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Swimmin' Salmon

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Everything posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Well, it's done. I posted the script at The Codex . I never did find a way to get either text_bubble call to work reliably from within the script, so I used the clunky message_dialog call.
  2. Frustrations abound. I've decided, based on the BUGS! thread, that create_text_bubble will not work from a terrain script. Does text_bubble_on_char work from within a terrain script?? Are there any text bubble calls that work from a terrain script? Grrr.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Smoo: Also the appendix claim that the create_text_bubble call could also be called from a terrain script. I couldn't get it to work, though. I am feeling anger. I want my terrain to speak! *this message directed at Jeff*
  4. Start state then. I discovered the need for this because I have more than the arbitrary maximum number of signs in my town. So I decided to make a more versatile sign script and a new terrain. Hopefully it will work, and not drive me nuts. It was not encouraging to read the docs and see the following: Quote: How a terrain script is formatted A creature script has to begin with the line... *this message sponsored by the editors guild*
  5. I'm working on a couple of scripts and have some questions on when, and how often, the default states are called. init_state - Is this called only the first time a town is entered, or every time a town is entered? start_state - The docs suggest this state is called every turn, but that makes no sense to me. The code that needs a home will be checking a SDF, and will either put a sign, or remove a sign (swap with a blank graphic) depending on that value. My gut says to put it in the start state, since actions in the town could cause the sign to appear/disappear, but it seems CPU intensive to do it that way if it runs that state every click. Any ideas?
  6. Of course if the location which starts the timer is more than 10 steps from the edge of town, this becomes a non-issue...
  7. Any particular reason you don't have all this stuff in the start state of the town script?
  8. Now that I've read the description of the actual event that you are having happen, I don't understand the difficulty. The "turn on full power" state could set two flags to represent the point in time that it all stops working (present plus 10). The state_state could check if the present time is equal to the value of those flags recombined. Using an if statement to check, you then can put the terrain swaps and message right in the start state. Would that work?
  9. It might work for you to have the scenario script set a flag. Then when the other script begins (later on) have the if...state_continue.. in that start state. Otherwise, would it work to duplicate the state into each possible script which could be calling it?? I know Smoo did something similar in his latest scenario. At least the earlier versions had it, so you could check that out. It was around the island area. *this message sponsored by Foss*
  10. In Mages of Cattalon there is food concealed within cauldrons. Not sure you would want to eat it, but it is food.
  11. And now we know why graphics take so bloody long to get updated. Thanks Kel.
  12. I remember the Christmas when my brother and I received our first video game. It was Pong. Good times... *this message sponsored by colecovision*
  13. Glafna - Let me be the first to congratulate you on having an opinion. Thanks for sharing it. *this message sponsored by saharan waterfront realty*
  14. Could a person just replace the graphic completely?
  15. Speaking of projectors, does it work to have the power source behind a wall? I'm interested in the whole home theatre thing, but that glowing ball on a pedestal is a little much. Thanks for any help.
  16. The error mentioned G550.bmp You mentioned G500.bmp Is this the problem? *this message sponsored by the number 5*
  17. I spent a few hours on design work. It raised a question though. Is there any method to raise or lower large areas from within the 3d editor? I'm trying to work with height, and it seems difficult when done on a square by square basis. *this message sponsored by the forge*
  18. Please? Seriously. Don't bother. You may think mazes are neat, but they are more fun to design than as a good environment for BoA scenarios. Don't do it. For additional opinions, look at the previous post. *this message sponsored by the word NO*
  19. Here's a wild idea for the portal scenario. Have the "monster" be some entity that is unknowingly transported from that parallel dimension (or wherever), it is confused and angry and just wants to get back home. It would not be visible or tangible to the party, but the effect it has on its surroundings would be visible. Then, as stareye said, the party needs to 1. identify the cause of the murders 2a. eliminate the intruder 2b. help the intruder get home 2c. give up the lost cause and run home to mommy 3. assuming mages are still alive, let them know what you discovered so that they don't decide to keep probing that dimension and possibly invite another creature. *this message sponsored the acme dimensional probe insurance company*
  20. Your failure message, toward the end, should be corrected to read. Code: It stays tight in this position. Just a little alpha testing for ya. *this message sponsored by the grammarian*
  21. I guess brevity doesn't mean clarity. By the same token, I understand that English is not your first language and you do quite well within your limits. I will attempt to be clearer. It would be more pleasant if you did immediately begin criticizing upon reading a thread that makes your blood boil, especially since your comments are usually founded upon a incomplete understanding of the English language. For instance, the originator of this thread quite clearly stated that he had used OS 9 regularly, but had bumped up to OS 10.x and then encountered this problem. His issue is installing A4 on his new computer. You seem to have a habit of taking 3rd party critiques as personal attacks, and this was a further example. Quote: Its more like pushing me in the face I felt the need to suggest you not click on that button because you neglected to add anything to the topic. As an experienced OS 9 user, you should have been happy to point him in the right direction, rather than Quote: punching someone in the face and then telling them you don't want to start a fight? It makes the world a nicer place when everyone just listens, and then tries to understand what they heard. And then, maybe, create a response which moves the conversation forward. That's all I ask. You might even point in the direction of a download site for StuffIt Expander, since I understand the absence of that program is his true dilemna. (Hopefully it is freeware, otherwise point him to any Macompatible un-zipping software.) *this message sponsored by an anonymous donor *
  22. Quote: Originally written by Thralni, chicken god prophet: Well, yes. I'm sorry if I offended somebody, I just don't like that sort of statements about things one possibly doesn't know to well. Let me put it this way: if its true that he didn't use Mac OS 9 for longer then a week or two, consider my critisisme as still there, while if he used for longer then that and knows the system good enough to say something about it, I have said nothing. *this message sponsored by your keyboard*
  23. I have a crappy scenario that has been mostly finished, a second version of the same scenario that requires much work, and no free time right now. But it's all there (points) in that drawer, waiting for me. Someday. *this message sponsored by nwa*
  24. I think you need to discover that location as it applies to an artifact quest. Not sure which one, but your hint booklet has that info.
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