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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Yeah, Dikiyoba is having a hard time imagining what the prequels might contain that isn't already in Watchmen.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan For what it's worth, a lot of pro-life people understand this. [...] making abortion illegal is impossible in the current political environment anyway Maybe in Canada, but in the United States it's a far uglier picture. Dikiyoba.
  3. Originally Posted By: Nikki Also, it just sounds to me that somebody could use their uterus to store stationary or loose change or something. So that's why clothes marketed toward women have small or nonexistent pockets. (Also, considering that pro-life policies don't actually reduce terminated pregnancies but do result in more dangerous abortion procedures that kill and severely injure people, Dikiyoba doesn't think that we need to pretend to be unbiased in an attempt to avoid hypothetical flame wars.)
  4. Dikiyoba

    Beetle Kill

    Originally Posted By: Actaeon (Edit: This IS more interesting than water rights to the Easterners and Europeans here, right?) In a way, it is a discussion about water rights, just far removed. Dikiyoba isn't up to date on recent beetle infestations and will have to do some research before Dikiyoba can respond.
  5. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Take the issue of water rights along the Colorado River. You have cities like Las Vegas ans Los Angeles, with huge appetites for water. Then you have all the farm land in the Imperial Valley, which is an equally thirsty region. The cities have far more people to out-vote the rural farmers, if all votes are equal. What is fair? That we stop encouraging the development of metropolises and doing irrigation-intensive farming in the middle of a desert? That we find ways to cut down on water usage from the river (water catchment, redesigning sewage systems, cutting back on the golf courses that are absolutely everywhere)? That we redo the water allotment so that it's based on average or low flow levels instead of exceptionally high flow levels so that states, cities, and landowners aren't constantly at each others' throats trying to claim water that doesn't exist? That we leave enough clean water in the river so that it flows into Mexico so that those citizens have access to water too? That we leave enough water in the river for functional ecosystems both for their own sake and because functioning ecosystems benefit us in hard to quantify but nevertheless real ways? That's the beginning of what fair is. But it doesn't really have a lot do to with voting. Dikiyoba.
  6. Originally Posted By: The Ratt One thing that was brought up when I asked someone else what they thought about randomized state primaries, is that, no matter which state(s) you pick, it will never be representative of the whole US. But at least the states that benefit from being early in the primary order will be different every election, instead of the current situation where the same few states hold the advantage every time. Dikiyoba.
  7. Originally Posted By: Actaeon To me, this could be a topic of its own. Don't worry, topic drift will take care of that soon enough. And at the risk of sounding like a hipster, Dikiyoba thinks Kid Pix was awesome.
  8. Originally Posted By: Randomizer If you can't [take] the pun, stay out of the forum. Are you trying to compete with Harehunter for the rank of worst comedian? Because if you are, that certainly puts you in the running. Dikiyoba's greatest technological fear is that Dikiyoba will grow old and be completely unable to handle the newfangled technology of the future. Of course, Dikiyoba's biggest fear is that Dikiyoba won't live long enough to become old, so being befuddled by technology doesn't seem too bad in comparison.
  9. It updates as often as you refresh, but keeps track of people for up to half an hour after they've been on. Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Lilith they wouldn't, but it'd be pretty funny to watch him veto literally every bill that reached his desk Maybe from your vantage point, but it'd be a lot less funny from where Dikiyoba is.
  11. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Yes, I know that many of his policies are crazy or negligent, but a newly elected president doesn't get an unlimited mandate. I hold that the system of checks and balances between Congress and the President would force Paul to revamp or drop many of his extreme policies to actually get legislation to pass, honeymoon period or not. Obama has left me unimpressed with the state of the Democratic Party. If Obama hasn't had much success getting beneficial policies through Congress, then how would the beneficial policies of Ron Paul manage to get through? Dikiyoba.
  12. The final session is this upcoming Tuesday, January 17 at the usual place and time. Dikiyoba.
  13. Yes. You can drop your excess stuff anywhere you want. A friendly town that you always come back to in order to rest, or near an enchanted anvil, or wherever is convenient to you. (Note that charms only work when they are in your inventory, so you can't really drop those off.) Dikiyoba.
  14. Dikiyoba just loaded up an old saved game to check. There is a lever to open the door in question. It's hidden behind the pillar in the cross-shaped room. It's a bit hard to spot, but will highlight if you hover your mouse over it.
  15. Yay, Rowen's back from wherever he disappeared to for the holidays. Therefore, calender. Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: The Mystic So how the heck did he find the time to write this? Simple. He was procrastinating on his regular Nobel prize-winning novel. Dikiyoba.
  17. Yes, but slightly removed from the inlet itself. (It's one of the few pictures of mine that don't look terrible with a widescreen resolution.) Dikiyoba is impressed that you recognized it.
  18. Originally Posted By: Boggle There’s a good chance I do know the titles of some of them, it’s quite possible I’ve read a few of them and maybe even possess one or two of them myself. Imagine that! You do realize this comes off as sarcastic and condenscending, right? Quote: My choice of quote might cause you to chuckle, but that would of course be missing the point. Picking one nit is silly, to pick a thousand means you have an infestation. Yes, but when you provide an example, it has to be a good example. Your first example isn't a good one. While it could have been phrased better, it's a good simile; most people can visualize the train wheels clicking on the rails without a problem. The "for the first time in her life" example is a much better one, because it's cliche and melodramatic. That's bad writing right there. Quote: Gender of course doesn’t end in ism, Dikiyoba thinks of gender essentialism as the top umbrella term for all the issues and inequalities relating to gender, but it probably has a more specific meaning and shouldn't be used for that.
  19. Originally Posted By: Slartucker That said, if I ever see a dialogue in a scenario that begins "AGATHISM VS. POSTMODERNISM" again... TM's scenarios typically don't have all that much to do with real life, though. Originally Posted By: Boggle Whenever any issue becomes ism-ized, it's going to be hard to approach by all but the best of the best without raising an outcry from somewhere. Even the best of the best will provoke outcries. And even if a particular creator didn't intend to tackle any -isms, some of the creator's audience will find the accidental -isms that slip in there. (If you have characters, for instance, you are dealing with gender. If you have human or human-like characters, you're probably dealing with race.) An outcry is basically inevitable. On the plus side, if you are a creator who challenges the -isms, you'll provoke praise from your audience as well. Quote: You talk about them all you want, just don't be expecting any groundbreaking spiderweb games that will smite these evil -isms in to the dust with one fell triumphant swishy swoosh. No one (except you) is saying that they expect that, though. Dikiyoba.
  20. Dikiyoba

    Movies 2011

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan But Cars 2? If you wanted to make a Bond film that bad, why not just make a Bond film? Honestly, the plot of Cars 2 could have been stripped of its Bondsesque elements easier than it could have been given to a non-car cast. Dikiyoba.
  21. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be taking the time to eyeball the genitals of something that scary. Especially since reptiles have internal genitals and you'd have to get really, really, really close to a dragon to tell. Dikiyoba.
  22. You could, like, explain what the cheat engine is and provide a link to it, instead of assuming that everyone in this thread knows what it is and where to get it? Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: Lightning Spammer Though there was a sort of "back to start" spell/artifact in Exile/Avernum III wasn't there? Yes, and several teleportation pylons as well. (The same item was in A2 as well, but it was of limited use for transportation and mainly useful in case you got stuck somewhere. Or in conjuction with the "return boats" feature of the editor to go through the Dark River sections multiple times.) Dikiyoba.
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