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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. Quote: Originally written by The King: ... On the other hand, most of the work is just a matter of editing the scripts and possibly changing the font, which isn't all that hard. ... I just checked, and the game's font can't represent Russian characters. So a fan translation isn't going to happen either. (Unless Jeff decides to modify the game to accept Russian characters in scripts.)
  2. I think that Geneforge 1 has the charm of being the first game in the series, so while it's not the best technologically, it might become your favorite if you play it first. Quote: Originally written by Nalyd Twisted: Wasn't that necromancy? Posting in threads that are still on page 1 usually isn't considered necromancy, especially when the thread is less than a week old. Complaining about necromancy or offtopicness, especially when the moderators don't object to it, makes the complainer look like an annoying and clueless person who is unsuccessfully trying to prove his importance. (And I am well aware of the irony of complaining about complaining. )
  3. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: Of course! Task Manager! You can use task manager to end unnecessary processes, or, if GF4 is running at the moment, set it's CPU priority to High! It's better to shut down processes (as opposed to applications that appear in the first tab of Task Manager) by following the steps I've described in my earlier post, to decrease the chances of stopping a process you shouldn't mess with. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: ... Originally by Zeviz: Quote: What do you mean by "messing with virtual memory settings"? Making the initial VM size smaller. ... That doesn't sound right. I'd assume that increasing amount of swap space improved performance, but if it has to be decreased to work better, there might be a bug in the game. (Civ4 originally had a bug in graphics code that caused the game to run worse on machines with more RAM, so this might be something similar.)
  4. So resistances granted by individual items are multiplied, rather than added together?
  5. I guess this means the Citadel gets evacuated as soon as you start the caravan quest, probably the moment you guide them across first map. You didn't miss much anyway. (The reward is nice, but not worth reloading from a much earlier save.)
  6. I know that VM shouldn't be turned off. What I meant to say is that since accessing hard drive is orders of magnitude slower than accessing RAM, you should try to get as much free RAM as possible for the memory-hogging games.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: ... I can get the game to run without problems by messing with the virtual memory settings but I have to mess with them again every time I want to play, which is incredibly annoying. ... What do you mean by "messing with virtual memory settings"? If memory is the issue, closing all other programs is the best solution. (Yes, that includes your web browser and MP3 player. ) If that is not enough, use Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services (or the equivalent for your version of Windows) to shut down everything you don't need. (I wouldn't recommend shutting down anti-virus while your computer is connected to the Internet, but many other servicies can be shut down safely. Defragmenting hard drive is also helpful if you are using virtual memory, but it's better to not need virtual memory in the first place.
  8. Thanks for answers and advice. I have another question: What does percentage for armor and resistance mean? Does 50% resistance actually block half the damage and 75% resistance block 3/4 of the damage, or are the numbers just random "more is better" kind of thing?
  9. I downloaded the game recently and have a couple question: 1. Which items should I hold on to for collection quests? My inventory is overflowing with iron bars, shaper equipment, etc. Please don't say who or where is asking for them, but just tell me what I shouldn't sell. 2. Does the timer on map screen have any effect on the game? By the way, it looks like the hype about the game was largely justified. I like the new inventory system (no more dropping everything when combat starts) and growth of power seems to be well balanced. I can't say much about story yet, but at least it's not another shaper apprentice.
  10. ***slight spoiler for Geneforge 2*** If you are playing Geneforge 2, the awakened ending comes closest to the effect you want. It's supposed to be even more satisfying if you achieve it without using [more than 5] canisters or being augmented by Tuldaric, but I haven't tried that version. ***end of spoiler*** PS Please don't post Gf4 spoilers in this subforum for those of us who just started the game yesterday.
  11. In the GeneForge 3 FAQ linked at the top of this forum ( http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/928999.html ), scroll down to Recipies section. (Search for "8. Anvil Happiness") That's the most complete list I know about and it would be too long to paste here.
  12. To fully enjoy the games you have to avoid reading the forums and play them in order (1 through 4). The negative side of "you don't need experience with previous games to play later ones" is that all secrets of earlier games are revealed in early portions of later installments. So if you do want to play all four, you have to play them in order.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: "Dikiyoba the Dikiyora" is totally natural and perfect, but I'm trying to think of what "Dikiyoar" reminds me of. ... Zyoar, an undiscovered 3rd level Fyoroid creation. (Fyora -> Cryoa -> Zyoar: The letter r moves two positions forward, wrapping around, while the first letter moves three positions back in the alphabet, also wrapping around.) So Dikiyoar is similar to Dikiyora, but based on Zyoar.
  14. There is even a nicely hyperlinked version of Schrodinger's walkthrough at http://www.geocities.com/zeviz1/ It might not have maps, but it has very detailed information, including a non-spoiler item and spell locations guide. And the Nethergate guide is at http://www.geocities.com/zeviz1/nethergate/ [/shameless plug]
  15. Quote: Originally written by Andraste: :Edit: I postponed my homework for this. [anachronistic Geneforge scene] Turns out that Dhonald's keep isn't as busy as one would think. I might add more stuff later. lol Thanks for making this funny picture. PS Homework is overrated anyway.
  16. Andraste, the iPod edits are very funny. Do you have a screenshot of a major city with all the random townspeople walking around with iPods and some carrying laptop cases?
