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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. When the first person said this, it was moderately funny to those who like this sort of practical jokes. When the second person repeated this, it was getting old. By now, this "joke" is just idiotic. This is not RWG board. This is the place where people come to get help when they are stuck in a game. And trying to confuse them is not funny. Dyl, the answer is "yes, the button is there just to blow you up".
  2. Quote: Originally written by Chief Spider watching The Simpsons: 1. How do they spin those disks so far with their spindly little arms? Vahnatai arms have evolved into sophisticated throwing devices, capable of launching flat metal objects at rapid velocity. This is used not only to launch razordisks at their enemies, but also to staple posters to bulletin boards. Quote: 2. What does a pregnant Vahnatai look like? Or do they lay eggs? Or crystals? [censored] Quote: 3. How does one stitch mold into a cloak? Do you really want to know? Quote: 4. For a race that's so "superior," they sure have a lot of hatred to spread. How would you feel of you were awakened by some fools stumbling around in your bedroom, looking for "magic crystals that let you see things that aren't there"? Quote: 5. I have a theory. The Vahnatai alphabet goes something like this: a - crystal b - crystal c - crystal soul d - soul crystal e - crystal f - crystal g - crystal h - fine crystal i - crystal j - piercing crystal k - "Death to Empire! Death to Humans! Crystals are great!" l - crystal m - crystal n - unshackling crystal o - crystal p - endless razordisks for adventurers to pickup and sell for infinite gold q - crystal r - quickfire s - crystal t - mold u - is v - yummy w - Chitrach x - legacy y - power z - crystal Actually, Vahnatai alphabet contains 459 characters, most of which are invisible to lesser species. That's a good thing, because seeing some of these characters without proper training and awareness would instantly teleport the reader into a cursed sub-dimension to be forever tormented by his inner demons. Quote: 6. Aren't the Vahnatai getting tired of those waveblades yet? Waveblades are a unique cultural symbol whose understanding is beyond our pithiful minds. Some, however, argue that waveblades are used simply to intimidate the enemies, who will think "if these guys can fight using that, they must be really tough". Quote: 7. With all the time they've spent around humans, you'd think a few Vahnatai language professors would be able to talk human talk pretty clearly by now! With all the time we've spent around dogs, you'd think human professors would be able to talk dog pretty clearly by now. Quote: 8. WHAT'S WITH ALL THE FREAKIN' CRYSTALS!!!??? See answer to question 6.
  3. Check out the discussion in this thread: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=002771 (To summarize: the graphics you see in those screenshots will probably change, the story is supposed to be great and isn't supposed to be about Vahnatai and the game is still turn-based, although spell system is "expanded and improved".)
  4. Actually, there are some hidden things in all of Jeff's games. (Bits of text you can never find inside the game, inaccessible rooms, etc.) And conversation options are also determined by your faction affiliation and what other NPCs you've talked to. So the only way to be 100% certain is to read the dialogue script files directly.
  5. Jaid, you'll never need 30 leadership. In fact, 10-12 leadership is enough for most of the game.
  6. If the suspicious serviles you've found are near the entrance to abandoned plant north of Fort Wilton, you should talk to them thoroughly twice. The first time you say "goodbye", you'll notice something unusual. During the second conversation, you'll notice something even more unusual.
  7. Luck's improvement in chance of getting good items is supposed to be too small to notice in 1 battle. The idea is that over the course of entire game you might find 8 Artilla Eyes, instead of 5. Another effect Luck has is improving your armor by 2% and every basic resistance by 1%. That's not much, but it add up, so items that give you luck, but have lower armor values migh actually improve your armor more than items that don't.
  8. The spy is a specific person. (Although I don't remember who.) Some doors can only be opened if you are a member of a certain sect. Generally, if a door takes 15-20 living tools to open, you don't really need to open it.
  9. You aren't supposed to use living tools on doors that require 15-20. Even 10 is too much. If the doors require that many living tools, either they are a reward for a quest, or you need a key. About colored spores, if I remember correctly, they disable different kinds of mines. Use them only when you really have to, because you might need to use them on some quests.
