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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Nikki Originally Posted By: Master1 Totally dark caves were by far the worst part of the pokémon video games. I like how spiderweb does darkness - it can be a little harder to see things, particularly switches, but you don't have to go run back and buy a candle every time you find a new cave. Actually in the older Spiderweb games (BoA and older, excluding the Geneforge games), darkness did mean you couldn't see anything, apart from one space in front of you. It's only the Geneforge/second Avernum trilogy engine that has darkness you can actually see in. Of course, since the first mage spell created light for you and cost almost nothing to cast, you hardly ever had to worry about it. Dikiyoba.
  2. You don't actually have to do anything else (and in fact, can't do anything else). Simply report back to Hand Callan that you didn't find anything in order to complete the quest. Dikiyoba.
  3. Originally Posted By: Dantius That math is just an average over the total registered time, which as Slarty so helpfully pointed out for me, often belies long periods of absence or inactivity. That's why I specifically excluded anyone who has been absent for an extended period of time. Randomizer hasn't really ever been absent. Alorael, to my knowledge, is gone only on very rare occasions. You haven't ever been absent that I can remember, and I've only missed a few months here and there. None of our posts-per-day averages will change much if we're calculating only the time we've been present instead of the entire time since we've registered. Dikiyoba.
  4. Originally Posted By: Nikki Edit Reason: Although, I asked Drakey for one at least twice, and probably moaned about it in a couple of threads,.. Well, at least we forget about the important stuff around here. Originally Posted By: Dantius Protip: It doesn't really apply once you get around a one or two thousand posts. Most of the top posters post around 10 to 20 posts a day. Your own math proves you false. Posters who are almost always around have an average rate of 4-5 posts per day. Top posters have just been around and posting frequently for a long time. That said, if someone wants to post 10 times a day in order to get a new title and all of those posts are of high quality, Dikiyoba couldn't care less. It's just really hard to make 5 quality posts a day, let alone 10.
  5. It's actually not too bad, Lilith. Dikiyoba.
  6. At long last, the log for session 9. Stay tuned for the logs of session 10, 11, and 12! And then a new calender! Quote: Ak-Deevt: "Yes, us again. Now with fifty percent less phlegm!" Grastakoss: "I have this terrible feeling that I just got rooked by Gunnar." Gunnar: "Speaking of griffons, did you know that giving them food while bowing means you want to mate with them?" Samos: "Oh gods, my eyes! My beautiful eyes!” Captain Xeloc: "My gods. If I had a hundred more like you, this war would have been over years ago. Hopefully in our favor." Hooray, now Dikiyoba can head home and get something to eat.
  7. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus How many people actually do their taxes by hand and do the math themselves anymore? Most people I know either do it on the computer with a program like TurboTax or have a professional do it. I do, but my taxes are so simple right now I hardly have to do anything. The hardest part is usually finding the correct form to download. Dikiyoba hates sales tax (guess who was raised in Oregon) but wouldn't mind paying a little bit more in income tax. A couple hundred dollars once a year doesn't make much of a difference to Dikiyoba's budget.
  8. Originally Posted By: Trenton Thats not breaking physics...It went around the sun, not straight in, so if the aliens from ANOTHER PLANET that may have STRONGER METALS and are LIGHT YEARS ahead in technology and are CRAZY enough to orbit a sun at close range... Aliens are immune to physics in the same way that you are immune to jokes. Dikiyoba.
  9. I'm almost done with session 9's log, so Lilith, RCCCL, and Nalyd, I need any private chat logs from that session you have. (If you don't have any, well, it was entirely my fault, so just let me know that's the case and don't feel bad about it.) Dikiyoba. ________________ Originally Posted By: Laztur, elf bandit Just keep moving, Selkim, unless you want to be captured and executed like the others. Vengeance can wait.
  10. Quote: HOUSE of S, I see you lurking there! Who's Online box FTW! Dikiyoba.
  11. Dikiyoba


    Originally Posted By: Stareye The Anasazi of Chaco Canyon. Largely caused by rapid deforestation and overtaxing the land with agriculture, leading to overpopulation during wet spans. Agricultural practices lead to erosion and arroyo formation, making land lest fertile over time. Dry span hits, factions fight and consume more resources, society becomes unsustainable, and survivors abandon. Now a historical ruins. Dikiyoba has seen it argued that Diamond did really sloppy research for this chapter and that isn't an accurate picture of what really happened, but only as an aside in another discussion, so Dikiyoba can't say anything about it. Not that it alters your main point.