  17. Quote: Originally written by The Mystic: Quote: Originally written by CKB: They are the same game right, just updated graphics? Actually, they're a lot more than that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Jeff said somewhere that A1-A3 are ground-up rewrites of E1-E3. The code might be fully rewritten, but the story is the same. As are the maps, most items, basic function of skills, etc. The main differences are in the engine: different graphics and conversation system, more advanced skill system, more basic spell system, etc.
  18. Quote: There are, in fact, several people who still prefer BoE. That statement in Kel's faq is correct. For example, I don't even have BoA.
  19. You also could heat your rooms to make them warmer than (relatively cold) cave temperature. Another reason could be simple force of habit. People are used to living in houses with roofs, so they build them the same way underground. For example, in many cases it would be easier to simply build a wall in front of a section of a cave, but people still build all four walls in those areas. PS Talking about cave temperature, what is the temperature of Exile's caves?
  20. Quote: Originally written by Waylander: Zeviz: Quote: Waylander, if you can't resist discussing Israel, I'm not. You are attempting to push me into discussing it, however. ... Quote: Originally written by Waylander: ... Witness Israel's use of collective punishment against the Palestinians and Lebanese in order to 'suppress terrorism' (this is merely an example. And yet, we observe the opposite effect (this is merely used as an example, not to open a new point of discussion). The Nazis also employed collective punishment, to their detriment. Your comparison of Israel with Nazi Germany is about as insensitive as the Pope's remarks about Islam, or those Danish Mohammed cartoons. If you don't understand why those annoying Jews got so offended, please stop for a moment and think of what it sounds like when you bring up Israel as the only other example in a thread that talks about Nazi Germany (who attempted to exterminate the Jews, among other atrocities), Imperial Japan, and Geneforge Shapers (whom you consider to be equivalent of the two RL powers). The implication of this comparison is that that a life of 1 Palestinian is worth more than lives of 1000 Jews, several thousand Russians, and 1000 Chinese, among other victims of Axis powers.
  21. Waylander, the problem with your conclusion is that responces of most people fall into the wast area between "will do anything, including blowing up children at restaraunts" and "fighting only proper battles between uniformed armies". These people chose randomly between options 3 and 4 of your poll, so in reality the number of people who would chose the most extreme option is probably much lower. If you want to draw comparisons with Geneforge situation, you need a more refined poll, which I think I'll make. I think following categories should do: 1. No resistance. 2. Unarmed resistance doomed to failure. 3. Fighting only proper battles between armies. (Already failed, otherwise you wouldn't be conquered.) 4. Trying to minimize enemy's civilian casualties, even at the risk to own fighters. 5. Doing whatever it takes to destroy military objectives, including military hospitals and bases where soldiers live together with families. 6. Attacking civilians just to "stir things up". 7. Torturing children, spreading deseases among civilian population, etc. Option 6 would be equivalent to the behavior of Rebels in the Geneforge series. Does anybody have any suggestions before I make the new poll? PS (Off-topic.) Waylander, if you can't resist discussing Israel, please tell me how Australia would respond if a group of people started blowing up restaraunts and dance clubs, demanding control over the country? (Palestinian suicide bombers come from groups like Hamas that don't accept any solution short of complete destruction of Israel.)
  22. "Spiderweb Software" consists of 3 people: husband, wife, and a family friend. While they usually respond within a day, it can take much longer if they have a backlog because they just returned from vocation, or are sick, or have some other family emergency. So don't worry if it takes them a few days to respond. If you don't hear from them by middle of next week, try again.
  23. Aran, in the analysis you posted on your blog, you are forgetting that the main factor in whether people chose to resist the occupation is their feelings about their old government and the occupying force. An illustration of that was a poll by Tullegolar where people's willingness to defend their country ranged from few people being willing to find another similar nation to almost everybody being willing to fight Martian invaders who want to enslave or destroy humanity. Quote: Originally written by Micawber.: Good heavens, I'm the only one to vote for passive resistance. In real life, I think quite a number of people would choose this option. That's because passive resistance works only against people with conscience. The occupiers described here have no problem sending people to death camps, or monstrous medical experiments, so they aren't going to hesitate to kill anybody trying to organize a demonstration. Your death wouldn't even succeed in encouraging others to join your cause, because if people weren't convinced by other atrocities, they will not be convinced by your death either. As for whether people saying that they would follow option 3.5 would go through with it, that might depend on their upbringing, as much as personality. If the simulation Nikki described in his post had been performed in a Soviet school, a lot more kids would have volunteered. (This is not necessarily a good thing, but some balance is needed between the extremes of being excessively militaristic and being unwilling to ever defend your country.)
  24. Waylander, could you keep RL politics to the General subforum, so that people who come here to get away from that mess wouldn't have to get involved in "debates" about Israel in game forums. As for the original poll, I'd vote for option 3.5: The same level of violence gurillas(sp?) performed during real World War II. (The clarified Option 3 sounds the same as Option 2, with the only difference being that in former case collective suicide is performed by marching with handguns against tanks, and in latter case it's performed by marching with peace banners against tanks.)
  25. Quote: Originally written by Waylander: Zeviz, if you're confused by what I mean when I say 'Gentleman's War', think of the Geneva Conventions. Sure, they probably wouldn't exist in the alternative history I created, but use the Geneva Conventions when attempting to determine how one conducts a 'Gentleman's War'. I am not familiar with the exact text of Geneva Convention. Which of the actions I've listed are allowed by it? Also, doesn't Geneva Convention require strict separation between soldiers, who must always wear a uniform, and civilians? If so, how exactly are you planning to gather and arm your military without occupiers stopping every weapons shipment and killing every person who walks down the street wearing your uniform?
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