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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I've noticed that there isn't a list of titles in the help section (Or I just haven't found it). I know people usually make a thread to ask about, but it's nice to have somewhere for reference. Edit: Mods are blue now. Yay!
  2. On a side note: I think it's kind of odd how the poll results are rounded to the nearest hundredth of a percent. Although, it'd be interesting to see if the polling works any differently if there are multiple questions or if respondents are allowed to choose more than one answer. UBBthreads wasn't so great in that regard, after all.
  3. You're going to be liked whether you like it or not! *nefarious laugh*
  4. That cake looks insanely difficult to make. You have a prime baker making cake for you Jerakeen.
  5. I think the new forum is superior. I'm still playing around with the new features. I very much appreciate this kind of humor.
  6. Of course, the parties of the 19th century bear almost no resemblance to their modern counterparts. But the electoral college probably does favor Republicans more than Democrats in the current day.
  7. How many US Presidents have been elected without winning the popular vote? Four: 1824: John Quincy Adams wins despite having fewer popular votes and fewer electoral votes than Andrew Jackson. None of the candidates win the majority of electoral college votes, due to two other candidates running, leaving the House of Representatives to choose the winner. All four candidates were of the same political party (Democratic-Republican). Andrew Jackson won the next two elections, making Jackson one of only three presidents to have won the plurality of the popular vote more than twice (the others being FDR and Cleveland). 1876: Democrat Samuel J. Tilden had 51% of the popular vote compared to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' 47.9%. Twenty disputed electoral votes were controversially awarded to Hayes on the condition that federal troops be withdrawn from the South, effectively ending Reconstruction. 1888: Democrat Grover Cleveland wins the popular vote but loses reelection after narrowly losing his home state of New York to Republican Benjamin Harrison. Harrison lost his reelection bid to Cleveland in 1892, making Cleveland the only president to serve two non-consecutive terms and one of only two to have won the majority of the popular vote more than twice (the other being FDR). 2000: Democrat Al Gore obtains more popular votes than Republican George W. Bush, but Bush wins the election after the Supreme Court rules in Bush v. Gore that Bush had narrowly won the state of Florida, thereby granting him victory by a margin of five electoral college votes.
  8. Holy cow! Congrats Jerakeen!
  9. You can play Avernum 4 in purgatory?
  10. Alorael looks rather quizzical in that picture.
  11. Such a conundrum is easily solved by having everyone choose Aran.
  12. ...but I have always dreamed of being subjected to a military coup! Congratulations!
  13. It's an application used to disseminate pseudoscience.
  14. You can embed videos now?
  15. I think everyone would be advised to check their profile settings. It seems as though some people have birth dates displayed in their profiles that were not previously displayed. Also, a new forum to play with!
  16. Callie

    Major forum change

    Your name did not disappear: you can still click on the profile link. I'd imagine that the text is just the same color as the background or something like that.
  17. Originally Posted By: The Almighty Doer of Stuff I nominate ALMIGHTY LORD SATAN, BRINGER OF SUFFERING AND MISERY, to be our new forum software instead of Greg. As long as he tortures us gently...and no water-boarding.
  18. Callie

    Major forum change

    Originally Posted By: Iffy Originally Posted By: SupaNik Erm. Nobody's names are in funny colours, and the war with Eastasia goes well! Should I be worried that I read 'Equestria' instead of Eastasia at first? Yes, because 1984 is far superior to ponies. My name turned green within a few minutes of logging in. Based off of the Who's Online list, either Tyranicus or Dikiyoba is busy colorizing the board.
  19. The good/evil dualism seems to be more of a religious concept than anything. I think it's difficult to talk about such things without discussing free will, which is a whole other headache in itself.
  20. Greg sounds cool, but only if he takes the form of a shirtless Jim Morrison.
  21. People complain a lot about gridlock, but I also understand adherence to principle, whether I agree with it or not. I'd rather have that than a previously mentioned situation in which one party controls both chambers and the white house.
  22. And thus the great cycle of tyranny continues, and all politicians will lament the passing of the 111th congress.
  23. Asteroid fields in Sci-Fi are far more dense than in reality. It's also pretty annoying how aerodynamic spaceships are. Or spaceships doing barrel rolls like a jet plane in earth's atmosphere. Or spaceship interiors that look like luxury hotels. If it has to accelerate to absurd speeds and travel extreme distances, a spacecraft shouldn't have any unnecessary mass.
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