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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. Quote: Originally written by Cirion: *laughs dryly about 150% chance...* what a strange world. I know it's a bit late, but the thread is active again and I just saw this. It's a 87.5% chance, rather than 150% chance, because you can't simply add probabilities of consecutive events. For example, you get a chance to block partial damage only if you fail to block full damage. So your total chance of getting partial damage is: 50% (chance of failing to make full block) * 50% (chance of making partial block) = 25% Thus your total chance of getting hit with less than max damage with Parry of 17 or 18 is: 50% chance of blocking full + 50% (not blocking full) * 50% (blocking partial) + 50% (not blocking full) * 50% (not blocking partial) * 50% (ripost) = 87.5%
  2. Sometimes when you can't make out the words in a speach you are hearing, your brain fills it in with random words you know. For example, sometimes I think I hear Russian or English words when people are speak a foreign language I don't know. The same effect is probably going on here.
  3. Quote: Originally written by MagmaDragoon: Really? Whoa! In Geneforge 2, a high level (17 or 18) Parry gives you 50% chance to get no damage, 50% to get half damage (if your armor is good, that's almost like getting no damage) and 50% chance to reflect the damage back. So 3 out of 4 times you'd take [almost] no damage from [non-magical] attacks, 1 out of 8 times the enemies would attack themselves and only 1 out of 8 times would you take full damage (decreased by your armor, spells, etc.)
  4. Quote: Originally written by $$$: ... Oh, and by the way this is for Geneforge 2. In that case, the main skill for you is Parry. In Geneforge 2, unlike in Gf3, Parry can make you almost invincible. Not only that, but at high enough skill levels (13-18) Parry can make enemies kill themselves by attacking you.
  5. No Canisters is a pretty tough variant to play, although it does give you a better ending. You can still get that ending if you use 5 or fewer canisters, but you need to chose your 5 very carefully. Other than that, I can't say much since I prefer to play with Shapers. As for creations, gaining levels makes a big difference. So even a simple Fyora that you've managed to keep alive from the start of the game would have become a powerful forse by now.
  6. The first thing I notice is your lack of creations. While Guardian isn't as strong in shaping as a Shaper, he is still decent at it. Agent is the class for going solo. It seems to me that missile guardian (like archers in most RPGs) needs a couple of tough companions to keep the enemies from reaching him. Another general observation is that you seem to be missing a lot of side-quests and books/canisters. I don't remember exactly, but it feels to me like you should have higher shaping and magic skills just from books/canisters and quest rewards at this point in the game. Also, if you completely abandon magic, you have to use pods in most battles, because being blessed, hasted and shielded makes a huge difference. However, I haven't played Guardian in Gf3 (and he was much easier in Gf2), so I can't give specific advice about stats, items and strategies.
  7. Try downloading it again. Perhaps something went wrong when you were downloading. And since Spidweb didn't make this editor (that's what "unofficial" means), you'll get more helps asking on the Geneforge forum, instead of tech support forum. There was a similar topic there before: http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=19;t=0 00320#000000 Maybe you can try the things discussed there.
  8. If you are getting script errors when using the editor script, either the editor got corrupted when downloading, or you might need to convert it to correct text format for your OS. (If I am not mistaken, some people had problems on Windows with an editor script made on Mac.)
  9. If I remember correctly, you have to clear out the warren pretty thoroughly to get to it. It's a special item, so when you search the correct chest, you'll get a message that you've found a package. (I don't remember the exact wording.)
  10. Khoth's graphics archive is a dead link. Talking about graphics, is there a comprehensive BOE graphics archive? I know it was discussed somewhere, but I can't find where.
  11. You have to change the item list to make sure the items you want to be sold are one after another. I don't think there is any other way.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Eldibs: Topic necromancy. Spam. The person actually had a valid question: "How do I get the editor discussed here?" If that's not a valid reason to post to an old topic, I don't know what is.
  13. If everything was gone, it was probably a bug. However, it's still a good idea to spread your items over several towns, because I had some things disappear when I've dropped too much in a single town. (The stuff you've dropped first is probably going to disappear first when you drop too much, but I am not sure about that.) PS Many things, such as shaper tools and gems, can be combined, so they take only 1 inventory slot, taking much less space on the ground.
