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Last Battle (spoilers)[G5]


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First, what is your level? You should probably be around level 45-50 when you get here. Also, you should probably pump some stats into your creations if you have not done so already. Furthermore, do NOT attack Ghaldring right away. You need to speak with Astoria first in the northwest corner of the map. If you have some high leadership, you should be able to get a few creations to help you that have been locked away.


I would suggest shaping a War Trall or two along with a couple Wingbolts. Glaahks are fairly weak later in the game, so I would just get rid of them unless they are really high level. Same with Battle Betas. The Cryodrayks are nice, but be sure to pump their stats so they survive. Otherwise, make sure you disable a few of those damage machines before Ghaldring gets too drained. Hope this helps.

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Uber I'd say you want to be mid- to high-forties if this is your first time through. Have you really done all the rest of the game? Try some optionals, like lost dera vault?


I've been through as an agent with a high-level drayk (who'd been with me forever) and two kyshakks, but obviously shaping builds would want more critters.


IMHO you don't need to put essence into your creatures' stats, except the two points in intelligence (unless you're going with randomizer's shaper strategy, in which case you don't even need those!) Then again, I suppose it depends on how old the critters are: new beasties aren't nearly as strong as those who've been with you a while.

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This battle isn't too difficult if you patiently take it one step at a time.


Whatever you do, don't head to the center until you are absolutely ready. Head straight North first and speak to Astoria, ignoring Ghaldring's infinite creations, as the Shapers at the gate seem to deal with them just for now. Next move East, taking out the northern two drakons on your way. Keeping close to the wall, collapse the Eastern passage and deal with Greta. Keep hugging the wall South, then West to destroy the southern two drakons. In the southwestern corner, you can enlist a bunch of wingbolts to add to your army, whom I found to be very helpful in the final assault.


Back North to Astoria, ignoring the battle happening along the western wall. Enlist the kyshaaks in the corner room by Astoria before telling her to launch the final assault. If you move with your reinforcements and rush for the pylons first, the two armies should all distract each other while you disable all four without too much trouble. Then just concentrate on Ghaldring, since when he dies, it's all over.


Edit: I found Sammann to be a lot harder. I haven't been able to beat him yet without excessive cheating.

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Sammann is a tough nut to crack. You need at least a few strong creations in order to damage him faster than he can heal himself. Use essence blessings on everyone before the battle begins, even if you have to burn a bunch of essence pods to do so; Essence Blade is probably the most helpful, but unlike the others it wears off over time. If you can't spare the essence pods, just use Chaotic Spores and take whatever you get. For your aura, Elemental is probably a more sensible choice than Regeneration.


Ignore his pylons; they can't really be killed until after Sammann is dead. Charm any creations he makes; they'll probably waste their turns attacking the pylons, but at least that way they're not attacking you. Keep everyone fully healed; restoration spores can be helpful with this, since they only use 3 AP. (Speaking of AP, wear any action-point-boosting gear you have, like the Stability Suit, Quicksilver Plate and Quicksilver Bulwark. Extra turns are a godsend.)

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Sammann is easier if you don't fight him inside the building. He will eventually follow you outside. Otherwise charm any creation that leaves the building.


Uber - Since you are arriving at the last battle several levels before you should, recruit the wingbolts to help clear the areas around the walls. Especially get rid of the drakons since their creations can drag out the last fight. Not having charm is going to hurt since you would have to use strong daze to keep them from fighting.

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If you fight Sammann outside he can still turn green and use the sun to heal himself (truly shaping has no limits). I hate it when I move to draw him inside/outside and if I don't move far enough in/out, he'll blast me from the doorway and continue healing himself. Then when I finally do get him where I want him I only have a few rounds before he changes to be able to heal himself again. He does more damage than just about anyone in the game (his creations seem to do an unusually large amount of damage too), and I always use whatever my most powerful spell is at that point nonstop, so I always run out of both health and essence in that battle. I hate the idea of using my pod stockpile right before the final battle with Ghaldring, so I always end up cheating instead.

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I'm not sure what the profound significance of this is other than that cheating pays.


Doom Warrior, actually please don't put SDF codes, script modifications, and other cheats in every thread. They're helpful if someone wants to cheat out of a situation, but many players just want to play the game legitimately with all the difficulties that entails.


—Alorael, who imagines the battle is also easier, though probably not a whole lot less long and frustrating, with liberal use of healmenow and rechargeme.

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Okay, I bought charm and I tried the fight with two war-tralls. I did better than before, but I still couldn't even get inside Gazaki-Uss. I'm going to go back and do some side-quests, and I'm going to try to go at it with a few wingbolts the next time I give it a shot. Anyone got any good exp. places?

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I am completely baffled how you could be at this point in the game and as low a level as you are. For experience, I think you might want to try to identify those areas you skipped. The walkthrough posted on the forum recently is a good start for you to have a good look at the various areas and determine what you might have missed.

