out how to add them in with HTML code or something like that.
  2. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Reminds me of the time I was stupid enough to spray lighter fluid on a fire I had going in a barbecue grill. Burned all the hair off my right arm--and I count myself lucky that's all I burned. I once turned the gas on to the barbeque, with the intention of lighting it, but I got distracted and went off to do something. When I came back to light it, a wall of flame shot up through the grill and burned a bunch of the hair off my hand. Yeah...it's kind of stupid to leave flammable gas running...
  3. Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah without capitalism and the free market, michael moore wouldn't have an audience for his sub-par movies. There is no free market.
  4. I was a bit curious about this movie, but our theater doesn't show movies any newer than ~ten days. I like watching Michael Moore films because of the humor, though I usually don't agree with what he has to say. Then again, I agreed with most of what he said in Fahrenheit 9/11.
  5. The only problem with quickfire is that you end up being trapped in whatever building you're hiding out in.
  6. He can't really say that about the Las Vegas robbery, though. That's why he wound up by the strangely-named city of Lovelock. Edit: What would O.J. Simpson be like as a zombie?
  7. Wal-Mart isn't as good of a zombie fortification as it used to be because they don't sell guns anymore. Our Wal-Mart has a big potato factory next to it, which means you'd have a very large source of food nearby, in addition to the grocery area of the Wal-Mart. Edit: A jail does seem like an ideal place to hide. There's barbwire fences and watchtowers, in addition to searchlights. The only problem is that the prison closest to me houses O.J. Simpson.
  8. Heck, even Northern Nevada gets colder than England (which is about the same latitude as Maryland). Ever ride a bike in 0 degrees Fahrenheit? (~-18 Celsius)
  9. It seems to me that everyone who makes claims of a hierarchy is a younger person pointing a finger at older members.
  10. Originally Posted By: Karl Projektorinski Originally Posted By: Excalibur "Subterranean Homesick Alien" for the win. Yes, for the name. Meh, I was mainly thinking of the chorus.
  11. It's nice to see some custom walls, even if they're mainly modified versions of one of the original BoA wall sets. Also, bananas are awesome.
  12. An internment camp? This sounds cool already.
  13. Touché, I had totally forgot about its effect in A5. I was thinking of A1-A3. Yeah, fire spells are awesome.
  14. I find this scenario to be overrated, and quite frankly, I was bored most of the time while playing it. Rating: [rating]Substandard[/rating] (This review is pretty long...read at your own risk) Click to reveal..
  15. The Mariana Trench has volcanic activity at the bottom of it, which would effectively incinerate zombies (Not really, since they're vents, but anyways...), in addition to the immense water pressure. Considering zombies aren't all too structurally sound, they could probably be crushed by pressure in lesser depths as well. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Only one way to deal with zombies. RETRIBUTION!!!!!!!!!! But divine retribution only works against living foes...
  16. Heh, I didn't realize the chance of a zombie dropping a torc was that low. I must have good luck or something. I wonder how effective a rocket-propelled grenade would be against a bunch of zombies.
  17. It's a short but solid scenario, with a nice scientific element thrown into it. You're basically spoon-fed the whole way through, though there really isn't any other way to do it considering the plot. Also, this scenario would probably be fun as a singleton, even though I haven't tried that. Rating: [rating]Best[/rating] (Note that this might be a bit spoilerish, so keep in mind that you don't have to click...)
  18. Originally Posted By: Alorael —Alorael, whose zombie plan is very similar to his pedestrian plan. In a pinch he'll rely on the cold to freeze them and keep them from becoming a real problem. Aren't zombies immune to cold damage? I guess you could flash freeze them in a block of ice so they couldn't move...
  19. I think it's funny that it lists "Two good kitchen knives 6-8" long" as a weapon to have in stock. I'm not sure how a kitchen knife would be effective against a zombie.
  20. Originally Posted By: Lord Grey Very few actually have button combos that do anything special. Interesting, I had thought there were more, but that goes to show that I don't play console games. I had been thinking of one game in particular, but I don't remember what it was called.
  21. This is the reason I don't play console games. There's lots of cool ideas, but I don't care for memorizing a whole bunch of button combinations.
  22. I don't think life would have been that diverse at the time. The ark was pretty large, but it wasn't that large. I've always wondered what would have happened to freshwater marine life. They'd have suddenly been in saltwater for forty days.
  23. Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff Egg nog When it gets around Christmas time I drink up to half a carton a day... I love apple cider. I always wish we got more than one bottle for Thanksgiving dinner.
  24. Originally Posted By: Dantius Where is whole milk's representation in this debate? I wouldn't exactly call it a debate: it's more of a discussion. I'm not sure if I've even had whole milk, and don't have an opinion about it as a result.
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