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Swimmin' Salmon

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Everything posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: There is a reason why I engage in these discussions relatively early in the design of the game. Reading what you wrote, it is starting to occur to me that entirely removing the conversation options was a mistake. I still want most of the faction/proving yourself process to be determin ed by what you do, not what you say. But there does need to be a way for your to express yourself in the conversations, as that is where so much of the story takes place. - Jeff Vogel I agree, actions speak louder than words. Maybe tie things together so that there is a pairing of a word set with an action set, the combination having a greater cumulative effect? And perhaps with a great negative effect if words and actions don't jibe? Now, about BoA...
  2. Quote: Originally written by *i: Quote: ncp as in non-character person, you know noobie. Insulting the protractor staff is highly frowned upon and is dealt with swiftly. NPC is the correct term. FYT
  3. Thanks for reminding me to go get my tags for hunting season this fall.
  4. For the record - I'm still waiting for Jeff to turn off that damn spycam. It's pure hell using the computer while sheathed in tin foil, and this fake nose and moustache tickles.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Dolphin.: Your spelling and grammar gives me a headache, and please stop making polls. Good to see that you haven't lost that authoritarian touch.
  6. Jeff (Vogel) or his lackey will provide you with endless support, use this email address spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com and provide your name, the physical address you originally used, and what you need from him. Providing the serial number of the download helps immensely.
  7. 1. I found Avernum while looking for more Exile games. 2. E3, Registered in the late 90's 3. It didn't suck 4. Carmaggedon 2
  8. The Empire would likely be sending spies to watch the travels of the party, so that Empire mages could have access to this herb. When it is reported back to them that the party has aided a dragon (if they do that) then an appropriate Empire response would be to send troops to arrest the party AND troops to kill the dragon. The party should have a chance at seeing the trap and reasoning out that they need to help to dragon. Or they could just decide to take their punishment like good Empire hirelings.
  9. When do the goblins pounce? The only poor advice I can offer is to really force the moral dilemna on the player. Make them choose to help the cattle or the dragon AND face the consequences. The dragon and her villagers will attack the party if they try to take the herbal supplements out of the valley. The sickly villagers will order up some meanies of their own once they hear that the party is NOT returning with the green goo. Oh, and make sure there are goblins.
  10. Logically it should take two successful attempts to kill Rentar. Likewise, it should only take one attempt to kill Erika. They are both dead now, neither expected to die, therefore there should be no contingency plans enacted. I'm sure Jeff is as tired with those two women as anyone could be, and if bothers us so bad we can just change the scripts to give Rentar a different name, capiche?
  11. Lacking a choice, since they are special items, you hang on to them until the end of the game. At some point they are useful, and you are asked how they should be used. There is one good way to use them, although using them in a bad way does not make the game unwinnable, just a little more difficult. Vague enough for you?
  12. Seriously, I doubt JV would give one second of thought to this idea, and far be it for anyone to distract him from more meaningful projects. As slave to another baby, he has mounds of diapers to slay and clouds of talc to conjure up to defeat the chapped beastie. Oh yeah. He's also working on more computer games. Quote: Originally written by Kuranes-: That's what beta-testers are for, obviously. Ahhh. The exhiliration of posting off the reservation. Now which moderator can clear up that messy double post?
  13. No point in picking on the "noob," right? He made a contribution, defended it a little abruptly, but he certainly doesn't deserve being harassed for his efforts. No quotes necessary here.
  14. Shift + D brings up the debug window. Then you type in the cheat codes. Good luck.
  15. Sadly I found myself actually enjoying the game play in A4, but not caring for the plot at all. It may be interesting to some to discover the villain, but I just didn't care. There was no sense of suspense, no sense that actions I took were changing events, and certainly no emotion for successfully completing a quest. But the combat was real fun, and you can tweak the scripts to make the game a little bit different. Wheeeeeeeee.
  16. There is only one guy, and right now he is busy serving his wife. The rest of us have no particular reason to be here, except that it legitimizes our meager lives. That said, Vogel has said that Av4 was designed to explore various methods of combat. He may have accomplished that, but otherwise it has left a rank odor. I found the crazy cat-dude because I was methodically searching the maze, not because I looking for him. Try playing the game out of sequence, or aimlessly. It may be more enjoyable for you.
  17. I left Mertis, entered the honeycomb, and moved in a counter-clockwise direction. It took a while, but I got there with no problems. After slaughtering his archer guards I just went down to the basement and shot him.
  18. I was also blindsided by the inability to exit the Scree Caves. In my defense, I've altered some of the basic stats of weapons and other items so as to make adventuring life easier. That may have affected my ability to do things that otherwise wouldn't be possible. In particular, my Tinker's Gloves are insane, my bows shoot acid arrows, and my boots augment my strength. Never underestimate the power of properly sized footwear.
  19. Quote: As originally orated by Shaper Bored: Just be glad I'm brining some activity to a dead board. That reminds me to mix up some brine. Thanks Shaper Load, your post was helpful.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Lazarus: just a red heron This is precious. What else could possibly digest that red herring?
  21. Also, is it located in the same folder as the regular editor?
  22. flip_terrain does work. In testing, it switched from doorlever.txt to specobj.txt when the graphic changed. Of course I'm assuming this is for within a town script, as it should be.
  23. Couldn't you just swap the terrain with an identical looking terrain that isn't searchable?? Edit - And would have a different default script?? (Stupid Tab key...)
  24. Quote: Originally written by *i: Quote: i am up for a masive all out demon invasion Please no. Demons have been used to death in so many media, it's not even funny anymore. Demons invade because they are demons and demons are evil and like to invade, circular logic. No thought involved. The First Expedition would be a really nice change. Bring us back to survival, escape mode. Demons invaded because the GIFTS drove them crazy. The GIFTS are manifestations of abandoned sanity. Sinsanity, we fight back the demons. It will never stop.
  25. Pshaw. I have repeatedly beaten A3 with my monitor turned off. Any doubters will be sent a screen shot upon request.
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