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Everything posted by Zeviz

  1. Thahds and Thahd Shades are also pretty useful to deal with enemies that get too close. (Or to prevent enemies from getting to your fragile Fyoras and Cryoras.) My favorite strategy is to get high Mechanics (10+) and Leadership (8-10), enough Blessing Magic to cast your best blessing spell, enough Creation Skill to create your favorite creatures and dump the rest into Intelligence. PS Don't forget to pick up the two NPCs - Alwan and Greta. The best thing about them is that they don't cost any essence to get or to upgrade, so you'll always have an equivalent of your top creations for free.
  2. Tiny correction: Leadership 10 is enough for Acid Valley. About leadership, maybe you could include a note that in most cases using leadership gives you some experience. In fact, sometimes you'll get more experience from using leadership than from killing the enemy. So the skill partially pays for itself. A couple additions: 1. With 10 (or 12?) leadership you can talk your way past Greinter's guards in Main Army Base. (So you don't have to go in through the back door.) Killing these guards is also an option and doesn't make the town hostile. In fact, if you are feeling evil, you could use leadership to get them to open the door and then kill them anyway. 2. In Darkstone Core, if you have 10 leadership (or less?), you can temporarily disable the servant mind so it doesn't help Hsssak during battle. 3. In South Dhonal Road you'll meed 3 serviles near entrance to purification plant. Talk to any of them and say goodbye. You should notice some unusual behavior. Talk to any of them again and ask what they do. When he gestures to a forest, you'll see armor hiden under his cloak and realize that they are spies. These are the spies Sestilla (in Fort Wilton) wants you to find. 4. In Mountain Pass, if you kill all roamers before they can call reinforcements and keep going along the road, you'll be able to avoid a fight until you get to guard rooms. It might have been a glitch, but one time I was attacked when I was pulling the lever in the guardroom and another time I wasn't attacked at all and was able to get to Dhonal Keep without a fight.
  3. I guess that's just a mistake in my notes. Sorry about confusion.
  4. I think for testing grounds canister you might need high leadership to convince the mind to open an extra door for you after passing tests. As for Vlish canister, I might have mistaken the area. It might have been Main Army Camp.
  5. 2 additions to your list: Searer - Testing Grounds© (pass tests) Vlish - Blasted Laboratory(?)© (locked storage room in NE)
  6. I use missiles for a starting Shaper, until I find a weapon that gives strong bonuses to my creations. As for Agent strategies, why do people prefer completely solo Agent to the one who uses Greta and Alvan's help? (Or do you still use Greta and Alvan with your "solo" agent?)
  7. Jeff doesn't read these boards. (not even the tech support section) So if you want him to know about something, you have to e-mail spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com
  8. This is what Spidweb webpage lists for system requirements: "PC Running Windows 98 or later or Macintosh with System 8.1 or later, 30 MB free RAM, 40 MB hard drive space, 800x600 screen resolution with 16 bit color. Geneforge 3 runs natively under Macintosh OS X." I was able to run Geneforge fine on my old computer, which had worse stats than yours, so you should have no problems. Jeff is pretty good at making his games run well on older machines.
  9. Unlike Exile, Geneforge has realtime movement: 1. Select characters. (Click on them with mouse, or press 0 to select all.) 2. Click on the spot on the screen where you want them to go.
  10. Project cancelled. Apparently Schrodinger is more than halfway done with his faq, so whatever we make will be obsolete before it's finished. If anybody has any contributions, you can ask Schrodinger whether he wants them.
  11. You don't have to reinstall the game. Somebody will probably post a file for you soon. If not, I can e-mail it to you when I get home this evening.
  12. I think there are about 4 or 5 fangs. However, you should not try to get them right away. Sharon's tests are a way to evaluate your progress. Just keep coming back throughout the game and checking whether you are strong enough for the next challenge. The final enemies can't be defeated until you are very far into the game.
  13. Just talking to important looking people in every town you come across should give you plenty of small missions to complete, while you make your way towards starting points of larger quests.