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I finally got to the point where I could kill an Unbound with two rotdhizons, and I killed all of them except the powerful one guarding the blue chest in the last room. I learned Create War Trall, because my brother said it was better, and I went at it with a couple of them, but it didn't get the job done so I'm trying wingbolts as my next dominant creation. Perhaps I should try a combination of them. Suggestions for a good party? (487 max essence; creations available to me for shaping are: all first level fire creations, and the evolved of drayks and fyoras, all battle with upgraded thahd, clawbug, and rotghroth, artila, searing artila, glahk and wingbolt)

Advice would be extremely helpful; I've been stuck at this part for at least a week, and I'm getting scared that I'll never beat it. This is what happened with GFs 1,2, and 4! I never can make it all the way through except with 3, and excessive cheating. I'm losing hope.


I am on casual.

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Hm, I remember doing it fairly easily, so long as I took them on one at a time.


A rot is good to absorb damage, a wingbolt or kyshakk is good for magic damage, and tralls are good for straight up damage.


Do you have points to put into intelligence? Or a save that would let you use older, more powerful creations?

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Uber you never said if you'd gone back to do areas you'd missed, or if you thought you'd done them all?


I don't think it's the case that you can't beat the game. I wonder, though, if you might have more fun starting again with a new character, and going through all the regions? I can't imagine that beating your head against the same battle with the same build character is much fun! That would also give you the ability to *keep* some creations longer, so that you wouldn't be trying to do the battle with new unleveled creations.

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You should have at least one war trall, but thats all I can advise.

Bah, I think the battle creations really are much better in G5 than in previous versions, but I started the game not knowing that, and my first run was with a perfectly lovely agent who only had fire creations. I think the best advice is that you need what you're good at: if you're good at battle creations or fire creations, then that's what you want; if you're good at battle magic, then keep everything covered in acid and lightning; if you're good at mental magic, get everything to fight each other.

In a word: focus.
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Dange. I tried it with two wingbolts, but I'm quickly finding out that they don't even do as much as one war trall in one turn when you put the damage together! It sucks. I almost got myself killed going into the bonkepeak ruins. I can't believe it, but I think I'm going to have to...


start the game all over!


I'm going to try to powergame all of the sects this time, and then kill them all. They won't see the rotdhizons coming!

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You don't have to do that Uber, all you have to do is train more, and try the battles with different tacticts if you keep on dieing. Then again, if you start the game all over, you have a bit of an advantage since you know more of what to do then when you first started your game, and you know what to spend your money on.

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How good is "OK" and "pretty good"? It'd help if you posted actual numbers for your stats so we can tell you what, if anything, you're doing wrong.


One thing I will say is that if you only have enough essence to make three cryodrayks so late in the game, you should probably have more intelligence.

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I'm playing my second time through after a couple of false starts. My first full time through (Lifecrafter), I had 22 intelligence and was still wanting. However, I did fine on the last battle because I had three green rots and two war trolls. He's a weak character without powerful creations.


I tried a Sorceress character as a Shaper-type and it worked because I did put skill points into Shaping and massive amounts into intelligence. I did not finish that game. I have it saved. I got to the Dera Reaches with it and may revisit it later. It was a harder game for me to play.


In each game I have also upgraded to higher tier creations as soon as I had the chance. The higher level creations make ALL the difference to survival. It was hard to do because I got sentimental about the clawbugs and the vlish from the first two regions.


Currently, I'm playing as a Shock Trooper. I'm level 48 and have 26 intelligence (with items). I have three green rots (level 59), a war troll (level 54), a cryodrayk (L44), a wingbolt (L43), and a gazer(L47). I'm ready to go into the last battle. I think it will go fine because of the army she has. I know that sounds like an insane amount of intelligence, but the game has also been insanely easy to play compared to my other attempts.


I had many false starts in this game because I didn't play correctly. It's harder than the other GF games, to me anyway.


I based my builds in large part on the advice given by Delicious Vlish. I departed from his advice a bit when I tried different creations and decided to also go with Kryshakks (for a good long while) and a Wingbolt. I personally like all of the higher level creations, but my favorites are the green rots and the Wingbolts.


Please take the time to read his most excellent threads and to read all the advice here by the veterans. There is also a very nice write up on the strategy thread for warriors and serviles, although I suspect I might find them too difficult to play. I'm not a super player like some here, but I have gotten one heck of a lot better just by spending skill points wisely and upgrading creations.


My favorite character of those I've played is the Shock Trooper. Although magic is her weakest area, I don't see an appreciable difference in her spell-casting ability when compared to the Lifecrafter, especially with all the items available to boost stats. It's my personal recommendation for newbies and not-so-hot players like myself. The extra point you get to strength in the beginning makes the game go smoother. She's a little better at melee and missile, which also helps in the early game.


(Sorry this is so long.)

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