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[Request] Character Build

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Coming back from a long period of school, I wish to play geneforge 4 again, but have forgotten many things. I also do not have my original files so I am forced to start over.


If anybody could give me a stat build for my LifeCrafter,

(eg. What I should put my sp in when I level, and my overal stat goal)I would be very happy.


Thank you in advance,


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It depends upon your playing style. I like to start the game with leadership of 5 and mechanics of 8 so I can get all the free quest experience in Southforge Citadel and loot most of the place before heading out to kill things.


You can hold off on making your first creations until after you leave the Geneforge testing area so you can buy shaping levels in your favorite type and raise your shaping level in that class to 7.


After that you don't need much more for shaping to get decent creations because you can get items to improve shaping when you need more creations. So I raise mental magic for dazing, blessing magic for better buffs, and healing craft to heal up.


You can usually avoid heavier armor so no need to increase strength. Just increase intelligence for a massive essence pool.

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In all honesty, once you've got enough Leadership and Mechanics to get you by and enough Blessing Magic and Healing Craft to cast all the blessing and healing spells you currently know, pumping every single spare skill point into Intelligence is a pretty good idea for a Lifecrafter. You can also get some Mental Magic if you want, but I wouldn't bother with Battle Magic. Lifecrafters are pretty easy to make: you just have to remember that intelligence is your #1 priority at all times.

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Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu

If anybody could give me a stat build for my LifeCrafter,
(eg. What I should put my sp in when I level, and my overal stat goal)I would be very happy.

Thank you in advance,

What the...?!

You want us to develop your character for you? 3/4's of the fun in an RPG is being responsible for your own character build, and developing a PC that is distinct and represents you.

I see nothing wrong with telling people the mechanics of certain skills, or even pointing out which skills are useless/useful, but giving you all the information you just asked for seems to defeat the purpose of playing an RPG. Think for yourself, for Christ's sake!
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There's nothing wrong with 'advice'. I'm all for giving newbies information and my own personal opinion about the game mechanics and gameplay so that they can make informed decisions when they develop their character (eg. How much leadership does the game require? Does dexterity give me more bang for the buck than melee? What are the advantages of melee vs. missile weapons?) but you're essentially asking for other people to tell you how to develop your character. And not even in a general sense, but down to the very last detail ("What I should put my sp in when I level, and my overal stat goal").


That's absurd, it kills half the fun of the game.


You're playing as a lifecrafter, yes? Well, you might want to check out the analysis made by veterans on this forum so that you are informed. Start here:


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Sometimes, Ghaldring, after reading what you write, I wonder why God himself hasn't come down to smack you upside the head.


As for Lifecrafter builds, I'll second pumping intelligence. For a Lifecrafter, large stores of essence are crucial. Also, make sure to drop a point in Endurance now and then. Your HP may seem sufficient, but later fights cause massive amounts of damage. Additionally, there's a powerful charm that, if you find it, boosts Intelligence by two points, but drops Endurance.

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Originally Posted By: Ghaldring
Wow, you really do like following me about the forum belittling me with your snide one liners, don't you? Are you sure you don't have a crush on me? Sorry Thuryl, I don't bend that way.

Honestly, I'm glad you're here. This place has needed livening up for a while. I'm sure I'll be bored with you by the time you get banned, though.

Back on topic, lifecrafters can get by with just a little endurance by relying on Augmentation and Essence Armor to raise their HP. On my first lifecrafter playthrough, I never invested in endurance at all; this probably isn't a great idea, since I died a lot. Even just 5 or 6 points will raise survivability by a surprising amount.
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Some people play games for the plot. Geneforge is even a reasonable game to do it with.


—Alorael, who isn't sure why that wouldn't be grounds for immense cheating rather than an optimal build. But hey, some people enjoy playing a game with an optimal build, just like some people enjoy cheating, and some people enjoy setting themselves challenges like a no-magic lifecrafter. It's just a game. Having fun, however you do that, is the point.

