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I haven't had the pleasure of using a Rotgrhroth yet, but, from what I've heard, they make good meat shields and deal good damage.


Rotghroth's wont be leading a rebellion any time soon. They aren't very smart and they can't shape. The biggest thing they might do is start a small Rotghroth community like the Battle Alphas in Freeplace (G1).



Unless, of course, I'm completely wrong and you've accidentally stumbled onto Jeff's plot for G5.

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Rotghroths came from Drypeak Vale. They were probably, like the drakon and gazer, invented by Barzahl as an upgraded version of the battle alpha. They are now fairly common and even legal as far as the Shapers are concerned.


Their skins slowly rots off probably due to it being covered in acid. It grows back fast enough though, so it's not like it kills them. The default rotgroth does not decay, but in Geneforge 4 the upgraded version, the corrupting rotghroth, is indeed a temporary creation.


They are very stupid (incapable of communication) and the biggest threat they pose on their own is when they claim a pile of garbage as their own and defend it, sometimes in groups.

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oh,i'm sorry everyone,it was a mistake,nothing happened here,just ignore the caps,please.

thanks you.

you but anyway,when you are a rebel,i know it takes you longer to get the abilities the shapers have,like buying skills,how long apart would it take,i know shapers would give you the tier 2 creations if you kill the people carryign the caravan,but how long before you can buy anything from the rebels?

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Well,if i knew what it meant,i wouldn't have typed it,okay? okay.


That is what i thought about,even Though the Rotghroths can't talk and whatever,they might become intelligent,what if one of them uses the geneforge and survives?

he can create an army of Rotghroths,make himself stronger,talk,all of that.

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Originally by BLACK HAZE:


Well,if i knew what it meant,i wouldn't have typed it,okay? okay.
No, it was my fault, not yours.


Anyway, most creations don't (naturally) develop human-level intelligence (or anywhere near it), otherwise the fyoras and vlish and turrets, etc. would have already done so.


Dikiyoba has absolutely no proof but believes that rotghroths have an even less chance than some of those other creations due to a shorter life span. Their skin may regrow, but aging slows that process down and the moment it becomes too slow, they're done for.

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They will never be as strong or as smart as drakons. Drakons can shape, they are also fiercly independent. Rotghroths have only brute force (already made obsolete by the war trall) and pose little threat when seperated from their shaper masters. Gazers have a far better chance of overtaking drakons as the rebellion's leaders than rotghroths do.

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They will never be as strong or as smart as drakons. Drakons can shape, they are also fiercly independent. Rotghroths have only brute force (already made obsolete by the war trall) and pose little threat when seperated from their shaper masters. Gazers have a far better chance of overtaking drakons as the rebellion's leaders than rotghroths do.


hmm,i dunno,my friend showed me a fight between his drakon and Rotghroth blessed,and sped up and all that fancy stuff,the Rotghroth didn't even reach half hp. I think the Rotghroth could beat the War Trall, and how do they pose little threats when they are away from their shapers?

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Needless to say, there are plenty of rogue rotghroths out there. But unlike other rogues, who terrorize towns and get bounties put on them, rotghroths prefer to hide in piles of rotting trash. To each his own, but I don't think they'll be getting around to world domination any time soon.


As for their performance in battle, rather than base my analysis on actual battles in the game, which are skewed so that the player can win, I base it on the fact that rotghroths are not even in the final tier of creations anymore. Drakons, gazers, and war trall are all stronger by definition (though, admittedly, not necessarily in practice).

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I remember in Geneforge 3, when you first see one it says it looks like a heavily modified battle alpha, so that's probably why they were made. The reason Shapers forbid drayks is not just that they are powerful, but that they are too intelligent to be properly obedient. As far as I know, the only creations able to talk are serviles, servant minds, drayks, drakons, and gazers, and battle alphas and thahds (to a limited extent with a very simple vocabulary). Vlish and roamers are sometimes described as being cunning, but they can't communicate in words.

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I'd think that rothogth make a very good attack force if in numbers.


but then,it has its drawbacks

-it hurts the morale of non-rotgoth troops

-acording t the introscreens they are decaing,but slowly.

and the have poor senses,so the may turn on thier fomer master.


and it has acid covering,it should go mad from pain as the acid burns its skin

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Originally written by Marcelo:
Vlish are too cute to rule the world.
They're cute? I must have missed that when they tried to kill me repeatedly, or when I had my own and killed those annoying Barzites laugh .

Though I just went for a Wingbolt in GF4- they're almost on par with fire creations for their combat abilities. (Magic are normally "artillery" creations (powerful ranged attack and weak melee), Battle are "punchbags or meatshields" (strong melee but no ranged), with fire being a combination of the two).

- Archmagus Micael
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Vlishes are probably the next most intelligent creations below Serviles. They're probably more intelligent than Battle Alphas and Thahds. They've been shown to have limited psychic abilities. They're also used to command other creations. They just can't talk. Plus Gazers/Eyebeasts are based on Vlishes.
I don't think being psychic is a sign of intelligence, as strange as it may sound. Vlish rarely go rogue, they are probably too dumb to live on their own, they don't make use of their tentacled to use tools or anything like that. Gazers are certainly smarter than vlish, being basically an upgraded version of them. Drakons are obviously smarter, and drayks, too. I might even say Battle Alphas are smarter because it says they have basic reasoning skills, whil reasoning with a vlish seems impossible. You can calm a vlish because of it's phychic abilities but I think any animal would behave the same way if it had psychic abilities.
so,your first encounter with a Rotghroth is like,it jumps out of a pile of garbage or something?
My first encounter with one was in a lab, where they were created. But yes, just about every subsequent encounter involved piles of garbage.
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You all are so smart about this game,i just started playing g4. I am just curious about all these creations, i think all the magical creations are the smartest,especially the vlish,in certain areas I think there is a part where you feel thoughts or whatever going through you mind,and saying you are in the presence of a vlish.


i need some suggestions about a shaper,should you train his magic skills? or just intel.,heal craft,and shape skills?

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It's just flavour text. It has no gameplay effect. As such, interpret it as you will.


Remember if you talk to the master of southforge citadel and object to making charged vlish because they are doomed creations, he tells you that vlish are just animals.
That guy's also the most severely canister-addicted person you meet in the game; anything he has to say about creations is therefore suspect.
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Originally by Thuryl:


That guy's also the most severely canister-addicted person you meet in the game; anything he has to say about creations is therefore suspect.
It's also slightly ironic that you can tell Dassa the minetender that "I should try to protect the lives of even my simplest creations." without ever questioning the use of mines.



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