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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. OOC: Apology accepted, Slarty. Onward with the RP! --- IC: Dikiyoba snags a few pieces of pizza and stows them in Dikiyoba's pack for later. "Balloons, streamers, exploding watermelons, and now rain? This is what Dikiyoba calls an awesome party." Dikiyoba snaps several photos of the chaos and also records a clip of MMXPERT sleeping and snoring like a chainsaw.
  2. OOC: WTF, Slarty? I've been identifying as a non-binary gendered person on SW for three years now, and you're still misgendering me? Seriously, WTF? Dikiyoba has to deal with way too much cissexist and binarist bullcrap in real life and definitely does not need anyone adding to it here.
  3. Avernum: Escape from the Pin, in which you are a rare species of butterfly targeted by vahnatai entomologists. Avernum: Escape from the Pig, in which you are chased by a giant wild boar. Avernum: Escape from the Pix, the sequel to Avernum: Ruined World. You again play the adventurers who saved the surface from the monster plagues. But your heroic reputation has a downside, because now you must face a horde of paparazzi everywhere you go. Avernum: Escape from the Pict, better known as Nethergate. Avernum: Escape from the Pint, in which you discover that beer made from mushrooms is just really, really awful. Avernum: Escape from the Pip: Out, damned spot! Avernum: Escape from Pi, in which the unfortunate soul who has to know about all this "mathematics" stuff is you. Avernum: Escape from the Pity, in which you are tragically banished by the evil Empire, and isn't it awful? You poor thing, to never see the sun again. I'm really sorry, it must be so hard on you. Do you need a hug? Dikiyoba: Attempt Some Wit, in which you make a big list of puns in the hope that a few work out.
  4. Originally Posted By: Mistborn "The only thing that comes to mind when I look at this is to write a magic-system involving fish-scale powder. Or the urge to throw it randomly at that other group of people near the front. I'm afraid if I stare at it too long, I may end up doing just that. Do you want it?" "Well, you did ask if there were any writers h--is that a lamppost carp?" I pull out my guidebook to North American fish and eagerly flip through it. "Oh, wait, no. It's just an ordinary koi. You can keep it. Or throw it at someone." Originally Posted By: Slartucker I ordered some take-out for everyone on the bus!" Dikiyoba is a bit upset and whiney. "Take-out? Who gets take-out at a Mongolian Barbeque (besides us, apparently)? Going inside is half the fun!"
  5. Dikiyoba leans over the seat. "Smile for the camera, Arancaytar!" Dikiyoba takes several snapshots.
  6. Sensing something awry, I update my implants (or perhaps they update me) so that I'm retroactively sitting in the seat below Mistborn. "Hey, Mistborn. What's up? Sorry, Dikiyoba didn't see Dikiyoba's self sitting here until now."
  7. The arrival of the bus angers one of the bystanders, a green dikiyora wearing a baseball cap and a camera around their neck. The dikiyora shouts at the bus driver, "Hey! You just ruined Dikiyoba's perfect shot! Now the tree is going to be all crooked and bloody!"
  8. Originally Posted By: Nikki ...but I think you're all just wanting to pair me off with somebody other than Aran. Wait, you mean you didn't end your relationship with Arancaytar before you invited Tyranicus into your bed? For shame, Nikki, for shame. Dikiyoba is appalled and disgusted now. Cheating in games is one thing, but cheating in relationships is quite another. For shame!
  9. Originally Posted By: Antione Villia I'm quite sure the fleece thing was a joke about how some game companies operate *cough*bioware Nope. Xoanon only posts to complain about the way that SW prices their games. Go figure. Dikiyoba.
  10. It's not Actaeon that Nikki longs for... Dikiyoba.
  11. Originally Posted By: Riibu It's not so bad; the files are all of course safe and sound on my computer. Well, that's not too bad then (except for the lost e-mails, of course). Take your time getting your new site set up the way you want it. The thought of going without your maps terrifies Dikiyoba, but if we've survived without Silver's Avernum maps in the past, we'll figure out how to survive without your maps somehow.
  12. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Will traditional television be replaced by Hulu and whatever TV system Jobs thought up? I think that "traditional" television is on its way out, if not already gone, but that television itself is proving adaptable. I mean, between recording devices like TiVo, DVD collections for most popular TV shows, video-on-demand both on TV and on Internet sites like Hulu, you no longer have to watch TV shows when they air. You can pretty much get whatever show you want whenever you want it. I think the future of TV will focus on providing more niche programming and more personalized experiences. We already have specialized TV networks and interactive TV is starting to appear. One downside is that more traditional genres like dramas may suffer; we're already seeing the switch to reality shows and documentary series because it's cheaper just to hire a camera crew to follow some schmucks around rather than needing to pay for the writers, actors, sets, costumes, etc. Another downside is more targeted advertisements. Or in Hulu's case, just more obnoxious advertisements. A third downside is that we'll never be able to talk about television again, because we'll all be watching our own shows and because if two people who ever do watch the same show meet, they'll never see the same episode at the same time and so every conversation will be vague and general for fear of revealing (and hence getting yelled at for) or accidentally running across spoilers. Dikiyoba.
  13. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar In any case, woah. I know Notch is very cool, but I'm still surprised to see him giving Spidweb a shout-out. No, it's Nightwatcher doing the shout-out. No, it doesn't make sense. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Edit: Escape from the Pits? Is this game about a high school locker room? Win. Dikiyoba.
  14. Originally Posted By: Riibu This is because my website is now gone. All of whatever there ever was. This includes the maps. Of course the loss is not so great (whoever needed to see the full maps? They're in the game), and it's not like I ever even finished the main one. Aww. I'm sorry to hear that, Riibu. What happened? Is there any chance whatsoever of getting anything back? Dikiyoba liked the maps and used them on occasion, despite the fact that they weren't finished.
  15. Dikiyoba


