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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Everyone who had an account but hasn't been correctly identified should reveal themselves first. Otherwise the people who have been guessed will be at a disadvantage because we've seen the sort of alias they will make while we don't for the people who haven't been guessed. Also, Dikiyoba is really curious to find out who a couple of unidentified accounts really are.
  2. Dikiyoba


    Most of the cats don't really seem to fit the font, but Helvetica and Comic Sans are perfect. Dikiyoba now wonders if there are dinosaurs and fonts that belong together. Hmm. A project for another day, perhaps?
  3. Oh, it's still going. Sign up and post away. Dikiyoba.
  4. It looks like you forgot to subtract the last three guesses from Cairo Jim and Lilith. They should be at 4/3 and 1/3 respectively. Also, it would make sense to combine both of Trenton's accounts into one score. Dikiyoba.
  5. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Posting Alex's cartoon yourself, though, is crossing the line. Also, it's not a palindrome. Dikiyoba will congratulate you anyway. Congratulations!
  6. If it happened on a forum, the contest would need to run for several days. That would free us from time zone constraints (although you might still be able to use the relative time of day that an account posts to figure out who the person behind it is). Also, if it happens, it can't happen here. Changing current accounts would leave far too much information behind, and even new accounts would be problematic because mods can see IPs relatively easily. Dikiyoba would participate if someone decides to set up a forum. It will be hard for Dikiyoba to post without this gimmick, but Dikiyoba shall do Dikiyoba's best.
  7. *this important message is brought to you by Dikiyoba, Godwin's Law, and gimmick theft*
  8. The priest has Call the Storm. That's a reliable, fairly cheap, multi-target damager dealer that you can get early on and stays useful until you can replace it with Divine Fire. Dikiyoba found it really useful against the sliths and drakes you start running across once you hit The Honeycomb and exploring around Fort Dranlon.
  9. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Given that people are spending the same amount of time online as always, That's an assumption I wouldn't make. It's a lot easier to get online now than ten years ago, or even five years ago. It's also more mainstream and socially acceptable now to spend time online than it was five or ten years ago. My bet is that a larger and more varied population accesses the Internet now than five years ago, and that the average amount of time spent online has gone up. Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie side point: why does Ë show up as a letter and not the rest of them? If it's a symbol that exists in Unicode, it'll show up. If it only exists in HTML, it'll show up as a bunch of code. Dikiyoba.
  11. Originally Posted By: shoopypit Now I only played the demo, so I have no idea if the story gets alot better. It doesn't get a lot better, but it does get somewhat better. The Avadon demo is small and really boring compared to most Spiderweb demos. Dikiyoba.
  12. Bah, forget God. Emperor Hawthorne has declared that you be banished to the underworld. It doesn't matter whether you call yourself an Exile person, an Avernum person, an Avernum: Subtitled person, or an Exilethernumforgedon person—you've been banished for life, so get back into your lichen-lit lizard-loaded pit! Dikiyoba.
  13. Dikiyoba


    Originally Posted By: Excalibur although I really don't like Calibri or whatever it's called. Agreed. Calibri sucks. Dikiyoba doesn't actually mind when other people use it, but for whatever reason Dikiyoba can't stand using it.
  14. Originally Posted By: Actaeon In the old days, there was often Dolphin in cans of tuna. Sometime in the 90's it became the cause of the moment and is now less of an issue. Just because dolphins were killed as part of the bycatch (ie, everything else caught along with the target organism) doesn't mean they were actually processed and canned. Sheesh. (I assume bycatch from ocean fisheries is just dumped overboard for the scavengers to have, but I don't have any actual knowledge on the subject.) Unfortunately, the cost of getting dolphins out of the bycatch is that now more sharks and sea turtles are part of the bycatch, which is not really an improvement. (Unless it was caught on a pole and line instead of a net, in which case you're good. Unless it's from a tuna stock that's being overharvested, in which case you aren't.) Dikiyoba.
  15. Well, for starters, HTML off is the default. Second, HTML in posts is really easy to abuse and quickly becomes obnoxious. Whee! See what Dikiyoba means?
  16. Originally Posted By: Trenton God. Huge outbreak of topics in one day. Don't worry, the mods have already talked to Demon Blade about it. Quote: Anywho, this has been discussed MANY times. Yeah, but repeats of subjective discussion threads like favorite creations is okay once in a while, since the answers will probably change some. Dikiyoba hasn't played G2 in a very long time, but if in doubt, Dikiyoba's answer is always the cryoa.
  17. Originally Posted By: Rowen got trolled while trolling Milestone thread...yeah, thats what this was. Thanks everyone. Heh. If it helps, Dikiyoba wasn't fooled. You are just a dirty, dirty spammer! (But then, aren't we all? Those of us who posted in this thread, anyway.)
  18. Hey krissyfyre, would you make a full version of the cave floor graphics (the new G2200 and G2280) with all the partial tiles included? Without the partial tiles, the edges between the cave floor and other floor types isn't as smooth as it could be. Thanks. Dikiyoba.
  19. Originally Posted By: Trenton Below 24 isnt old... Oh, is 24 years the cutoff point? Good. Get off Dikiyoba's lawn, you young whippersnapper!
  20. Is your main warrior wearing a lot of heavy armor? There's a more-or-less hidden encumbrance feature that will give you an AP penality if you're wearing a lot of heavy equipment. In the original Avernum trilogy, there is a skill (usually defense) that increases the amount of heavy equipment you can wear, but Dikiyoba doesn't know whether there is one in Nethergate or not.
  21. Ooh, pretty blue cave walls. Dikiyoba has downloaded the edited graphics and will put a few in during Dikiyoba's next playthrough.
  22. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity You just look at yourself in a mirror, and in particular watch your eyes. Look yourself in the left eye, then the right eye, and keep switching back and forth. Argh, I can feel my eyes moving back and forth. Make it stop! Dikiyoba is rather fond of the Lilac chaser illusion.
  23. MMXPERT, Trenton, would the two of you please stop making so many pointless, spammy posts? It confuses people who need help and is just generally annoying. Dikiyoba is leaving this thread unlocked in case txmimi still needs more help.
  24. Dikiyoba has been bribed (*sigh*) to point out that life is currently imitating art.
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