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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. I stop conducting when I see several armed Despers coming for me. I take a deep breath and blow flame at them. The Despers are used to flames, though, and dodge it easily. I try breathing fire again, this time at the walls of the building. "Of course it's fireproof. Dikiyoba wishes Dikiyoba hadn't given Dikiyoba's weapon to Nikki. Oh well. If Nikki and Actaeon don't get out of there with Lt. Sullust in the next five minutes, Dikiyoba will have to attempt plan C." Dikiyoba jumps into the air and flies up awkwardly. Dikiyoba hovers out of missile range and watch the exits for any sign of Actaeon or Nikki.
  2. Originally Posted By: Slarty ...what I meant was that I haven't followed it in years. I'm plenty familiar with the title character, which is what's relevant to the main topic of the thread. Or are you suggesting that we should only discuss a character if we've read/watched the entire corpus of works they've been in? What I've been trying to imply is that the past few seasons (ie, beginning at the end of the fourth season and really ramping up at the end of the sixth season and all throughout the seventh) have seen Dr. Brennan's personality change so drastically she's not really the same person any more. And all those changes--deciding she wants children, then falling hopelessly in love with Booth, then being stupid enough to have sex without protection, then deciding to keep the baby and then buying a house so she and Booth can live together--have made her less counterculture and more this-is-what-American-society-expects-of-a-woman. So yeah, unless you specifically want to talk about Dr. Brenann in the early seasons, before the character derailment, you have to know at least a little bit--like an episode or two--about what's going on in the seventh season after she's been "normalized". Dikiyoba.
  3. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I'm a physicist instead of a biologist, so I don't necessarily look for decisive evidence first. I'm willing to propose an idea based on theory, try it, and see how it turns out. The problem is you can't really do that with biology (or psychology, for that matter), because confirmation bias is huge when it comes to interpreting animal behavior. That's part of the reason it was Jane Goodall, with her limited education and experience, who made so many discoveries about common chimpanzee behavior and society and not the scientists who studied chimps before her. That's why scientists were able to miss animals engaging in homosexual and bisexual behavior for so long only to suddenly discover that everything from beetles to bonobos do it. (I'm oversimplifying like crazy here, of course.) So it's bad science, because scientists get so caught up in their ideas about how biology should work that they completely miss how biology does work. And it's bad morals, because these ideas generally end up supporting racism, sexism, and all the other bigoted social norms of the day. So yeah. To try to get this thread back on track, Heather Mason of Silent Hill 3 is an example of a strong character who just happens to be a woman. Dikiyoba.
  4. "...uh... I have no idea. Wow, this is weird." I sniff at one of the supposed landmines carefully and wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Well, the good news is they won't explode. The bad news is... well, just don't step on them, okay? I'll sneak around back and create a distraction while you guys slip inside from the front. Deal?" Without waiting for an answer, I move off, being as sneaky as a lumbering dragon can be. When I come to the back entrance, I set a CD player on the ground, put a CD labeled "Joseph Haydn" into it, make sure it's paused, and turn the volume all the way up. I open the door and look around. Several Despers look at me suspiciously. I take a deep breath. "Hey everyone, nice place you've got here. But it appears that you're missing some great music. Here, i-I...Sir Motrax, will help with that." I hit play, and classical music begins blaring. Dikiyoba closes Dikiyoba's eyes so Dikiyoba can't see the hand gestures and begins conducting along with the music.
  5. Originally Posted By: Actaeon I am confused by this juxtaposition. The *facepalm* is a response to Slarty because he keeps talking about a show he doesn't even watch and makes assumptions about it that are no longer true. The rest of my post is a response to Kreador and has nothing to do with my response to Slarty. --- Originally Posted By: Kreador If you think that's unfortunate, you'd really hate the birth episode where she goes into labor while they're out on a case, can't make it to a doctor, stop at an inn, are told there's no room, so she gives birth in the manger, and they name the kid Christine. The part where she jumped into the middle of a prison riot and relied on her unborn baby to protect her while Booth got the snot beaten out of him was pretty sweet, though, if only because Booth doesn't get beaten up nearly enough. Dikiyoba.
  6. Originally Posted By: Slarty Disclaimer: I haven't watched Bones in years. ... *facepalm* Originally Posted By: Kreador but I do not believe that they've actually gotten married yet. Oh, right, they aren't married, they just live together. Huh. Dikiyoba didn't realize Emily Deschanel was pregnant in RL (not by David Boreanaz). That makes the writing make a tiny bit more sense (given that the writing for the past few seasons has been random and awful).
  7. Quote: —Alorael, who will point out that man's closest evolutionary relatives are bonobos. That's only half the Pan genus, you troglodytes. Dikiyoba is sorry for making that pun, but not sorry enough to not have made it.