    We could always make this thread about Somebody Else's Problem. Dikiyoba will leave that decision up to someone else, since you know...
  16. A couple of things. 1. There's a good chance the Windows version will be released on April 11 or sooner. That's only about a week later than the iPad version. Even if the release is later than the 11th, it's clear that Jeff was working on both ports at the same time and the iPad one just got done a bit sooner. It's not like he completely ignored the Windows port in order to do the iPad port. 2. Don't forget about the discount that comes with the Windows (pand Mac) versions but that iPad users can't get. Dikiyoba.
  17. Originally Posted By: Harehunter You are absolutely correct about Context. Outside of context, puns fall flat. However, most of my witticism is HEY EVERYONE LOOK HOW WITTY AND CLEVER I AM! I'M THE FUNNIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD, AND SO HUMBLE ABOUT IT TOO! Dikiyoba fixed your typo.
  18. Happy April Fool's Day! In honor of this most important holiday, I set the boards so that they would switch games around and to change the names of most moderators into something slightly insulting in people's posts. I would have liked to change regular member's names too, but there are a lot more of you and I'm really not all that clever. (Also, the games didn't all get filtered correctly, but oh well.) For posterity, the altered monikers were: Click to reveal.. *i|Stinkeye Alorael|Alorly Arancaytar|Aran Carter Dikiyoba|dikiyora tool Kelandon|Kelanfodder Lilith|Lily-lithed Randomizer|Rancid miter Slartucker|Farty Slarty Tyranicus|Tyranicuss (if you want a better name, don't be invisible AIM next time ) Celtic Minstrel|Spoony Minstrel (a late addition) Dikiyoba returns you to your regular text in 3... 2... 1... and done.
  19. Nightwatcher, if you don't have a good suggestion or explanation to help fix the problem, it's a good idea not to post anything at all. Technical issues can be frustrating, and unhelpful posts only make them more so. Dikiyoba.
  20. "Error: Internet Explorer has given up." Dikiyoba can't really blame it.
  21. Dikiyoba

    Google Quest

    Originally Posted By: Actaeon At the time I wrote that, my time zone was pretty firmly in March 30. Whoa, that's a really late time zone. You might want to take it in to get it checked out; it sounds like it's running slow. Hopefully it just needs a new battery or some other easy fix. Dikiyoba hears that repairing time zones can get expensive, and it's not exactly cheap to go out and buy a new one either.
  22. Originally Posted By: Jewels We just lived with the annoyance until the novelty wore off without crimping anyone's harmless creative expression. Without getting into whether intervening was a good decision or a bad one, the rainbow text fad couldn't be both annoying and harmless. If it was annoying, it wasn't entirely harmless. --- Edit: Dikiyoba, alas, doesn't have any horror stories about being young and stupid on the Internet. Dikiyoba was young and stupid, but not on the Internt. Dikiyoba is sometimes stupid on the Internet, but no longer particularly young.
  23. Originally Posted By: Actaeon While we're on the subject of old posts, does anyone recollect why I have a picture of Aran's eye photoshopped to look like Sauron ? My eyes! They bleed! Such pain and watering never known before that photograph! Dikiyoba.
  24. Your emo phase was pretty annoying, too, even if you rarely posted during that time. Dikiyoba wouldn't worry too much. We were all young and stupid at some point. Some of us didn't have access to the Internet during our total muffinhead stage, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  25. Wasn't Nebulan the person who started the rainbow text meme? --- Originally Posted By: Kelandon Lord Llama is the first person mentioned in this thread whose name I don't recognize at all, for what that's worth. I remember Lord Llama and Bomber because they talked about Foamy the Squirrel incessantly. And also because Bomber came back after a long absence and suddenly started insulting everyone in sight, for which he was quickly banned. Quote: (I remember there being an account "Jeran Korak," but I don't remember what it did. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Was it Tyran's alternate while his account was down? Dikiyoba pulls out Jeran Korak's enchanted flaming ten-foot long greatsword of +25 melee damage and +5 strength and +101 compensation and violently stabs anyone who can't remember his inappropriate, nonstop, and overpowered role playing. Begone, you foul plebeians!
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