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About Geneforge_Fan

  • Birthday 01/01/1990

Geneforge_Fan's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. I cant find them anywhere can anyone tell me a complete list or where i can find them?
  2. Hint to Jeff: CANISTERS!!!!!!!!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF CANISTERS!!! please?
  3. If you cant move your fingers, you can always use your nose or just hold a pencil in your mouth. If you start screaming in pain from that, toes are always available. Eventually, you will end up with full-body arthritis. Also, seeing Geneforge in your sleep isn't that worrying- seeing it while you are awake might be a little.....odd.
  4. about geneforge 4, do you find out what is behind the the sealed stone door from geneforge 2? or do you find that out in geneforge 3. I dont have the full version of geneforge 3 so i can't find out for myself.
  5. Earlier in 2005, I registered my copy of Geneforge 2. My brother went and backed it up on a faulty disk, and I lost the game because it could not load anything from the back-up disk. I e-mailed the tech support, telling them my old registration code and password, and they sent me a new registration code and password. This time, my computer deleted it on accident, and I have not saved my old regristration code or password. I have no idea what to do and cannot afford to pay for a new version.
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