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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Barzhal I offered my opinion because I’ve played the Geneforge games on torment, and I enjoyed it. The Geneforge games were challenging, and yes, sometimes aggravating. I played certain Geneforge games on torment (without mental magic) and enjoyed them. But I didn't play Avadon on torment because Jeff specifically designed torment in Avadon to be different than torment was in Geneforge. It's apples and oranges. Dikiyoba.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dantius Goldenking is poking fun at people on the Internet who use trivial or unreliable sources to back up their claims by citing a comic strip, which is clearly neither serious nor credible. I got that Goldenking wasn't making a serious argument, but it's hard for me to read his post as a complex joke the way you did, given that people cite (or more accurately, reference) xkcd on this board fairly often. I assumed it was simply another reference. http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=236883#Post236883 http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=245800#Post245800 [Edit: Curses! Dikiyoba was foiled by copy and paste once again.]
  3. Kind of a mismash ending. The PC remains with the rebels and helps release the Unbound. The Unbound inflict damage on Shaper territory, but they aren't nearly as strong as they were made out to be in G4. Miranda dies, but Alwan escapes (though permanently crippled). Dikiyoba.
  4. Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit I take a offense at xkcd being labelled a "stupid source". ...you're offended by the fact that I don't like xkcd? Seriously? Quote: Anyone with a sense of humor would appreciate Goldenking's obvious joke. ...and so you responded by everyone who disagrees with you? Seriously? Dikiyoba.
  5. Search the forums for Geneforge fanfiction. There are already a lot of unfinished Geneforge tales around. You're more than welcome to write whatever you want, of course. Dikiyoba recommends that if you write something, that you start small. Short stories are a whole lot easier to follow through on than novels and Dikiyoba for one isn't interested in following something that probably won't ever be finished.
  6. Originally Posted By: Alorael I verb your noun (and he/she/it verbs your noun) Hey, take your orgy to the SW chat room! These boards have to remain suitable for young children. Dikiyoba.
  7. Originally Posted By: Trenton *facepalm headdesk facepalm* I thought I was clear, and racial is not connected to races at all. You can't applaud him for making a bunch of bad puns and then facepalm him for the next one. Dikiyoba dislikes being part of the human race. All that running leaves Dikiyoba with no time to stop and key out the roses.
  8. Originally Posted By: Dantius Sara Mayhew does a better job than I explaining how the Hero's Journey stems from anti-Enlightenment reactionary thought, and is really a poor way to tell a story nowadays- indeed, it's only survived up until this point because of tradition. That article makes Harry Potter sound awful. That's not so good when you're trying to make it an example of a better model than the Hero's Journey. Dikiyoba.
  9. Session 11 Quote: Grastakoss: "Please don't try to hold us hostage and ransom us back to the king." Nikita: "People wonder why I prefer Tempecomt. He never makes puns." Gunnar: "Every time I leave you guys I nearly get killed in some rather fashionable way. I say we stay together for my own safety." Samos: "Mmm, trout." Selkim: "If you need anything else, don't tell me. We raided a caravan yesterday and my dice feel lucky tonight." Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Goldenking But really, there seem to be more similarities than differences, nowadays. I'll cite my source. If you're just going to cite a stupid source, you're better off not citing at all. Dikiyoba is a PC user. Apple laptops tend to require a special adaptor for connecting to projectors and cost more, and it's not like Dikiyoba really pushes any limits when Dikiyoba edits photos, so PCs have a slight edge.
  11. Kitten! Gosling A newly eclosed butterfly Dikiyoba.
  12. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar On the other hand, the Avernites have buffs the Exiles can only dream about. Sanctuary? Invulnerability? Avatar? Yeah, the little Bless+Haste bit doesn't look so impressive now. Pretty sure Avatar is an Exile spell. The invulnerability from Arcane Shield is great, but Sanctuary kind of sucks. Beast Ceremony is great but has the limitation of being able to be cast beforehand, so it's only useful if the Avernum party ambushes the Exile party. Besides, the Exile vs. Avernum fight already happened. It's called Nobody's Heroes. The Avernites get their butts kicked. Dikiyoba.
  13. Originally Posted By: Sylae I hoard. Really, you have no idea. I went on a Hoarders binge over the summer, so I'm pretty sure I do. Dikiyoba collects dinosaur models, feathers, and, if they happen to be clean enough, animal bones.
  14. Look for the shade that starts in the upper left corner of the crypt. When you get close enough, it'll move elsewhere. Keep following it. Eventually, the gate will open and it'll be inside waiting for you. Be ready for a fight. Dikiyoba.
  15. Dikiyoba

    Troy Davis

    No one has brought up the possibilities of fire (both house fires and wildfires) yet. I don't know what the statistics or total cost is, but given the cost of just one big, out-of-control wildfire, it might make sense to ban smoking in certain outdoor areas as well. Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: SlartuckerS Actually, it isn't. HOUSE of S will be one of the subjects of the eighth and ninth Triple Slartifers. Forthcoming. Soon. Sort of. Sort of soon, I swear. Curse you and your broken continuity. May you have seven years of bad luck. Dikiyoba.
  17. Originally Posted By: Arancaytar References to references to inside jokes about inside jokes are what Spiderweb is built from. That's not the right reference. (The right one is in here somewhere, if you care.) Of course, given that the discussion is kind of about missing the point, maybe that was intentional. Dikiyoba.
  18. Dikiyoba

    Troy Davis

    3c/e/g And just to clarify, Dikiyoba chose 3e based on debilitating reactions such as Kelandon's description or worse, not merely just a dislike of the smell.
  19. Quote: —Alorael, who can't remember any appearing before A3 either. It's possible that they're a one-game wonder. They are definitely in A2. Dikiyoba can't remember about A1, but suspects they are there too.
  20. Dikiyoba

    Troy Davis

    Harehunter: Answer Slarty's question, please. Originally Posted By: Slartucker Are you seriously questioning that long-term inhalation of second-hand smoke can cause medical conditions? Dikiyoba.
  21. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim I've got my map saved to my desktop if you want me to send it? No, you've posted your results and that's enough. (Arancaytar just thinks Dantius can magically update his image when he's not online.) Dikiyoba.
  22. Yes, Dikiyoba has just been busy with class and having problems with the Internet at home. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
  23. The Fellowship of the Ring The Matrix The Lion King Dikiyoba.
  24. You know, these really shouldn't count unless the capitalization and everything is right too, and not just the spacing (especially since the spacing doesn't even work right for Dikiyoba on this one).
  25. Dikiyoba

    Troy Davis

    Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust What happens when it's not fatal and they don't have the money to cover their own medical expenses? Someone has to pay... Between new taxes on now-legal drugs (which would have to be low, obviously, or else people are still going to by them illegally) and all the money that now doesn't have to go into arresting, prosecuting, and locking up drug users, there should be some extra money to spare for health care. Dikiyoba.
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