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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Actaeon I feel like this might just count under "Spam and Posting Games". (I actually was surprised the other one was considered kosher, but the mods know best.) The other one is more of a forum roleplay. This one, however, is definitely a posting game and as such deserves a lock. But thanks to your posts, it deserves a special lock. Dikiyoba.
  2. Augmenting creations beyond the initial two points of intelligence is only useful in a few situations. Better just to make more creations. Dikiyoba.
  3. Don't worry. Since high levels result in less experience from killing enemies and quests, the slower level gain from having creations with you is counterbalanced by getting more experience later in the game. Even if you have a full roster of creations throughout the entire game, the PC will end up only a few levels behind a PC who goes solo the entire game. The final chapters suck for gaining levels in either case. There's not much left that'll give you a lot of experience. Dikiyoba recommends making some strong creations like war tralls or gazers to get through the rest of the game.
  4. Ooh. And Dikiyoba can be backed up by Gregory the rebel-leaning Agent and Allison the Shaper-leaning Guardian.
  5. Originally Posted By: Trenton Ornks are easy to create! ...they cost only, like, 10 essence... The ornks that the PC can create don't drop meat when they die. They're more essence than flesh, rather than truly living and independent creatures. Dikiyoba.
  6. Quote: —Alorael, also isn't sure how much is in supplemented foods. You need quite a bit to overcome deficiency. I am mostly thinking about the amount needed to avoid vitamin D deficiency, given Soul of Wit's initial claim. A quick search for US foods brings up: Orange juice, fortified, 1 cup: 137 IUs Milk, fortified, 1 cup: 100-124 IUs Yogurt, fortified, 6 ounces: 80 IUs Breakfast cereal, fortified, 0.75-1 cup: 40 IUs (Source) Dikiyoba has no idea what or whether foods in other countries are fortified and will leave it for people in those countries to discuss.
  7. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus ...but many people do not consume a lot of milk. Point. (Vitamin D is added to some types of yogurt too, but if people aren't drinking milk, they probably aren't eating yogurt either.) Dikiyoba.
  8. Dikiyoba thought adequate vitamin D was fairly easy to come by just because so many diary products (and other foods?) have vitamin D was added to them. Is that wrong? Or a holdover from when people spent more time outside?
  9. Originally Posted By: Ackrovan Fyora's wear hats??? Only when they decide to go for a run with all their raptor buddies. But dikiyoras wear hats all the time. No one knows why, least of all Dikiyoba.
  10. *puts on mod hat* Originally Posted By: Code of Conduct 1. Cause no harm. These boards are paid for by Spiderweb Software, a small three-person company run primarily by a guy trying to feed his family. Using this board as a means to solicit, distribute, or discuss cracks or keys will result in immediate, permanent banning! The rules are pretty clear. As such, Andy0023 is permabanned. Piracy is an ugly thing because Jeff relies on people actually buying his games to survive. But one bad apple doesn't have to ruin the whole bushel, so this thread will be left open. *Dikiyoba takes off mod hat and happily resumes wearing Dikiyoba's regular hat*
  11. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba ... and about as painful to play as well. Dikiyoba. Just because some players *cough*Dikiyoba*cough* are obsessive compulsive about collecting items and placing them in neat piles in cleared zones is no reason to consider it painful. Don't worry, Avadon's junkbag broke me of that habit. Replaying the early Geneforges still hurts. Dikiyoba.
  12. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Geneforge isn't nearly as antiquated as the first three Avernums, and might hold up for quite some time before justifying a remake. Oh, G4 and G5 are fine, but that's because they're relatively recent. G1-G3 are almost as old as the first Avernum Trilogy, and about as painful to play as well. Dikiyoba.
  13. Ornks are very rarely created by Shapers. Generally they reproduce and live like ordinary livestock. Apparently it takes too much effort to Shape ornks directly and it's easier just to let them grow naturally. Dikiyoba.
  14. Yes. Be careful, though. You can really mess up your game through changing SDFs. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Some people are asexual, but most people who live like that have a sex drive just like everyone else. Asexual ≠ no sex drive. Asexual people have no/negligible sexual attraction to others. Originally Posted By: Actaeon I spent all last night tossing and turning over this. Thank you for your apology (although I certainly didn't want you to lose any sleep over this discussion). Quote: Nevertheless, I am wracked with guilt at my desire to couple and reproduce. I comfort myself by recognizing the tendency of nearly every other animal (except perhaps a few endangered pandas) to do so, as well. When other humans prove their ability to bypass that, I lose my justification. When I ask those people to teach me how, they look at me like I'm crazy and get offended. There's no reason not to search for a relationship and have children. The future can be bright even with a high population, and it can also be grim even with a low population. Making yourself miserable by remaining single isn't going to do much to bring about a bright future. (Besides, it's really silly to be envious of people who want to be single and/or childless. It's like being envious of plants because they produce their own energy and don't feel the need to eat. Different strokes and all that.) Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: Actaeon I am confused and impressed by people who spend their whole lives single. I couldn't do it, myself, but with world population topping seven billion people who don't plan on reproducing ought to be applauded. And Dikiyoba is baffled by people who want to be in a relationship (or relationships, for the polyamorous people out there) and also baffled by people who want to have childen (whether adopted or biological), but Dikiyoba is not compelled to have opinions about all of them. People have different wants and should be allowed to make their own choices without having to deal with obnoxious comments.
  17. Would calling all vehicular collisions accidents but categorizing them as avoidable if one of the parties involved did something reckless (for example, a pedestrian stepping out into traffic without looking or an intoxicated driver) or as unavoidable if no parties involved did anything reckless (for example, a driver at night with the headlights on and driving at the speed limit hits a deer that suddenly ran onto the road) be a reasonable solution? That way, we can return to the thread's true purpose of arguing what is and isn't reckless. Also whether Arizona has the worst drivers in the world. Dikiyoba votes that Arizona does, after seeing five car accidents in the space of about thirty miles in Prescott. Yes, it was snowing. No, snow isn't all that uncommon in central Arizona.
  18. Dikiyoba