  10. If you've been consistently pro-shaper, one point isn't going to make any difference. Even if you have been sitting on the fence, there are plenty of places in the game where you can give your opinion. And if all else fails, there is always iloveserviles/ihateserviles. (The cheatcodes for pro-rebel/pro-shaper reputation.)
  11. 1. and 3. Check locked storage rooms in NE. 2. If that's the quest you get from servile overseer, I think you have to be pro-rebel.
  12. I think you can't. Once something is out of the cabinet, it will never go back in.
  13. Are you sure you don't have the reward already? (Just in case, double-check your spell list.) Another suggestion is to try all possible keywords ("mission", "reward", etc.)
  14. Some advice to gain more cash: 1. Sell item enchantments. You'll need most powerful enchantments for your artifacts, but putting a fire resistance on every piece of armor is just a waste of cash. Don't use an enchantment unless you are planning to use the item for a long time. 2. Sell most gems and crystals. You can keep a couple gems and crystals for wand-making, but most of them can be safely sold. 3. Sell equipment that is not useful to your character. If you have a very good shield that you are happy with, you don't need a dozen other shields. Sure, a shield of cold resistance might come in handy, but are you really going to go back, searching through all 5 islands for it when you need it? 4. Go back to areas you've cleared and pick up all the loot you've missed. (If you are truely desperate, pick up every shirt and potted plant. ) That's all I can think of for now.
  15. Level 18 might be a bit early to deal with them. I personally didn't do the advanced test until I was done with Dhonal's Island. You might be able to pass it earlier, but gaining a few levels is a good idea anyway.
  16. Schrodinger has the list of ingredients in his faq: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/928999.html (Scroll down to recipe section.) There are plenty of Mandrake Tinctures and Demon Biles in the game. (I had about half a dozen by the end of Dhonal's Island.) The problem is that other ingredients are very hard to find.
  17. How many creations you make depends on your style of player. I did pretty well with only 2 cryoras for a long time. If you make less creations, you'll have more essence left to bless and heal them and will be getting slightly more expericence. So make as many as you feel you need to win most battles. (Some battles you'll just have to come back later to finish.)
  18. EDIT: Never mind. Kel is right. I just searched my old e-mails and found that as soon as they process your order (usually a few hours after you send it) they send you e-mail with download location and password.
  19. If I remember correctly, box mines (large blobs that you can disarm directly) trigger whenever any creature gets close, while small mines (the kind you see at the mined shore and some other places) are triggered only by your character (to prevent you from getting past them by blowing them up with your creations).
  20. Thahd shades with high dexterity work very well if you can make them. If not, try Alwan with maxed dexterity, or some other tough creature with high dexterity. Even Greta with max dexterity will work. The idea is to use mellee attacks from a high-dexterity creature to distract each golem, while you attack them with whatever you have. Putting up augmentation and essence shield/armor while standing next to essence pool is a standard trick useful for all areas with essence pools
  21. Quote: Originally written by Espionage: i am confused, do most people play singleton?? ... No, but the ones who do like to talk about it. As for your skill selection, reputation is not very useful, because you can get it by doing quests. If you will be evolving your priest into priest/mage, consider giving him Natural Mage, instead of Divinely Touched. Other than that, I don't have anything to add.
  22. I think the super-editor itself, rather than this scenario, is the thing whose distribution is limited to those who have a good reason to use it. The distribution of this scenario is limited because it gives out a hacked item that is more powerful than anything that could be created in normal BoE editor.
  23. Pro-shaper trainer in Dhonal has better selection of creations, so you are still better off with pro-shaper opinion if all you care about are training options.
  24. I think you could give this tome to the mage with minimal consequencies. However, if you aren't completely hostile to shapers, you could give it to somebody else later for a better reward. As for giving Lankan the canister, it counts as joining rebels. I am not sure if you'll be able to change your mind later, but you'll immediately start getting hostile reactions from shapers and will lose Alwan before leaving the island.
  25. Quote: Originally written by Dragongirl: ... Which would be more beneficial in the next island - pro shaper or pro rebel? And if I have been given pro shaper opinions, how should I remedy that for pro rebel training? ... Dhonal Island is the capital of the area, so it should be obvious which side's trainers are more common there. As for later parts of the game, you'll have to make your choice before you can leave Dhonal's Island. So you will not be able to sit on the fence much longer.
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