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Geneforge wiki?

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At this point, an actual poll might yield more useful results than this.


I have included both popular options. Please note that if the majority really does desire it, I would not be opposed to a less intuitive name like barred.ermarian.net, sucia.ermarian.net or, er, "essence.ermarian.net". I do personally prefer to have the x.ermarian.net namespace largely uncluttered and logical.

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After I'm done installing MediaWiki, the first part would be building the site. You and Slartucker would set up the structure, write its front page, conceive of the categories for articles, etc. For the benefit of new users, some help pages on how to search and edit would probably be good too. After that's in place, administrating (other than contributing yourself) basically means checking the recent changes page regularly and making sure that nobody is being a twit or a spammer, and telling them off or blocking them if required.


A lot of the help pages can be copied from EE. You can also take a look at the real Wikipedia and another fan-site called NSWiki (NationStates) for some pointers.

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The votes have been cast, and the site is to be named Sucia Archives, reachable on barred.ermarian.net .


Slarty and Diki will be the official maintainers of SA*; questions to webmaster at barred.ermarian.net will reach all three of us.


A block on anonymous editing has served EE well in maintaining accountability, so the same will be on SA. Account registration is open anyway.


*That's the SA on the Ermarian Network, not to be confused with the less well-known site Something Awful. :p

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Considering the following:


-I've become addicted to editing EE,

-I've run out of articles to write on EE until A5 comes out,

-And that I'm familiar with Geneforge lore,


I will be contributing. Probably a lot. Anyways, I've got maps of everything but Burwood. Speaking of which, how are we going to handle the zones on the map?

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You must create an account first. Then you must bribe Dikiyoba, Slartucker, or Arancaytar into enabling you to edit pages. (For those of you who have already registered, the bribe was sufficient.) Then go to Slartucker's user page to help us get everything organized (by coming up with a list of articles, etc.) Don't start writing articles just yet.

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Dikiyoba and I also need to work on the Main Page, the Help pages, and so on. But that stuff can wait. What we probably should get done before article writing commences is:


1) Formalize the scope policy: what can go in SA? We seem to have a pretty good consensus with the version I threshed out earlier in this thread, but it needs to be written up more clearly.


2) Write up a style policy. Important parts to get done before we start on articles:


* 2a) Naming conventions for articles. EE should provide a good model here but some changes may make sense. I'd like to use singular rather than plural for countable generics such as races, to simplify markup links.


* 2b) What is significant enough to warrant an article? As Goldenking's post implies make an article for every zone would be confusing and not useful, but obviously some zones deserve articles. We aren't Supreme Court judges so this is easier than defining "pornography", but it needs to be defined.


* 2c) List standard article sections (such as those related to #1)


* 2d) Neutral Point of View, Encyclopedia Tone and Style, etc.


3) Because there are so many entries where our last canonical information is years out of date and has probably all changed -- pretty much anything that was in G1-3, but not G4 -- we should specify how this will be discussed. Probably we should just give the information we have available and not comment on possibilities beyond that, to avoid having a trite and uninteresting fortune telling section in every article. Either way, we should formalize this too.


4) Have a working draft of a category system. I've borrowed from EE on my list, and I think that will be enough to get us off the ground.

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Originally written by Restoration Action Figure:
* 2b) What is significant enough to warrant an article? As Goldenking's post implies make an article for every zone would be confusing and not useful, but obviously some zones deserve articles. We aren't Supreme Court judges so this is easier than defining "pornography", but it needs to be defined.
Not actually what I was talking about. Every map on Geneforge has zones on it, and I was asking how we were going to deal with those zones once we get the maps up. You're right though, we do need to decide what warrants an article or not. Like I said on your talk page, Rocky Point and South End (G4, G3) are two very minor settlements, and it's only because they are settlements taht I'd even consider giving them an article. Thornton however, though not having anything major in G4, still deserves an article, because it was the site of a major battle in the Rebellion.
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