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Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu
Lol I know how to add intelligence XD. Okay, how much endurance do I need when I fight the titan? o.0

In theory, you don't need to add any endurance, because you can cast augmentation and essence armour to get oodles of health. In practice, you'd probably want to invest a few points, because tying up essence on two long term spells, and having to recast them every time you re-enter a zone, is annoying.

But maybe a better idea is that you save a few skill points, and if you find that you need endurance, invest in it.
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Just because someone asks for a build doesn't mean they just play the game like other people do. I've always been the same way, I don't like getting into the whole stats thing cause I always mess it up. You can have fun every way you do it, but having a plan laid out or even just the desired end build can motivate someone to play again, or for the first time because it is not as intimidating as jumping in fresh.


I've been playing these games for a good long time now, and I've had loads of fun in every one with and without "stat plans" but sometimes I like it more when I don't worry if that one point could of been spent in leadership instead of mage spells or something.

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I know what you mean it just seems that as these games (spid web) get more modern the stats seem to be more important and varied, there's not just mage and priest spells, you can't really slip up as much as before, or there's not that one stat to pump as there might have been before. Or maybe I'm just wrong. Or maybe I'm just bad because all I did was make knowledge brews in exile 3 and always pumped assassination and luck because I liked the blue electric graphic and sound.

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Now my whole head needs a massage.



The maturity level of your posts seem to be that of a bratty 14-year-old.


If you truly are a post-graduate (which I'm doubtful of)... I would hope you're at least in therapy.


If not: I think you should strongly consider it. Admittedly, there are a lot of lame therapists out there (yes, I'm speaking from experience, ahem), most of whom will be less intelligent than you, but there are some good ones out there. You just need to shop around a little, so to speak.


With that, I hope to be able to take Nioca's advice and bow out of the convers(argument)ation.

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Originally Posted By: Nioca
Therefor, I'll state the fact that if you think a member is stupid, you ignore him or her, rather than playing minimod.

And, honestly, it was easier to just type your number, #11694.

Dragon would suffice

And if you tihnk this arguement is stupid, you ignore it.
See, we all need a little bit of therapy.

Evnissyen, Ghaldrings already been to therapy. They kicked her out kaz she scared her therapist to death. grin

You must be a punky 13 year old brat who calls names when he gets in a argument.
What, you thought i wasn't gonna catch that 5.5 tons.
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Originally Posted By: Dragonlorddrakon
Originally Posted By: Nioca
Therefor, I'll state the fact that if you think a member is stupid, you ignore him or her, rather than playing minimod.

And, honestly, it was easier to just type your number, #11694.

And if you tihnk this arguement is stupid, you ignore it.
See, we all need a little bit of therapy.

Just trying to steer a newb away from dangerous waters. If you wish to persist, be my guest.

You must be a punky 13 year old brat who calls names when he gets in a argument.
What, you thought i wasn't gonna catch that 5.5 tons.

Like you? Decidedly not.

FYI, the 5.5 tons was not an insult. The number sign ( # ) is also sometimes known as a pound sign, and is sometimes used to designate something's weight in pounds. For example, a #10 can of something would weigh about 10 pounds.

Now, connect the dots. 2000 pounds equals 1 ton. Your member number was printed out as #11694. Get it?
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Ghaldring has shown signs of not particularly caring if he plays well with others. He has been condescending. He has not shown any signs of stupidity, immaturity (beyond not playing well with others, but curmudgeonliness is a time-honored tradition of elders as well), or needing therapy.


The internet is not a place where you will like everyone. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with the people you dislike. You won't like everyone anywhere.


—Alorael, who concludes by saying, as he so often does about various members, that everyone really out to not talk about Ghaldring for a while. He's not hijacking threads for himself, you're hijacking them for him.

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I am the same way Ghaldring, but i don't find it worth the effort to TYPE everything I am thinking, so my posts shorten from several pages of thought from all 6 of my personalities to the length you see before you now.


EDIT: I had a therapist once. He is in my D and D group now, and he has never been happier (or crazier).


EDIT: why is it everytime I log on I leave like 8 posts at the top of the list? does no one else log on around 8:00 PST?

(both A.M. and P.M.)

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