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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: "I'm picturing an upset parent, who probably thinks Avernum is against their religion." I've gotten that one too. ... - Jeff Vogel Do you have "most rediculous customer complaints" section somewhere on Ironycentral? Quote: Originally written by Spidweb: ... I seriously doubt, by the way, that there will be any spawners in Avernum 5. Heck, at this point, I'm not sure there will be spawners in Geneforge 4. Spawners are fine in Geneforge. It's the merging of the two game worlds that is bothering me. Things like Spawners, pylons and drakon graphics have their place. Just not in Avernum. An idea to make Geneforge spawners more tactically challenging could be to have some fragile spawners that quickly produce many weak creatures, so player would have to go for the spawner itself, while taking some damage from the summons. If there were many kinds of spawners with different toughness and summoning rates, players would have to worry when it makes sence to go for the spawner and when for the creatures it is generating.
  2. This exact question is being discussed in these threads: which Avernums to play: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=20;t=000555 A2 v. A4: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=20;t=000559 As for the question of storyline, most people think that A4 has the worst storyline of all Avernums.
  3. I'll add another vote to the unanimous "not even worth compairing" opinion. A2 is one of Jeff's best games (along with Nethergate and BoE), while A4 is one of the worst.
  4. Quote: Originally written by ServileSlayer: Thanks guys. I take it that there are 2 Gazer canisters, and the last rank is 5,000 bucks with Orois Blaze? I guess so. (I haven't finished G3, so my info comes from that FAQ I liked to in last post.) Quote: In G2, I have the demo. Is it like G1, where the Geneforge is under the control of some tyrant like Trajkov? In G2, it's built by the same group as in G3. Quote: And thank you Zeviz, that modifier thing with the scipts is really something! That's good to hear. I didn't realize people still use it.
  5. 1. You can't. There are only 2 Drakon canisters in the game. 2. Yes, you can make an eyebeast. See Schrodinger's faq for canister and trainer locations: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/928999.html 3. No.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Nick Ringer: ... Esther is Persian for "star," derived from Ishtar (a Hebrew Goddess). Queen Esther, in the book of Esther, saves a lot of jews from racial persecution. Most likely chosen for "star" significance. ... It's actually the other way around. Ishtar is the Persian Goddess. (I think a goddess of war.) Esther is the Hebrew version of the name. According to Wikipedia, Esther is unrelated to Ishtar and means either "star" in Persian or "hidden" in Hebrew: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther
  7. Quote: Originally written by LadyCroft: How do i get past the damaging floors Combat mode is very helpful. Or you can keep clicking on the other side in town mode. Either way, put on as much fire-resistance equipment as you have and cast Augmentation on yourself if you still die. Another benefit of doing it in combat mode is that you will not have all your creations coming along and getting fried.
  8. My Shapers are named Zeviz and Guardians (and evil Shapers) are named Veziv. Sometimes I also use other variations on this sound pattern. Quote: Originally written by Miya: My Agent is often named "Ayame", " Kaiya ", or "Kaida". All of which are Japanese names, as is my current PDN. This comes from early childhood experiences that bring back fond memories, as well as the type of bodywork I do. Does that mean you study Japanese martial arts?
  9. Quote: Originally written by Leena: ... I haven't played GF2 in a while, but I thought that you buying things from them did give them money. Not much, since they rob you, but some. The prices shopkeepers charge you depend on whether you are a member of their sect or an enemy sect. Even if you are unalligned, some prices depend on your pro-servile/pro-shaper reputation. However, the best prices are usually given only to sect members.
  10. First a warning: if you plan on playing A3 and don't want plot spoilers, avoid these boards until you are done with the game. The identity of main villain behind the plagues in A3 tends to show up randomly throughout the boards. As for the order in which to play the games, I suggest playing them in order both because the plots are a continuation of each other (revisiting old cities in A2 is more fun if you had seen them in A1), and because the engine evolved over time (so going from newer to older games might be frustrating). The earlier Avernum games arguably have much better atmosphere and stronger plot, but less sophisticated engine, so the experience will be different from A4. EDIT: I'll second Kel's suggestion to look at Exile (same plots as Avernum, but a much older engine), and especially BoE. You can find reviews of BoE scenarios here: http://p080.ezboard.com/fthelyceumfrm27
  11. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: Lost Nethexermumforgeland Core: You, an adventuring party comprised of Roman legionaries and Celtic warriors, stumble across a planar gateway. On the other side, you discover an entire nation of exiles living in caves. However, a shadowy force is altering the Exiles' genetics, causing their very appearance to change. To stop this conversion (or to aid it; the game has a multitude of different endings), you must journey deep into the core of the Exiles' homeland. There you must retrieve to Stone of Night, and make the choice of freeing or subduing their lost souls. -------------------- for clarity. lol Don't forget the game mechanics: The game uses primarily graphics from Homeland, with PC graphics being a choise between a Geneforge Shaper (for humans), an Exile cave lizard (for Sliths), or an Avernum Haaki (for Nephils). The PCs, in addition to their race, can choose culture with Romans specializing in combat skills and getting attack bonus v. Pylons, Demons and Snakes, while Celts specialize in magic and get a bonus v. Spawners, Goblins and Giant Snakes. There are also Shaping skills that can be unlocked by defeating Rentar Ihrno's ghost. There is also a side-quest to resurrect Erika, completion of which lets you take her into your party as an NPC. Another side quest involves constructing and using Geneforge.
