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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. Quote: Originally written by SevenMass: ... But.... These instructions can't be send through e-mail? I recieved the key 12th of april, about 14 days ago. I don't know why, but for some reason even if you don't order a CD they still send you a package by regular mail. That package contains registration code, a catalogue of their games, instructions on backing up your registration, and maybe a manual (don't remember exactly).
  2. Quote: Originally written by SevenMass: If I'd re-download A4 for say.. to replace v1.0 with v1.01 (or any other possible future update) Wouldn't I be re-installing it? Anyway, such a system seems to be giving Jeff a lot of extra work. And even if it is not a lot, there must be a better way than that! When you register, you'll recieve instructions on how to back up your registration, so you will not have to e-mail Jeff every time you reinstall the game.
  3. A cryoa that I kept from the start of the game (made it the same way you did) was half as strong as Dryak for about 1/10th of the cost by the time I could get Dryaks. Eventually I did get rid of it because of the 4 creature types limit (I had more essence than I knew what to do with by that point), but a pair of cryoas (along with some periodically-replaced creations) served me well for most of the game. I didn't even invest any additional essence into them, so all stat gain came from level-up. And a note about XP: the penalty is much smaller than the gain for other creations. (You lose about 20%, while your creations gain 100%.) Also, the higher your level, the less experience you get from killing same monsters and doing most quests, so there isn't much advantage in not making extra creations.
  4. If I am not mistaken, the amount of experience you get for killing things depends on level of your highest-level character. So the levels of all of your other characters were held back by the presence of that high-level disadvantaged priest. It sounds like you did fine anyway, but I wonder if you would have had easier time in the end-game with a more conventional party.
  5. I completely agree. Variety would be pretty good. Otherwise, canister-crazed Shapers and Geneforge-building Drakons are going to become the evil Vahnatai of the Geneforege world.
  6. Quote: Originally written by lord llama: im looking at playing these games but am put off by the grafix.is it worth plaing the game despite its poor graix It depends on what you want in your games. If you want a good story and fun gameplay, Exile is great, especially Exile 2 and some BoE scenarios. Think of it like a book: books don't have 3-D graphics or special effects, but some books are more fun than most computer games. If what you want in your games is realistic graphics, realistic real time movement, etc, buy The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. (However, you might have to buy a new computer to play it. )
  7. Quote: Originally written by sharx: ... and as a post to zeviz yeh ive done them (played all geneforge versions a number of times thrugh more than 10 times each but still cant remember much of the specifics) but i like the graphics of the drakon. There is some way to change your character's graphic to whatever you want. (I don't remember how to do it, but some people have done it.) It's not very easy, but if you really want it, you could try. I think you have to overwrite the character picture with the picture of Drakon, but somebody who knows will have to give you the details.
  8. Quote: Originally written by sharx: oh yeh its not word i use its open office Any "office" program has a text editor with a spell-checker in it. And there is nothing embarrassing about using it. I use it myself whenever I want to make sure that my post is completely correct. (Like this one. ) In fact, it just found a typo for me. (I've originally typed "emberrassing", instead of "embarrassing".) As for the ideas in your original post, some of them you can try in some games already: If you use the Genefoge in Geneforge I, you don't turn into a Drakon, but still become powerful enough to destroy almost anything. Also, there are some places in Geneforge 3 where you get to command parts of Shaper army. It's not much of a command, but still gets a bunch of soldiers to follow your orders. PS And thank you for trying to make your posts easier to read. RE-EDIT: Thanks, now your post is far more readable than before.
  9. If I remember correctly, there is an important piece of information hidden in Patrick's room in Tower of Magi. I think it's either a portal code for Angerech(sp?), or something related to Empire Portal quest, but I don't remember exactly. (Assuming you are talking about E2.)
  10. Quote: Originally written by Nick Ringer: I just had a splendid idea. Spend all of your skill points on Parry. You should get it up to 16 (actually calculated). Anything that attacks you in melee will die. You can't just do that from the start of the game, of course; the high incidence of getting hit by low-level enemies' attacks would bring you to your knees. When you have the opportunity to bump it like this (you're already suriving without spending skill points elsewhere) you might as well take advantage. That's how I've played my guardian in G2. I had get enough other skills to survive, but Parry was top priority until I got it to a point where collecting all Parry canisters and +Parry equipment would get me up to max (18, I think). Quote: You can become largely invincible with enough Parry; if it's up in the 20's you can just walk through Gazak-Uss or anywhere with Drakons bouncing off you. Parry was removed from GF3 for that reason. What does Parry do at such high levels? I was under impression that it's useless to get it above 18 (or whatever level you need to get Riposte chance to 50%).