    Reason Rally

    Originally Posted By: Harehunter @Fringy McGee. Nice comeback, but about 2 millenia old. How come you can recognize outdated comebacks but not outdated puns? Dikiyoba.
  19. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar Edit: If you also defy the laws of physics and give me internet access, the results wouldn't be pretty. I'd try to start small by simply reading through every news site and blog there is, but pretty soon I'd be responding as well. I wouldn't know when to stop. You'd wake up to find my rambling comments making up most of the web's content. If you did most of your work and chores during the time stop, you could simply use your regular time to browse the Internet. Dikiyoba.
  20. I'm pretty late, but this question hasn't been answered, eo eh. The tool is in East Pentil (the zone with several spawners and a horde of cryoas) in a nest somewhere in the southwest quadrant of the zone. Be careful, because if you pick it up with another living tool in your inventory, it'll be lost forever. Dikiyoba.
  21. Dikiyoba

    Reason Rally

    Pacifists in Texas are already paying federal taxes that fund the military and already paying state taxes that fund Death Row and the wages of people who carry out executions, and they do it without throwing a giant hissy fit in the middle of an election cycle. (Plus, the conscience of any institution that covers up for and enables sexual predators and then drags its feet and makes excuses when it is found out is worth jack until it makes the necessary reparations.) Dikiyoba.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius No, not really. Oh, the odds of surviving aren't good, and you're probably looking at a long, long recovery time and permanent disability even if you do survive, but it does happen. With Avada Kedavara, that just doesn't happen (unless you are Harry Potter). There's no chance that you will be left for dead but survive to mess up the wizard's plans. Quote: Second, if someone with a minimum of competency with a gun actually wanted someone else dead (like, say a wizard), they'd bother to put in a few hours of practice with a rifle (which is the easiest gun to learn to use), and then they'd just blast them in the chest from fifty or a hundred meters, which is a simple shot that leaves no chance for "retaliation". Yes, but if the shooter is in a situation to get a clear shot, then the wizard is probably also able to get a clear shot. In that situation, the wizard has the better training, won't hesitate or mess up due to stress, and will probably win. Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: FnordCola Nevertheless, I found it pretty silly that the big nasty second worst magic ever thing gave its user (if they had a substantial amount of training and hatred) the ability to kill another person at short range. Humans have been doing that for millennia. Yes, but generally we Muggles consider killing another human to be a pretty big crime, so it makes sense for it to be a big deal to wizards too. (Plus, Avada Kedavra is an instant kill if it hits. Surviving a gunshot is fairly common, and even a fatal gunshot may still leave the opponent able to retaliate, so an amateur gun user certainly doesn't have an advantage over a trained wizard.) Dikiyoba.
  24. Flight, followed by the ability to change size. Dikiyoba.
  25. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Linking people on Spiderweb romantically might prove difficult, given the gender ratios. You are so very wrong. It's been done a few times before. Dikiyoba.
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