  8. Originally Posted By: Slarty She is obstinately cynical and dissects contemporary culture as much as dead bodies. Yeah, but she's chosen to jump right into the American dream. She's got a marriage, a kid, money, a house... all that's missing is belief in God and a white picket fence. Dikiyoba.
  9. Originally Posted By: Slarty Counterexamples: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bones, Daria. Are female protagonists easier for men to relate to if they are explicitly dark, cynical, and counterculture? Bones is counterculture? Well, I guess she used to be before the show jumped the brain tumor. Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Alorael How is the forced tutorial a problem? It's immersion breaking and when it's the 200th time you've started a SW game, it's just annoying. Plus, Dikiyoba just doesn't like to be told what to do. Make a creation to continue. No! Dikiyoba isn't ready to make one yet. You should use a spell now. No way, that's a waste of spell energy. It'll die fast enough when Dikiyoba runs up and punches it in the face with a dagger.
  11. Originally Posted By: Lilith I think there are giant rats in some Geneforge games that are supposed to be natural creatures, unless my memory's failing me. G2 says that giant rats were regular rats that were experimented on and then escaped into the wild. Additionally, G4 says roamers were created by modifying dogs. One of the games might mention something about clawbugs being modified desert scorpions or something too. Dikiyoba imagines that the presence of creations on Terrestia probably drove a lot of non-creation organisms into extinction over time. New diseases, rogues changing the ecosystem and eating everything in sight, leftover toxins and magical pollution dumped into the environment, even perhaps Shapers trying to control the crops and livestock that non-Shapers are allowed to raise.
  12. Originally Posted By: Kreador Hey Randomizer, I think there's another shovel down the hidden passage on the left of the Nephar fort, in case you need it to keep on digging. ;-) You win this thread for today. Dikiyoba.
  13. Dikiyoba


    Quote: Rather than confine myself to an inane mailbox stuffing thread But those are the best. Congratulations, Actaeon! Dikiyoba.
  14. Nope. Well, Blades of Avernum, but that's it. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Alorael Looking at people and appreciating their attractiveness is not the same as treating them as objects! Not always, but it can be. (And if Dikiyoba were to choose the charitable meaning, then Dikiyoba would no longer be a cynic.)
  16. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith pretty much resemble Yeah, right. The pictures looks like identical twin sisters after and before breast implants. Quote: I'm not saying I don't enjoy looking at attractive women, but there are plenty of other venues for that hobby without mixing it in with gaming. So treating women as sex objects is fine, just not in video games? Dikiyoba.
  17. Originally Posted By: Death Knight After i enhanced my item with the skull, it didnt even work. I tried using it on enemies and it barely ever works. "Doesn't work" and "rarely ever works" are two different things. Golden crystals are good for armor and weapons. Steel spines are good for armor, and Dikiyoba likes to stick a few ivory skulls on armor as well. Runed amethysts are good for weapons. All other item enchancements are better off sold.
  18. Dikiyoba hands Dikiyoba's weapon to Nikki and tests out Dikiyoba's new dragonbreath as Dikiyoba stomps along. "So, do we have a plan?"
  19. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I was expecting dinosaurs, but their descendants will do. Birds are dinosaurs. See them in this dinosaur family tree? (Besides, Dikiyoba did non-avian dinosaurs in the last post count thread.)
  20. I grab some plastic dragon wings and strap them onto my back, somehow turning into a facsimile of Sir Motrax of Exile after doing so. "Dikiyoba...er, Sir Motrax has a better idea. One of you grab the assult rifle and an Alorael mask. The other one can be Logalot. Let's go start a conspiracy."
  21. ...and because the images search for 8008 was boring... ...BOOBIES!!!!! --- --- --- Dikiyoba's posting rate may have slowed down, but Dikiyoba is still here and still chugging along. W00t.
  22. Originally Posted By: Nioca That's the one where you drive around in a city you designed in SimCity and shoot missiles at things, right? Yes. Too bad its abandoned and virtually impossible to get to run now. Dikiyoba.
  23. There's definitely an ivory skull hidden in the sw corner of the Purity Workshop. It looks exactly like an ordinary skull, unfortunately, which means it's incredibly easy to miss or misplace. Dikiyoba.
  24. The information you are looking for is in the upstairs room in a chest. You can't find it until you have the quest. You know you have it when you have "filthy scrolls" in your special items list. Dikiyoba.
  25. Alpha Centauri Amnesia: the Dark Descent (Play it. Do it now.) Aquaria Avernum 2 Avernum: Escape from the Pit (I haven't finished it yet, though.) Geneforge 1 Geneforge 4 Portal SimAnt Honorable Mentions: Silent Hill 2 (I haven't actually played it, but I've seen enough of it to know how good it is.) Streets of SimCity (Frequent game-crashing bugs plus no save feature keeps it off the favorite list, but it was so. Much. Fun.) Dikiyoba.
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