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Everything posted by Callie

  1. She says it's the relationship advice that tires her out the most.
  2. It's an old Spiderweb inside joke that older members like to taunt us with!
  3. Oooh, maybe I'll buy Avernum 4. Actually, I think I'll go with Nethergate instead.
  4. I remember Alorael's PDN being "Dr. Alorael" at one point. That was a sign of things to come, a foreshadowing of the appointed time.
  5. You should have claimed the paper was made from recycled Egyptian papyrus from King Tut's tomb and marketed it at a wine-tasting festival.
  6. Maybe that's why: I have an ancient flip phone, not an iPhone. She did seem impressed by my 2001: A Space Odyssey reference though. I asked her to open the pod bay doors and she responded, "I'm afraid I can't do that."
  7. Halloween is a mostly American tradition, so a Spidereweb Halloween event might be rather odd. I only know that Halloween is approaching because of the increased rate of inebriated college students walking outside my window.
  8. Spidereweb Software often release the Mac version just before Christmas, which means I have to put off playing the game until after finals. It's not that much of a delay, so I'm not sure it actually counts. I bought Age of Empires 3 once and waited a whole year before playing it though. It was very disappointing.
  9. It's probably for the best that quote pyramids are more difficult to construct. That means only our least sane members will have the the motivation to create such monuments.
  10. I asked Siri to marry me, but she said it wasn't in her contract.
  11. Callie

    Hurricane Sandy

    Katrina made landfall in New Orleans as a category 3 hurricane. It was a category 5 over the gulf but weakened before making landfall.
  12. The most recent trilogy sucked enough; they didn't have to make it suck more. $$$
  13. The problem I have is defining what exactly language is. I generally don't believe that we truly have any kind of free will, and so I think of our brains as being like a computer program that responds according to certain constraints and can probably even modify itself, but predictably so. Like a computer, this program operates according to a programming language, except that this one is biological and the circuitry is different. Unlike computers, we aren't networked in a physical sense, so we can't simply transfer information directly from one brain to another. A person communicating to another is taking the output of its own program and modifying it according to a certain protocol so that the other person's "program" can interpret it in a useful manner. A shared protocol is a spoken language. How the language/protocol originated is an entirely different question though. So I tend to think that spoken and written language is the result of cognition, but cognition need not require language. I don't think that's a sure thing, though, and I see quite a few problems with the analogy I used above. I have no clue how meta-cognition fits into the picture.
  14. I've heard of a mimosa; I just didn't know what it was.
  15. You can learn the spell from either a trainer or from a spell book if you have high enough Arcane Lore. You can find a list of spell books and trainers for each game in the respective strategy central topic stickied at the top of this forum.
  16. ...and I though Jagermeister and orange juice was odd...
  17. I endorsed Eric Cartman for president. I've been having a hard time raising funds for his Super PAC, although I guess people have a hard time contributing to the whole "evil nine-year-old for president" campaign.
  18. I am the eggman.

  19. I seem to recall there being rubble north of Fort Draco in later games, but I might be remembering incorrectly.
  20. Those are fine with me...unless they're dreaded mung rats, but I don't remember AEftP having any of those.
  21. You know, it's a bad thing when I start associating the pun police picture with Tyran more strongly than the Nethergate opening image.
  22. Sniping kudos have considerably depreciated in value and have been supplanted by the now superior moderator kudos.
  23. It will age like a fine wine and then we can all become inebriated from its fermented, stale loveliness.
  24. Fort Ganrick is a fort in both Exile II and Avernum 2 in which the player begins the game. It existed north of Fort Draco, but was later abandoned.
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