  11. Quote: Originally written by rantalot: ... Useful priest spells: heal, healgroup, dispell undead. Useful mage spells: dispell barier, haste, fireblast, ice lances, arcane summon, arcane shield (i am not sure about arcane blow) ... Don't forget the most damaging priest spell: Bless (Battle Rage in Avernum series). By the amount of extra damage dealt per point of manna spent, this spell is stronger than anything in Mage's or Priest's arsenal. (Especially when you run into monsters with a lot of resistances and immunities.) The blessing spells are even stronger in the dungeons, where blessed fighters can just go from encounter to encounter, clearing large areas with the help of only a couple castings of these cheap spells. PS About area of effect spells in A4, I was disappointed that they don't cause friendly fire. Positioning your fighters to avoid getting fried by your own fireballs is an important tactical decision in Exile combat.
  12. About useless spells, Blades designers are pretty good at setting up situations in which you have to rely on such spells. In various BoE scenarios I've had to use obscure spells like Web and Poison to get through some encounters. And I also prefer the variety of spells in Exile. (Antimagic Cloud, damage fields, "bolt", "arrows" and "ball" type spells, barriers, mindduel, etc.)
  13. Quote: Originally written by Crystal Blue: ... From what I've played...I can't decide. ... In that case, the answer is probably "wait for A5". From what I've heard, neither plot nor atmosphere improve after the end of the demo. So if you are uncertain by the time the demo ends, chances are you'll get bored long before the game is over. This game has the smallest fraction of the game available in the demo compared to other Spidweb games and that alone should tell you something. I personally am waiting for A5. In A4 Jeff was focusing on rewriting the engine, so plot and atmosphere got the back seat. In A5 he'll be able to spend a lot more time on the story, atmosphere, and other such elements, instead of tinkering with the engine.
  14. To "clear" the zone as an enemy of Awakaned, you probably have to kill Tuldoric, or steal something (I don't remember what you are sent to do). To "clear" the zone as a member of Awakened, you probably have to speak to Tuldoric.
  15. If this is Geneforge2, get your Parry up to about 14 or 15. With several items that give bonus to Parry, this should give you enough to max out chance of Riposte. The rest of points can go into combination of Endurance, Weapon Skill, Quick Action and Luck. I'd also recommend a slight increase to Blessing Magic to be able to cast Haste. However, if you don't have enough energy for it, don't bother.
  16. One fun use of fight-end-teleport trick is exploring areas where you aren't supposed to be. For example, exploring Celt village as Romans in Nethergate. There is usually nothing interesting in those areas, but it's fun if you are bored.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: ... Is it worse to have your character know much less than you, or much more? I'd say that knowing less is far worse, because in most cases character already knows at least a little more and there is a standard way of dealing with this: "You haven't talked to Alwan much, because he is in another grade, but you know that he is one of the top students and always exibited examplary behavior..." is a much more natural way to cover gap between player and character knowledge than: Narrator: "Serviles are supposed to be dumb and you are extremely surprized to find one that appears to be intelligent." Character: "Wow. An intelligent servile!" Player: "Surprized?! I've just played two whole games of interacting with intelligent serviles." A better way to handle above situation would be: Narrator: "You finally see one of the intelligent serviles you've heard so much about. He looks just like a regular one, but you remember from your briefing that these creatures posess dangerous cunning and intelligence." Things that character knows and player doesn't are parts of the game world that can be wowen into the story. Things that player knows and character doesn't are things that he has to forget in order to connect with the character. And in all RPs, the less disconnect there is between IC and OOC knowledge, the easier it is to enjoy the game.
  18. It could also be a sign of genetic differencies between Shloai and Shapers. From what I understood, Shapers are at least a different ethnicity from other humans, and Shloai are yet another ethnicity, so perhaps canisters have more side-effects for them than for Shloai.
  19. If I remember correctly, some Barzite asks you to find that letter, if you join their sect. I think it might be one of the guys in their main city, who gives you quests if you join them. However, I don't remember exactly. EDIT: After checking Shrodinger's faq, I've found that you don't need to be allied with Barzites. From the FAQ: Quote: To the SW you'll find Trace, a pseudo-shaper, who will give you a quest to kill some rogue battle alphas (which you also did for Learned Darian, I believe). Doing so gets you a pair of puresteel boots (great for armor, but heavy), and the option to take another quest, to get a letter from Medab.