  12. Originally Posted By: Triumph First, it looks to me like you're assuming any boss who doesn't want to see his employee's underwear is racist. Second, it looks to me like you applying "wear his trousers halfway down his rear" as...I don't know, a characteristic, a generalization, a stereotype,even, to black people. I've known plenty of black people who didn't dress that way. I've encountered non-black people who DID dress that way. A lot of times, racism is institutionalized and it's not the individuals who matter but the demographics. Let's say I'm a business owner looking to hire some employees. I get an equal number of white and black applicants, and there are way more applicants than positions. To sort through all the applicants, I decide to look at their education levels. All other things being equal, people with more education are hired while those with less education are turned down. On the surface, that doesn't seem racist. But for a whole host of factors, the average education level among white people is significantly higher than the average education level among black people. Therefore, I end up hiring only a few black people (the ones with the highest education level) and turning down only a few white people (the ones with the lowest education level). That difference means my process for sorting through applicants was racist. To make matters worse, since one of the major factors contributing to education levels of the future generation is the income level of the current generation, most of the next generation of black people will be at a disadvantage when trying to get a job while most of the next generation of white people will have an advantage when trying to get a job. And so the cycle of racism continues even though at no point was anyone intending to be racist. Dikiyoba.
  13. A good guess, but it wasn't Dikiyoba. (And ooh, Rowen has a shiny new title too. Also not by Dikiyoba.)
  14. Originally Posted By: AethirWeb So what about Scarabs? What would those be? Why do they have to be like drugs? Isn't enough that you have to jab yourself in the chest six times in order to use them? Dikiyoba.
  15. Okay, so here's the deal (an explanation will probably come tomorrow, when I'm not about to fall alseep): I am currently working on the logs, but I am an idiot and failed to back them up. Nioca is freaking awesome (and so is Rowen) and I have the main chat, but I need any side-chat from sessions 9-12 sent to my e-mail as soon as you can. They don't have to be cleaned up or anything, just as complete as you can make them. As soon as the logs are done, I will put up a calender and we can get this campaign done. Mistborn, Dikiyoba thinks it will be to your advantage to keep the level-up that Nioca made to your character. You are totally allowed to come up with new spells, though.
  16. The zombies will block your movement, though, and that can be dangerous. Dikiyoba.
  17. Originally Posted By: Triumph Dikiyoba's picture changed! Has that ever happened before??? I change my avatar occasionally (though never for more than a few days at a time). I don't know why you're so surprised. Dikiyoba hopes it has never been this ugly before, though.
  18. Quote: —Alorael, who thinks the proper description is that there are no huge shuriken in the underworld yet. Avadon's razordisk spray attack in the hands of a vahnatai warrior would be terrifying (and might even make them cool again). Dikiyoba.
  19. Originally Posted By: Murder He Wrote Why has no one made any effort to rehost this in over 3 years? Probably because there aren't nearly as many people who play A4 now as there were when it first came out, which means there are far fewer people who are interested in creating, hosting, or using an editor for A4? Dikiyoba.
  20. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Where does this come from? I have had to work to achieve my "relative privilege"; it was not handed to me. You were born a black disabled woman and worked to become a white able-bodied man (plus about one thousand other minority statuses Dikiyoba left out)? Because the entire point of privilege is that it's not something you can control (with very rare exceptions) or even realize you have until it's gone or someone hits you over the head with it.
  21. Originally Posted By: Slarty I don't think the words really need defining, though, do they? I did ask, mostly in the hope that Handyman wasn't defining terms as strictly as he is. Alas, I am now content. Quote: You haven't stated it explicitly, but you have repeatedly taken several implicit jabs at your audience, as you do above. You must all be powerful, well-off, white males, never manhandled by police, bystanders to bullying, etc. I'm not sure why you are making any of these provocative assertions. But let me state for the record that your assumptions are wrong regarding many of the people participating in this discussion. [...] So I really wish you would drop your flirtation with condescension. Seconded. Dikiyoba.
  22. The first Avernum trilogy is about to undergo a remake, so it makes sense to get Avadon now and then when the remake of Avernum is out you can decide whether you want the shiny new Avernum: Escape from the Pit or the old Avernum 1. Dikiyoba also recommends checking out Geneforge if you haven't already.
  23. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Alright, let's see how many people we can get on this bandwagon... Sure, why not? Bow down before Dikiyoba the Great!
  24. It's your post count title. You can't change it, but it'll change as you post more. The full list is in the FAQ. (Some people have custom titles, but don't ask, or you'll be sure to never get one.) Dikiyoba.
  25. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Dikiyoba could always go back to writing. Then Dikiyoba could easily post 10 times a day to comment on the comments. What? Also no, and now Dikiyoba has to reset the time until Dikiyoba announces the next Episode.
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