  12. Quote: Originally written by MagmaDragoon: ... Zeviz: What are "Obeyer Lands"? You mean the Loyalist? Yes, the lands near the start. There is a farmer in one of the areas who asks you to find his lost servile. After checking the Shrodinger's faq, I see that the farmer I was thinking about is in The Craigs area and his servile is in the Crystal Caverns.
  13. Don't forget about the shops in Obeyer lands (in addition to the ones in drypeak, there are a couple farmers in nearby areas, whom you can trade with). If you don't care which sect you support (or if you plan on joining takers later), you can quit Awakened to be able to use Barzite shops. Aside from that, your only option is to avoid angering Takers until you empty all shops in their lands. If you play as unallied, you can use all shops in the game and most of them will still run out of gold, so joining awakened early wasn't very good for maximizing your item-selling potential.
  14. Aussieavernum, if you want that scenario idea to be more realistic, you could say that, instead of collapsing most of the caves, the quake cracked cave wall, opening a passage towards a new section of the cave system. (I suspect Jeff will do something like this for A5.) And a reason for food shortage could be a crop-killing mold whose spores were carried out of the new cave system (by wind, travellers, etc.) Finding a way to eliminate this mold could be a major quest in your scenario. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: ... I really want this thread to die. Then don't post in it. If you don't want Blades to die, don't laugh off potential new designers every time they come up with an idea. Instead, tell them how to make it better.
  15. The registration code will be different every time you install the game. E-mail the company ( spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com ), explaining your situation and they will send you a replacement code if they are ok with you running the game on "somebody else's machine". PS In your e-mail, don't forget to mention the new registration number that the game has. (You'll note that it's different from the old one.)
  16. According to their order form ( https://www.keysecure.com/spiderwebsoftware.com/form_w_lists.html ) replacement CDs cost same 4$ as original ones. I guess getting a CD for a game you've purchased would cost the same, but you can just e-mail or call them to make sure.
  17. You can use a cheat code to take your party back to starting town: Hit Shift-D and enter "backtostart". It's usually a good idea to keep several different saves of the game to avoid this kind of problem.
  18. I couldn't vote in this poll, because it's missing the "none of the above" option. Quote: Originally written by Noddy: Well, I already thought that those two races didn't belong in the straight Avernum games. Blades, perhaps, because who knows what situations the designer will put the player in. But not Avernum. Still, they're there, and I think it's probably more trouble than it's worth to take them out, since they're an established fact of the series now. I'd just prefer not to compound the problem even further by adding to it. Nephils, Sliths, and Vahnatai are one of the major things that distinguishes Exile/Avernum universe from generic RPGs where you wade through hordes of goblins/orcs with the help of elves and halflings. If we start removing races from games just because some people have dirty minds, we'd pretty soon end up with games containing only stick-figure drawings of generic humans.
  19. What have I started?! 14. When a conversation gets uncomfortable, you press Esc key on your computer keyboard, hoping this will end it. 15. Whenever you enter a house, you have an urge to pick up everything that's not nailed down. 16. When punishing your dog, you tell him "If you do that again, I will absorb you." 17. When your dog misbehaves again, you try to absorb him. 18. When you get a cold, you get into your car, drive out of town, and drive back in, expecting this to restore your health.
  20. The main purpose of creatures of the Ur-Drakon level is just to look cool. By the time you collect enough canisters to make them, you are so powerful that you don't really need them. This is the main reason I hope new creatures in Gf4 will be of low to medium level, instead of super-ultra-powerful demi-gods. The power range is well balanced already and more creatures at the top of the chart will forse weaker old creatures to become obsolete even sooner, making the strategy of keeping a few creatures alive for a long time less viable.
  21. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: I like the GF1 and the GF3 spawners. But I don't like the A4 spawners. There are spawners in A4?! I hope you meant "summoning runes" or a crypt that generates shades. Did Jeff put an actual creature-making spawner into A4?
  22. However, using canisters changes the ending and makes it less satisfying. So, while there are few in-game effects, it does "harm" you from role-playing point of view. And there is at least 1 place (approaching Taker lands from the south) where using canisters makes you automatically attack hostile serviles. I don't know if you could avoid this fight if you weren't a canister user.
  23. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: See serviles isn't so bad. It's when they starting talking to you that's the problem. Especially if it's not with deep respect because you are a shapeer. It's still not that bad as long as you don't go into a store and try to open every jar of pickles and put in your hand, hoping that it's a "canister". PS This is beginning to sound like a kind of "10 signs you've played too much ..." thread.
  24. Quote: Originally written by Archmagus Micael: Quote: Originally written by Student of Trinity: I wouldn't say this really counts, though. It still counts. Trust me. Zeviz didn't say it had to be in the right context. - Archmagus Micael Yes I did. Quote: Originally written by Zeviz: Can anybody think of an example of an emperor who had willingly abdicated with no outside preassure just because somebody presented a better claim to the throne? ... However, the main reason I asked was general curiousity about abdications in history, so in that sence yours and SoT's posts contain exactly the kind of info I was looking for. EDIT: SoT, did the whole "respect for parent" thing work out in practice for Japanese emperors? Or was the emperor's position mostly ceremonial anyway? (In Russian Empire, emperors often completely reversed the policies of their predesessors. In one case the father was even deposed by a coup led by his son.)
  25. Quote: Originally written by Stormlord Windspire: I just wanted to know others opinions.......sheesh Sorry if my post sounded overly aggressive. I guess some of the points were already said by too many others before me, so repeating them sounded like harping on the issue. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: ... You will play through Geneforge 3 at least twice... There is a difference of opinion about that. Although I guess you might be right: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=19;t=000447 (The poll was posted in Gf3 forum, so the sample was self-selected, but it seems that most people did play it more than once.)
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