  20. Quote: Originally written by iloveeggs: Oh yay thanks! Although I still don't understand the whole Easter Egg dealio... hmm it's almost Easter. In computer programs "Easter Egg" is a surprize hidden by the programmer. They are hard to find (often requiring pressing random key combinations on keyboard, or as in example in this thread, taking several unusual actions) and are often funny.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Lenar Labs: ... We just need to make sure that we keep our developments in line, lest Ermarian go through an unprecedented industrial revolution. ... An industrial revolution wouldn't be completely unprecedented. However, I don't think canons and other gunpowder weapons are very realistic in a magic-heavy world of Avernum: Early guns were very unreliable and slow to load. It took a long time to develop gunpowder that could explode well. It also took a long time time to develop guns that could be loaded sufficiently fast to fire more than once before the enemies get to you. In a world where any apprentice mage can cast a bolt of fire and any powerful wizard can use shockwave spell to damage enemy walls, governments wouldn't bother investing into early gunpowder research, because results would be inferior to available magic. So gunpowder-based weapons would never get a chance to develop to a point where they can compete with magic.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Tyranicus: Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: Originally by Tyranicus: Quote: I discovered Avernum 4 years ago. Really? It's been out for years? I thought it was more recent than that. You'll soon be free of lice with all that nit-picking, Dikiyoba. Edit: I edited the 4 to four in an effort to at least keep some semblance of sanity around her. That's probably a lost cause though. Sanity is overrated. I think Dikiyoba's post was supposed to be a joke. And while we are talking about victims of turtles, Quote: Dikiyoba has been trying to persuade a friend to download a Spiderweb Software game for months. The lack of Internet at said friend's house makes this difficult. Most computers still have floppy drives. You can use WinZip (or any other Zip program) to make a zip file from the demos and split it into 1.4MB (floppy-sized) chunks. Then use floppy disks to copy the files to friend's computer and recombine them. Or you could get a USB flash memory key-chain thing that holds 128MB for about 10$.
  23. Here is BainIhrno's post at Lyceum: Quote: Okay, here's the deal: I have begun alpha-testing my new scenario, The Final Spire. I am not going to send the beta out immediately. The reason I am making the beta call early is it would be more convienent for me to send all the betas out at once, rather than one at a time. If all goes well, I will send the beta out this upcoming Saturday, during the evening. I will still accept applications beyond then, but keep in mind it's just more convienent for me if you sign up before. I would like to get about at least five testers. This may not make sense, but this scenario is a sequel to a sceario that does not exist. This is because the scenario that came before it, Spires of Energy, crashed. However, I was so interested in the story that I couldn't make anything else. Be warned: This scenario is quite hard, and is definitely not for a new player. It also uses a pre-fab party, so if a mac beta tester could make Ulrike (the PC) for Mac users, that would be nice. This scenario is also linear, like An Apology or Echoes: Assault Finally, I cannot thank Barcoorah enough for helping me with most of the story and a few other aspects of this scenario. I guarantee that this scenario has a better plot than FER or ND. Without further ado... Name (the one you want me to refer you as): E-Mail Adress: Platform: Previous Beta Experience: BoE Playing Skill - please be honest: Thank you. EDIT: Also, testing this scenario will involve more than just a "playthrough." Not much more, but worth mentioning. This will be detailed when you receive the beta.
  24. And there I thought that Uni-Drakon is a well-educated Drakon who is studying at a Uni[versity]. Or it might be a fearsome Unicorn-Drakon hybrid, with a Drakon's body and a Unicorn's head. PS Felix, there has been an over-saturation of polls lately, so for people to take your poll seriously, you have to at least use correct spelling and put serious thought into answer options. (e.g. Warrior Servile and Guard Servile are just better trained Servies; regular townsperson would die the moment he was attacked, etc.)
  25. Congratulations. I'd suggest swinging back to pick up the NPCs anyway, because, in addition to never dying, spedning their skill points doesn't cost you any essence. And one more thing, I didn't notice any mention of blessing magic in your battle reports. War Blessing and Shielding spells can make any fight much easier, especially if you Haste your strongest creatures. And Augmentation can help your Shaper survive getting hit. Good luck with the rest of the game.
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