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Everything posted by Callie

  1. I only know the meaning of the word "portcullis" because of the exile series. I also learned about Burma Shave from Exile III.
  2. Callie

    200 Score

    I can almost see the Romans running away in terror. Congratulations!
  3. Facebook lets you ignore apps people use. Half the apps I ignore are astrology apps. Get your pseudoscience off my lawn!
  4. I really don't like the two main political parties. Nevada has a None of These Candidates option for statewide elections, which is really awesome, but not for local and congressional races. I despise the incumbent Republican in my congressional district, but I really don't like the Democrat either, so I voted for the Democrat to be contrarian. Also, whenever I check my mailbox I have at least ten campaign fliers. Obama is filling my mailbox much faster than Romney.
  5. Callie

    Forty-Nine Days

    ...now they'll have mixed drinks named after fictional ponies.
  6. Big storms make me hyper, especially if there is lightning.
  7. That's the change windows command for a Windows system, but I have a Mac. It's command-tab on a Mac.
  8. I was kind of hoping they were packaging peanuts. That way walking makes a little *crunch* sound.
  9. Hopefully we'll all see you in the next fluffy turtle cycle.
  10. If I press command-tab all it does is bring up the automap.
  11. My favorite black coffee is Starbucks' Pike Place roast, which is unfortunate because it's relatively expensive and I can't find anything with a comparable taste. All of the other coffee places on campus sell Pete's coffee, which I don't like. I would reference a line in the film Airplane! but I don't think it's child appropriate (It's rated PG, but this was before they had the PG-13 rating!). (Okay, why does the cursor like to jump around after using italics?)
  12. Interestingly, Dick Cheney got to cast eight tie-breaking votes, which doesn't seem much, but it's quite a bit for a vice president. Now that the threat of filibuster prevents ties from occurring, it's highly unlikely that Joe Biden will cast any such vote.
  13. Ah, well in that case, self-referential humor is a very noteworthy distinction for a thread. Let's all raise a glass to Actaeon.
  14. I feel like this isn't a very noteworthy distinction.
  15. I prefer using paper because I don't have to spend the time closing the game and opening up a text file, and it's always there in front of me on the desk. I apparently can't switch windows while playing, so paper is quite a convenience. The only problem is that I end up using said paper to scribble calculations for my engineering homework, so notes on Avadon are eventually gobbled up by calculus.
  16. I'm playing through the game right now on hard difficulty with a shadowwalker as my main character. He doesn't have any skill points invested in lock picking and I've relegated that duty to Shima. Whenever I clear an area, I go pick up Shima to gather all the loot (unless Shima's already with me). I've found that the setup I'm using is not optimal, as three points diverted from combat skills really doesn't affect my main character's survivability significantly, and it definitely isn't worth the added time. (Is waiting for the retrainer)
  17. I still secretly hope that he will, even though I know it's extremely unlikely. He changed his mind on pricing, at least.
  18. My parents took us to a Southern Baptist church when I was in high school. Becasue Southern Baptists don't drink alcohol, communion was performed with a non-alcoholic wine. The experience has forever deterred me from ever consuming any such thing again, although it might be the combination with unleavened bread that's culprit.
  19. Jameson is probably the best whiskey I've had. I'm not a huge fan of whiskey, although I would still rate Jameson higher than Guinness. (Kind of hard to compare a distilled alcohol to a beer though). I forgot about Bailey's Irish Cream. I must excuse my own ignorance. Even though excusing your own ignorance is pretty stupid.
  20. I keep around an old Power Mac purely for the purpose of an occasional helping of Exile III (I never purchased Exile II ). It also has Realmz on it, but meh. It's really odd playing a game on a computer with a 90 MHz processor.
  21. If Guinness is Ireland's finest, I'm a bit worried about any alcohol that comes from Ireland.
  22. It's merely a pun: a macintosh is a kind of apple.
  23. I think the name recognition is pretty close to zero, unfortunately.
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