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The Finally Correct Creation Poll!

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Doing some research so we can get it right next time. Here's what I've got:




Charged Fyora




Guardian Roamer

Rabid Roamer

Roamer Sentry

Ruby Roamer




Burning Kyshakk




Thahd Shade

Unstable Thahd


Plated (Claw)bug

Battle Alpha

Battle Beta

Battle Gamma



Corrupted Rotghroth

War Trall

Shock Trall


Searing Artila

Plated Artila

Charged Artilla


Terror Vlish

Submission Vlish

Charged Vlish




Unstable Firebolt




Ornk Lord



Servant Mind








Living Tool

Door Operator

Control Panel

Giant Rat





A few questions:


Are there any other notable shapeable or non-shapeable creations missing from this post? I know there are a few one-offs, anyway.


EDIT: Another question: Are there any instances of motion detectors that perform functions besides opening doors, that would warrant them having their own listing as a creation? I remember there being a bunch in a cave full of roamers, but I don't remember if they were at some point attached to doors.

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Updated the list. I don't think it would make sense to include natural animals (such as humans) that are augmented in the category of creations, since the main part of the creature is still natural. It's like calling someone with a prosthetic arm a robot.


I didn't forget Heustess, because I never knew he existed in the first place. I've only ever played partway through Geneforge 1.


I must know more about these "shades". Are they just ghosts, or are they actually shaped from essence?

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Don't forget cryoroamers. Sure, they only appeared in a G3 sidequest as far as I know, but....


As to to HitchHiker's: I have also seen and read most of the material.


My mom was laughing about it one day and said 6 is the number of the Devil in certain religions, and 7 is a lucky number, which can be construed as good, so 6 times 7 is evil times good: the ultimate answer! hehe.

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Speaking of Icy roamers, there indeed are guardian roamers, rabid roamers and also roamer sentries and a one-time ruby roamer (the latter two in gf3 - dhonal pass and south of east harmony docks (the first roamer you encounter))


Also, come to think of it, there are also crahrged (at least) artilas and fyoras, infested (at least) drayk (which is basically a drayk who had the unfortune of becoming a new shelter for some poor homeless worms), numerous worms, rats (it actually says in gf2 they are escaped creations), special creations (from "bonus" areas (titan ...)) ...


Anyway, if anyone put together a poll containing all the creations from gf games, a lot of people would lose their mind before reaching halfway through. So, I think if you want to make a complete poll, make creations you remember and add a "other" or a "i've a big heart and i love all creations" or something like that as an option.

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No, we need ALL of them, for great justice!


I shall add, in bold, the new creations. Tell me if any of them are incorrectly named.


EDIT: Done.


I didn't add the Infested Drayk because the infestation took place post-shaping. However, I must know more about these "special creations".

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Then we need terror clawbugs, stinging clawbugs, guardian clawbugs, pack roamers, shepherd vlish, elder ornks, brain rats, rabid rats, swamp rats, charged thahds, inferno wyrms, slimy worms, fiery worms, venomous worms, spawned worms, oozing worms, toothy crawlers, spiny crawlers, icy crawlers, spawner crawlers, oozing crawlers, enraged fyoras, warped fyoras, savage cryoas, vicious roamers, unstable roamers, icebreath roamers, exploding kyshakks, unbound...


Dikiyoba could go on, but really doesn't want to. It's a very long list.

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Can't you just make each creation family a selection? I don't reckon people would exhibit a preference for a War Trall over a Charged War Trall, and there are hardly enough voters to cover the whole spectrum of varieties. Give them all a chance!


Maybe someone should write a simple php script to track results better than thread polls can. If there's another creation poll here, use lots of radio button sections, e.g.


FAVORITE CREATION FAMILY (Fyora, Artila, Drayk, ...)

FAVORITE FYORA VARIANT (No preference, Fyora, Cryoa, ...)

FAVORITE ARTILA VARIANT (No preference, Artila, Plated Artila, ...)

FAVORITE DRAYK VARIANT (No preference, Drayk, Cryodrayk, ...)


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We've never seen peace in Genia, though, so it's likely that they exist and we've just never seen them.


Besides, a lot of plants were shaped in GF2, the giant rat wasn't a creation made for war, Drayks and Servant Minds were made with not-hostile purposes in mind, Door operators certainly aren't hostile, we have riding drayk-boats in GF1 and GF4. And let's not forget the Ornks. The healing and essence pools are also shaped, living beings, and Living tools are also peaceful creations.

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Originally Posted By: Vergil
Je finalement ai fait toutes créations ensemble, me pardonne mais je ne me rappelle pas les épellations correctes pour certains !

Ok you also forgot the most important creation(use 1 of GF4's editor's to get it): The Unbound...

i'll admit it i beat the game before using a editor.
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Originally Posted By: Nick Ringer
Can't you just make each creation family a selection? I don't reckon people would exhibit a preference for a War Trall over a Charged War Trall, and there are hardly enough voters to cover the whole spectrum of varieties. Give them all a chance!

Maybe someone should write a simple php script to track results better than thread polls can. If there's another creation poll here, use lots of radio button sections, e.g.

FAVORITE CREATION FAMILY (Fyora, Artila, Drayk, ...)
FAVORITE FYORA VARIANT (No preference, Fyora, Cryoa, ...)
FAVORITE ARTILA VARIANT (No preference, Artila, Plated Artila, ...)
FAVORITE DRAYK VARIANT (No preference, Drayk, Cryodrayk, ...)

I agree with this plan, although I still think there should be Favorite Overall Creation, Favorite Shapeable Creation, and Favorite Unshapeable Creation questions as well. Any other ideas?
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