  14. Another thing you could try is mixing the two series. Since the storylines are identical, you can compare E1 demo with A1 demo, E2 demo with A2 demo and E3 demo with A3 demo and choose the one you like more from each pair.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Soltedas: ... I've been reading the Av wish list topic, I realise how boring my post is in comparison. I haven't played the Spiderweb games long enough to include my own opinions, but there is one thing in particular which, despite the lack of 3-D graphics, cutscenes, music, etc, which makes these games the best I have ever played. Games like these rely on the players imagination. I don't care about how things move/look so much, because I can imagine them in my head so much better. When I read text describing my surroundings, I imagine the huge cave, the green light from the fungus.. It's awesome. When I am fighting a battle, I imagine different moves used by the fighters, the bloody wounds, the complexities of casting spells, It's a tense, exciting event. The problem for me with the bigger, more flashy games is that they're too explicit. I can't immerse myself in them. Perhaps if you don't have a good imagination... In that case have you considered Exile? It sounds like you might like it even more than Avernum. The graphics feel more "natural" and there are more fun spells to play with. (Avernum has better skill system and some other improvements, but that is a tradeoff you'll have to judge for yourself.)
  16. 1. The topic was originally locked by Kelandon, because it went too far off topic. If you don't like the fact that it was locked, blame yourself for turning it into discussion of stereotypes. 2. If Drakefyre was like Stalin, he would have banned you a long time ago.
  17. While we are talking about quest items, is there a quiet for metal bars in this game, or should I stop carrying them around and sell them to the first merchant I meet?
  18. If you want to keep your options open, simply avoid speaking to him until you are ready to decide whether you support shapers or rebels. (I left Harmony Island without speaking to him.) (*SPOILER below*) I was never able to convince him to apologize and submit to punishment even when I've already destroyed source of rogues and had leadership 12. So you didn't miss much by being unable to ask him to consider it. (*end Spoiler*)
  19. Dolphin, I've PMed you my notes so far, so that you could compare them with yours. I forgot to mention in my PM, could you also send me any notes you have on the stuff I am taking notes on for the rest of the game (Dhonal Island and forward). Anybody else, if you want to help with the FAQ (anything from note-taking and writing walkthroughs to web design), please PM or e-mail me.
  20. This is an old problem with some versions of Exile 2. When you save your game it sometimes forgets to add the ".sav" extention at the end of filename. 1. Find your save file in Windows Explorer. It's probably in "My Documents" folder. 2. Rename the file to add ".sav" to the end of filename. 3. You should now be able to open the file both in the game and in the editor. PS To avoid this problem in the future, always use "Save As" and make sure that the file name ends in ".sav"
  21. I use same strategy as Walter on my first path through the game. Too bad deadweight shapers are no longer viable, because you have to use blessing and protection spells to get through most battles. (In Gf 1, my shaper was just sitting back with his 2 APs, letting creations to the "talking" in most battles, and using blessing spores for a few tough battles.) In Gf 3 I have to rely more on blessing magic spells my Shaper casts himself.
  22. If you look at item properties, you'll see that it now has a new ability. (additional physical protection) However, I did find early crafted items rather disappointing. It's easy enough to find pre-enchanted equipment which already has an enchantment stronger than the one you can add yourself.
  23. The question wasn't about AP penalties for extra weight. The question was about penalties listed on some armor. And I just double-checked in Geneforge 3. In that game, the penalties are listed as 5%, 10%, etc, so they are obviously penalties to chances of hitting your target. I guess they might apply to magic as well. You can easily check, because every time you miss, it tells you your chances of hitting.
  24. My guess is that it gives same benefit as +1 Strength or +1 Melee Weapons skill for damage calculations. I am not sure what that benefit translates into as far as actual numeric damage is conserned. That probably depends on your level, your target's armor, etc. EDIT: Looks like The1Kobra posted while I was typing.
  25. If I remember correctly, attack skill refers to chance of hitting with melee and missile weapons. So your magic should be unaffected.
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