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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Arjay I've done it before and I just spent the better part of an hour running aimlessly around the Eastern Gallery trying to find a place where I could make some potions >.< Walner in Fort Duvno is the person who makes potions in the Eastern Gallery. Dikiyoba.
  2. Originally Posted By: Trenton I am jealous. This is getting you so many posts. I mean, your actually posting after yourself everytime, and no one tells you off xD If I could do this, that would be gold. You have MMXPERT's game to make your post count go up faster than entirely reasonable. Don't complain. Upon Mars, when you are making multiple updates/releases close together (as in, less than several hours apart), please put them all in one post instead of making multiple posts in a row. That's standard netiquette for these forums. Thanks. Dikiyoba is so not complaining about post counts, mind you.
  3. Quote: —Alorael, who has another rant saved up about how there's really not a better way to do drug development than having companies reap the money for taking on the risks. Or rather, there might be, but no one seems to like the idea of having taxpayer dollars cover that risk directly. Do it! Dikiyoba wouldn't mind using taxpayer dollars to fund drug development research. Bonus points if those funds are created by diverting money away from defense spending.
  4. Oh, we can. We just prefer not to delete the posts of actual users so no one is suddenly confused about why their posts have disappeared. Dikiyoba.
  5. Originally Posted By: Sylae Ponies > horses. Where do miniature horses fit into the equation? Quote: As awesome as it would be to have Brony Jeff, I doubt it is the case. Don't forget that Jeff has kids who are about the right age to enjoy the show. Dikiyoba.
  6. If you are a shock trooper, you should be pumping intelligence and shaping skills (Either fire shaping or magic shaping early on. Battle shaping just sucks in every game before G5. Fire shaping lets you get cryoas, which are awesome but then later creations aren't all that great, so you'll have to pump magic shaping later for wingbolts and such. Magic shaping is decent early on with artilas and then vlish, but doesn't get exciting until you get wingbolts.) Improving strength and endurance is fine, but a shock trooper is a creation creator first and a fighter second. Think of her as a battlefield captain, who leads first and foremost and fights to support her troops when needed. Dikiyoba likes the shock trooper class. It's not as powerful as a lifecrafter or as tough as servile, but it's a lot of fun when you have a decent build.
  7. Originally Posted By: vvvvv So I would say that vvvvv is the right number of 'v's', it is known to stand for this elsewhere. Yes, but VVVVVV is a game famous for being extremely challenging. Not as famous as, say, I Wanna Be the Guy, but still quite a challenge. So yes, you are missing a V. And yes, it was a (very) bad joke. Also, Dikiyoba's eyes refuse to see the middle V, even when Dikiyoba knows there are five Vs in your name and not four.
  8. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Usually I just delete the topic and ban them so you don't see them. Ditto. The recent spam topics in General have only survived because people keep posting in them. Which is going to become a problem if it keeps happening and the spam topics start stacking up. Dikiyoba.
  9. He's missing a few Vs for that sort of challenge! Dikiyoba.
  10. The clawbug upgrade in G1 is the plated bug. According to the walkthrough linked in the forum header, there are four canisters of create clawbug in the game, located somewhere in these zones: Southbridge, Kazg Ruins, Underground River, and Guarded Docks. You only need three points in create clawbug to be able to create the plated bug. This holds true for any type of upgraded creation; get three points in the normal creation and the upgraded version will be unlocked. Every ordinary creation has an upgraded version (unfortunately, in a few cases the upgraded version sucks). Dikiyoba.
  11. Originally Posted By: Goldenking On the Rebels being kind to creations, I think it's worth noting that they're the only side ever portrayed as having creation hospitals. Shapers have creation hospitals too. On the other hand, the usual given reason for their existence is that it's easier to heal a hurt creation than to kill it and make a new one. Dikiyoba.
  12. Originally Posted By: Nioca I did state that their society has degraded. Yes, you said they degraded by Geneforge Five. My example is from the ending of Geneforge Three, when the war was just beginning. If anything, the collapsing Shaper society makes the Shapers better (as in Astoria's willingness to let independent serviles settle in her province and in the G4 Shaper leadership's willingness to recruit human rebel defectors and double agents in exchange for mercy) as often as it made it worse (Taygen). Quote: However, I could also say the same of the rebels: How many times did they try to negotiate? When they got the upper-hand, they could have negotiated. The rebels never really held the upper hand until the end of the war. They got victories early on, but nothing ever serious enough to give them the power to negotiate. The best chance they have is right before the G5 PC comes along, and by that time the bulk of the drakons are too much like the Shapers to want to negotiate. But it's implied that some of the humans and serviles are; how else would Astoria hope to negotiate if she didn't have some contacts among rebel leadership? Dikiyoba likes the Awakened and Astoria, and sometimes even the Trakovites. But they are only powerful enough to make a difference for very short periods in the Geneforge saga.
