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Everything posted by Callie

  1. Callie

    Google says it means "ten thousand," unsurprisingly.
  2. The site doesn't appear any bigger to me, although we do have a new blogs section.
  3. Callie

    Congratulations on being part of the revered 10000 club!
  4. Note that neurons do not undergo cell division and once you hit adulthood the body mostly stops generating any new ones.
  5. I now claim your signature in the name of Spain.
  6. I can never take Admiral Ackbar seriously because of his absurd outfit. Or at least it's absurd for an anatomy like that.
  7. gee i wonder how many other threads will be tagged sneezing baby panda (monty python ftw)
  8. It turns out that this "Go to first unread post" feature sometimes acts like a sarlacc waiting to pull all spiderwebbers in with unintentionally redundant posts. (I had made a similar post too, but I always prefer the calling myself an idiot option.)
  9. This is my original PDN, but I did change it for a few days ("Timshel"). I don't think anyone noticed.
  10. King Abdullah still retains a lot of power. Maybe it's a segue into democracy, but we'll see.
  11. Conflagration was such a disappointing spell. It was like trying to fight a spore monster with a bottle of RoundUp, without the spray nozzle.
  12. You left out the BoA editor, but excluding the announcements forum, that's only thirteen forums!
  13. I really didn't like Multiple Generic Merry in X3.
  14. Yeah I remember Shards of Fire. It's pretty cool that you met someone from the forums by coincidence.
  15. I saw a news program once about an unusual restaurant in New York City that sells lollipops with various insects in them. They also sell lollipops with arachnids such as scorpions in them. My dad has a manic-depressive cousin who usually doesn't take his meds. He rolls his own cigarettes and sometimes puts ants in them. He claims that it clears his lungs, but that he wants to die from emphysema.
  16. It's certainly not surprising. The status of Spiderwebber cannot be achieved without first leaving one's sanity at the door. The thread has not yet digressed to quantum mechanics or epistemological discussions, so there is still hope for further wandering from the path!
  17. Callie

    Welcome Triumph!

    A triumphant congrats to Triumph!
  18. He was far too difficult to catch, because unlike other fish, he was coated in a thick layer of spam. But every salmon must return upstream to spawn.
  19. They tried puffin there too. Apparently the more adventurous can attempt to catch their own puffin, but that sounds exhausting and hilarious.
  20. And Aran would make a terribly good O'Brien. The verdict is out on who Goldstein is, though.
  21. When Iffy first joined practically every other post was by him.
  22. Beef, buffalo, pork, lamb, venison, chicken, duck, turkey, ostriches. I've had a lot of different seafoods but didn't always remember to ask what it was. I'm a big fan of sushi and raw eel in particular. Salmon is a favorite as far as cooked meat is concerned. I've had ostrich and buffalo burgers before. They're quite good (buffalo is way better than beef), and the eating establishment had a funny name: Fuddruckers. I'd like to try kangaroo and pretty much any non-poisonous seafood. ...my mom and grandpa went to Iceland and tried whale there a year ago. She bit into a bunch of blubber and spit it out, but Grandpa apparently liked it. I was in disbelief when they told me this whale story, then I remembered that Iceland still allows whaling. I definitely would not try whale though. Edit: It's pretty cool that you can see you voted for each option. Just as long as there's an option for anonymity too.
  23. I dunno, it seems like overall activity has decreased on the forums since the transition, particularly in the game forums. Maybe people haven't switched over. General seems fairly active though.
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