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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Erasmus I'm glad we agree. You're kind of missing the point here. The point is it's a romantic relationship between an immortal (more or less) woman and a mortal man. Originally Posted By: Dantius I was under the impression that they were, but you would simply use each term depending on the quality of the literature in question Not really. Fanfic takes place in the specific universe of another person's work (so same universe, same setting, same characters, same backstory) while something "based on" something else implies adaptation from one format or genre to another (so turning a book into a movie or vice versa). A source of inspiration can mean just about anything, from myths to newspaper headlines. Dikiyoba can't see the Inheritance Cycle as LotR fanfic. Highly unoriginal and drawing on too many tropes that originated in LotR, yes, but not fanfic.
  2. Originally Posted By: Kreador To be sure, the blatant antisemitism was also present in Wagner's work. Just harder for some to recognize because it's in German. No, Dantius is saying that LotR removed the anti-Semitism of Wagner's work. Dikiyoba.
  3. Ooh! Ooh! "Talking skulls!" Dikiyoba.
  4. On the sixth day of Vlishmas, My Shaper shaped for me Six clawbugs clacking Five canisters Four battle betas Three ur-glaahks Two growling thahds And a wingbolt in a dead tree. Dikiyoba.
  5. My best guess is that being altered is the equivalent of using several canisters, but not enough to change the ending. (G2's canister ending isn't terribly different from the non-canister ending, either.) Dikiyoba.
  6. Boggle: Consider this an official warning. Your last two posts in this thread were uncalled for and over the line. The Code of Conduct expressly forbids harrassing or belittling any member. So don't do it. Dikiyoba.
  7. I just finished replaying G4. The interface is still streamlined and non-clunky. (In some ways, the engine is even better than that of G5. Fewer sparkles to slow the game down.) Dikiyoba does miss the Avadon junkbag, but such is life.
  8. Seconded and unstuck. Edit: Also, the correct term for a "mod-like scolder" is a mini-mod. But no one likes a mini-mod, so just... be careful. Dikiyoba.
  9. It was, and the ban evasion (among other issues) has been dealt with appropriately. [Edit: Sniped by the sniper.] Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Boggle So, my question is, in fiction, what makes a believable ghost? what kind of ghost drags you deeper in to the story, and what kind makes you put the book down, say whaddeva and watch the tv instead? It depends. If it's a historical fiction, then the ghosts need to follow the same rules as the mythology of ghosts in that culture, and the characters need to react more or less the same way a person of that culture would. If it's straight up fantasy, then ghosts can be whatever the author wants provided there's a consistent logic and rules to their existence, strengths and weaknesses, and so on. If it's a historical fantasy, ghosts should be roughly what the cultural expectation was but with room for the author to change things around and provide new reasons for why ghosts in that culture are what they are. If the ghosts are just tacked on or otherwise don't make sense for the setting or plot, then they should probably just be removed. Dikiyoba.
  11. The final session (Dikiyoba hopes) is Tuesday, December 20. Usual time, usual place.
  12. Oof. You're not halfway through the game, more like a quarter. That changes things. If you've bought out all the venom thorns from shopkeepers (or have sold everything already and still totally broke), then you're out of luck for a little while. Still, you should be able to make do. Hopefully you still have some crystals, javelins, and/or wands. (It really helps to be sneaky and steal items when you can.) If not, melee attacks and mental magic should be doable, even if you haven't really invested in them. Dikiyoba.
  13. You can't enhance batons or other missile weapons on an enchanted anvil, so that's not a issue. (And even if it was, I don't see how it's worse than finding upgraded melee weapons after you've enhanced the one you currently have.) The item list for G4 shows that there is an acid baton in Rocky Point and another in Eliza's Bunker, as well as a submission baton in Grosch Pits. No, there is no way to respend your skill spoints in Geneforge. (Probably a good thing overall, considering how easily and how often that feature would be abused.) Dikiyoba.
  14. Why don't you just find an acid baton and switch over to that? They should be available at this point in the game. Heck, if you're at the halfway point, you're probably pretty close to finding a submission baton and being able to upgrade to that. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Some boards have an 'ignore' feature that blocks out all posts from people you designate. You can see where they posted in a thread, but it doesn't show their posts unless you take them off 'ignore'. Including our board (but only for ordinary members; we mods must suffer). Although if Dikiyoba remembers correctly, there is an option to see individual posts from people on one's ignore list without needing to take them off.
  16. Originally Posted By: Alorael Every mention of karma required everyone to rate the mentioner 1 star. It was not an ideal system. It may not have been ideal, but it worked well enough. Most members eventually ended up with three or four stars while trolls, spammers, and other nuisances wound up with one or two stars. And people who never posted got five stars. (Dikiyoba hates to do this to your beautiful thread, Alorael, but tradition demands its due.)
  17. Originally Posted By: Mistborn Do we know yet if Thursday is going to work for the next session? Unfortunately not. And the end of the semester is approaching, which means my schedule will probably be the limiting factor on this calender. Calender. Please fill it out. And Nalyd, you still need to level up Nikita. Dikiyoba.
  18. Originally Posted By: B.J.Earles every one of their games has a demo, and they're all huge. Except for the Avadon demo, unfortunately. But the OP already bought it, so that doesn't matter in this case. Dikiyoba recommends starting with Avadon, then coming back to try out the demos of the older series (or newer series, in the case of Avernum: Escape from the Pit). Avadon's skill system seems to be what future games will follow, while some of the older games have clunky and irritating interfaces.
  19. Originally Posted By: Trenton I can't go to sleep for one night without something amazing happining with alorael? I think you must have fallen asleep for a few days longer than that. But hey, at least you're probably feeling pretty rested and alert. Dikiyoba.
  20. All right, my mod hat is on. mad_dog_killa: Take note of the link that says Code of Conduct at the top of the message board. It has all the rules for posting right there. Click here, take a few moments, and read it. Take particular note that is disallows any form of profanity and attacks on other members. As long as you're willing to obey these rules, you are more than welcome to stay and continue posting. If you disagree with the rules, then the Spiderweb message board really isn't a good fit for you. Voyager (and everyone else): Your point has been made. Now it's time to back off. The rule against harrassing and embarrassing members applies to everyone. Dikiyoba.
  21. Yay, Alorael! Dikiyoba would clap, but you know...
  22. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves that wasn't the case when you saw him in the Jhereth Deeps. Dikiyoba thought the pardon came after the party's encounter in the Jhereth Deeps.
  23. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Actually, I seem to remember a canister in G1 that damages you. I haven't played G1 in a very long time, so I can't say exactly where. The Quiet Marshes, between Pentil and Kazg, where Clois the hermit will give you advice, presumably for the benefit of anyone playing an unaligned game. Dikiyoba.
  24. There are actually a few servile children in the first two Geneforges. Depending on which faction you choose, things can go pretty poorly for them. The ability to slaughter everyone in a zone at will could be one reason we don't see any children anymore. Dikiyoba.
  25. Then it seems that last session's log is arriving in the nick of time! Quote: Samos: "I had a job where I shoveled [manure] once, and it paid better than this." Nikita: "I don't think we should be complaining about rocks." Gunnar: "Your wife in my bed and your sons all lay dead/My swords dripping with blood." Ak-Deevt: "Is that supposed to be musical?" Grastakoss: "Hi there, good-lookin'. Aren't you in luck? You're just in time for dinner." Dikiyoba.
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