  13. Originally Posted By: Nioca The Shapers are not ruling Terrestria with an iron fist "because we rule and will squish people". They're doing it because they know what kind of catastrophe can happen if the wrong people get their hands on Shaping powers. That's their stated reasoning, anyway. But they gave up plenty of chances to compromise before a full-scale war broke out and (aw, the G3 ending images finally died) the G3 rebel ending makes it very, very clear that the Shapers care more about remaining in total control than they do about avoiding catastophe. The Shapers say something along the lines of "even if we end up having to reduce the world to rubble, we're still going to be the ones ruling it." Dikiyoba.
  14. Quote: I would put up a meme, but I have NO idea how to put pictures in my posts. It's (img)(/img) with square brackets (ie []) instead of parenthesis and the image URL in between them, but that's okay. Memes are often tacky, spammy, irritating, and condescending, so it's far better just to respectfully point out the mistake and what can be done to avoid it in the future when encountering cases of poor netiquette. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Nioca Once the rebellion became about Drakons, it became pretty clear that anything that wasn't a drakon was a second-class citizen and very close to being in the same boat as serviles were under the Shapers. The drakons haven't totally taken over the rebellion. There are still enough humans, serviles, and drayks left who aren't under the drakon's heels or who remember what the rebellion's cities and outposts were like before the drakons took charge. And for the intelligent serviles and drayks, they may be second-class citizens, but at least they aren't exterminated on sight as they would be under Shaper rule. Humans do get a worse deal under the drakons though, so eh. Dikiyoba still gives a slight edge to the rebellion. Or to the Trakovites, for being a place where the three races can work together against the Shapers and the drakons even if their ideology is painfully unrealistic and their odds of success basically nil.
  16. Originally Posted By: Nioca Also, it's less "The Order of the Stick" now and more "Look at how awesome Tarquin is!". I've been pruning webcomics from my reading list recently, and OotS is just about off of it because of the whole desert arc. I mean, the party is making progress, but yeah. The plot needs to move a bit faster. Dikiyoba really liked Tarquin up until he joined the Linear Guild. It just didn't seem in character; Nale's just too much of a loser.
  17. Quote: ...the rebellion's shaping policies show a complete and utter disregard to the life of creations. Look at some of the monstrosities the rebellion created. Look at how the rebellion threw hundreds of creations into the proverbial wood-chipper. The only real difference between the Rebellion and the Shapers is that the Shapers are at least slightly more responsible with the kind of raw power Shaping provides. The rebellion as a whole is worse than the Shapers to non-sapient animal creations, but they're far better than Shapers to sapient creation people. That's a pretty big and important difference. Dikiyoba.
  18. Quote: —Alorael, who imagines that Apple is aware of the impending crisis and their genetic engineers are working overtime to create new cats so they can make more awesome names. Eh, there are plenty of cool cats with awesome appellations out there already, they just need to be popularized. Clouded leopard, caracal, serval, jaguarundi, even the kodkod. They may be small, but that doesn't make them any less cool. Also, Dracorex is the most overrated dinosaur ever. It's a freakin' pachycephalosaur, which are the much less awesome cousins of ceratopsians (think Triceratops), and it doesn't even have the ridiculously domed skull that's about the only thing pachycephalosaurs have to make them seem cool. All it has is tiny spikes on its head. At least Stygimoloch (another pachycephalosaur) has at least a small dome and big spikes to go with it. Dikiyoba.
  19. Originally Posted By: Trenton Seriously. I almost cried when I seen it! Really? It was so bad I had to laugh. "GENEFORGE IS TOTALLY A RIPOFF OF SPORE EVEN THOUGH GENEFORGE CAME OUT SEVEN YEARS BEFORE SPORE!!!!1!1" Also, you thought to mention the swearing but not the dozen or so pictures of seriously family unfriendly Spore creatures? Dikiyoba changed your link to go directly to the review in order to sidestep the pictures.
  20. It's not a corrupted file or anything that could be solved by a reinstall. It's just a minor bug because the game calculates experience gain from certain enemies in a weird way. Dikiyoba has noticed the 50/30/1/1/5 patten as well, but it's nothing to get too upset about.
  21. Dikiyoba is fast running out of ideas, and by the looks of things, almost everyone else is too.
  22. Originally Posted By: SamSniped Why do I have bad memories of that place? Because the environmental damage and spinecores thrive on the frustration (and often death) of low-level characters. --- And the all important spiked pit: Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: Trenton Is that the one pit near jabba's palace in episode IV? It is a Sarlacc, yes. Originally Posted By: The Ratt [Pit viper] Aw, Dikiyoba was hoping no one would post that. Oh well. At least Dikiyoba can still post how they got their name:
  24. Okay, Harehunter, that's twice now you've posted not only the same thing but the exact same picture that someone already else did. Get with the program, dude. Dikiyoba.
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