  14. Yes, Geneforge is quite different from Exile, especially if you haven't played Nethergate and Avernum. To rest you have to go to a "friendly" town. (Just going to an edge of the map and re-entering works if you are already in a town.) If you can't get to town, you have to rely on healing spells or potions (spores/pods). Your energy does restore with time, but essence doesn't. To stand idly in battle, just click on the active character. (Although I am not sure why you'd want to stand idly while being attacked, instead of attacking or retreating.) As for secret areas, there are some passages that are hard to see. There are also some area that become available only after completing certain quests. That's as close as you are likely to get. (I personally found searching for secret passages very annoying. Bumping into every wall along the way wasn't my idea of fun.) PS Welcome to the forums.
  15. Perhaps all Nethergate fans are so shocked by seeing a new post on this forum, the we still haven't recovered sufficiently to reply. Or perhaps we are afraid that your post is just an evil plot of RW cult to expand its corrupting influence beyond the borders of its own board into the virgin lands of Nethergate and SubTerra. (This looks especially suspicious considering that White Shock Troops have recently been spotted conducting reconnasance in SubTerra board.)
  16. I don't remember the answer, but perhaps you can find it in Shrodinger's walkthrough: http://www.geocities.com/zeviz1/nethergate/cwalk.html#hagfen
  17. I usually use made up names. Omri - fighter - random name Shhhhssss (or some similar serpentile sound) - slith fighter Mrrrurrrr - nephil figher - sounds like cat's "speech" Veziv - mage - evil counterpart to Zeviz Zeviz - mage/priest - a madeup name that I use everywhere Niza - priest - another variation on the Zeviz/Veziv theme (a character I've also used in some RPs)
  18. Most editors are just built into the game. You don't have to modify any scripts yourself. All you do is download the editor and replace existing file with the one you've downloaded. Then you open the game and read the sign or book that has the editor in it.
  19. Just to clarify, this forum's rules don't allow "double-posting" (replying to your own post). You can do it in some rare cases, but it's safer to just use "Edit" button that appears next to each of your posts, instead of "Reply" button. As for topic revival, there is no exact rule, but you shouldn't post in topics that are several weeks old unless you have something very important to add. If you have a new question, it's better to start a new topic about it.
  20. Don't know if the question is still relevant, but if it is: Blueman's point is the main reason to keep your creations alive longer. The extra stats creatures gain from levelling up (with no extra essence investment) compensate for the difference between them and newer creatures. Two fyoras that were with you from the start of the game can hit as hard as a dryak for a fraction of the cost, even if you don't improve any of their stats. (Dryaks are still better if you've got the essence for them, but if you have an extra creature slot, that old fyora is still useful.)
  21. Welcome to the forums. Create Rotghroth: Burham (T)- Radiant College, Salgurdar (T)-Benerii-Uss Shaping, Zhass-Uss (Can), Benerii-Uss Entry (Can), Benerii-Uss Power (Can) Create Gazer: Burham (T)- Radiant College, Salgurdar (T)-Benerii-Uss Shaping, Zhass-Uss (Can), Benerii-Uss Entry (Can), Benerii-Uss Shaping (Can) Create Drayk: Elissia (T)- Upper Research Halls, Phariton (T)- Phariton's Hall, Fenen (T)-Radiant College, Zhass-Uss Outskirts (Can), Rising (Can) Create Thahd: Tyallea (T)- Drypeak Warrens, Fenen (T)-Radiant College, Warren of the Three (Can) Create Roamer- Carnelian (T)- Medab, Fenen (T)-Radiant College, Patrolled Path (Q) This information was taken from Shrodinger's faq: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/918441.html
  22. Perhaps you'll make more impact if you post in the existing suggestions for G4 thread: G4 suggestions thread Jeff doesn't read these forums, but if there will be a petition for G4 features, the petition will probably be based on suggestions from that thread.
  23. To reset your pro-rebel/pro-shaper opinions, you can use cheatcodes "iloveserviles" or "ihateserviles". To use a cheat code press Ctrl+d and type in the code. To see various endings without having to play through the game many times, you have to play around with SDFs. The instructions are in these posts: instruction post #1 instruction post #2 Summary of several SDFs: list of SDFs There might be more ending variants, but these are the only ones I've seen on this forum.
  24. EDIT: Accidental double-post. Please remove.
  25. 1. Some people think that Exile games are better than many of the ones produced now. If you like good gameplay and don't care about graphics, games like Exile still look appealing. Fun gameplay is still fun gameplay and good story is still a good story whether the game was made yesterday or 10 years ago. 2. This is the first time I've heard of Exile games being "freeware". Who told you that they are? Maybe they meant that Exile is "shareware"?
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