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new freakin' monsters ideas

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i wish in G4 that there will be a hell lot of new monster to create nd more to utterly disintegrate..


how about a monster thats lyk the exploding roamer but with a all character-on-the-screen effect blast..or (i dont know if there was already one) a spell spamming monster..with no ability to shape what-so-ever..still upgrading the gazers and eyebeasts is a bad idea..

and oh yeah..one super huge monster that will almost take up half of the SCREEN!!!just kidding a big monster is what i mean with a taunt skill..

bringing back the meatshield.... smile



this is one..

of the few tyms..

that i will..

be typing like..


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And even if there was, sorry, but your suggestions sound like the typical "ZOmG! What if there were huge drakon/eyebeast mutants that could eat whole cities and they could shape and they would have laser eye beams and they would be like cool..."


Taunt skill sounds like a halfway decent idea, though.


EDIT: Oh, it's a typo.

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It can't be too late for new creation ideas.

Untill Jeff finishes the game there is always

time for new creation ideas.


bringing back the meatshield
Meat shields rule.

There should be a creature that's enormously fat

(like a battle alpha) but have no attack and it's sole purpose would be to protect you.

I would call it....

Suicide-Protector Beast.

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Perhaps it is not too late for ideas, just unlikely to be implemented at this juncture. Also, the idea you have is hardly original.


Additionally, you don't need to hit enter at the end of every line. Use the word wrap feature please, it keeps the topics shorter.

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thats y i typed that way in my first posts..i h8 to stop doing that..ack!!oh yeah..there was an error in my post..i mean..upgrading the gazer/eyebeast class isn't a bad idea..


in the taunting meatshield creation..i would call it..the taunting meatshield cre8tion..


the all-screen exploding thing was just a joke..but having a explosion different than just fire damage is a cool thing..how about a poison exploding creature..and the PC is the one to decide when it explodes..that would be helpful..

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Originally written by bigfix:
I know but i started pressing enter one day
and i never stopped.
If you don't have enough respect for your readers to follow standard rules of English, including capitalization and punctuation, why should we read what you write?

Valcrist, same applies to you. Also, please use a spell checker. You can not expect people to put more effort into reading your posts than you've put into writing them.
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Originally written by Zeviz:

Valcrist, same applies to you. Also, please use a spell checker. You can not expect people to put more effort into reading your posts than you've put into writing them.[/QB]
ooh..sorry about that..
hmm..i hope that there will be cre8tions exclusive only to the loyalists..and to the stupid rebels..

still the healing vlish isnt a bad idea..
(when was it a bad idea?)
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Originally written by Valcrist:
ooh..sorry about that..
hmm..i hope that there will be cre8tions exclusive only to the loyalists..and to the stupid rebels..

still the healing vlish isnt a bad idea..
(when was it a bad idea?)
You apologize and then continue doing what you apologized for. Nice.

Seriously, stop. It's annoying. There is no "8" in the word "creation". It's not even pronounced that way. Capitalize the first letter in a sentence and the word "I". It takes a whole hundredth of a calorie to press the Shift key. Use apostrophes when necessary. There are three (3) periods in an elipsis, not two. An elipsis is used to remove unnecessary text from a quote (for instance, an elipsis could shorten "In my opinion, I think we should aghaughuhguahguahguahaughaughuhahgblaugh hurp hurp hurp ungh go to the zoo!" to "I think we should [...] go to the zoo!") or to indicate the trailing off of speech (although this use is questionable). It is not used to end every sentence.[/rant]
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An elipsis is also used to indicate a silent pause in speech. That is the intended use in this case. However, since we're not speaking here, there's still no point in using the elipsis.


As a common member, I'm making a suggestion which I hope we can all comply with: from now on, no one reads posts in a similar structure, especially from bigfix or Valcrist. Bad technique is bad enough; you don't need to pile on ugly style as well.

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Originally written by Valcrist:
Fine. Alright, I'll stop. Jeez, this isn't English class you know. Still, for the sake of being a proper member I will stop. You too bigfix, whoever you are.
This isn't English class. However, you should be considerate enough to write your posts in a manner others can read.
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Originally written by Valcrist:
Fine. Alright, I'll stop. Jeez, this isn't English class you know. Still, for the sake of being a proper member I will stop. You too bigfix, whoever you are.
Thank you. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
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Originally written by Magma:
Originally written by Rufus Rothgard:
This thread formally sucks.
Only formally?

Well, now we have a member that use grammar well. Is not so useless.
Your sentence has incorrect grammar. I'm assuming that you mean to say "uses" instead of "use". Seriously guys, this thread does really suck. People have made so many replies regarding nothing.
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Originally written by Thuryl:
Originally written by MidniteNightingale:
Originally written by Student of Trinity:
We're especially hard on grammer.
I assume you're referring to grammar? Ah, the irony.
Yes. The intentional irony. Thanks for ruining the joke by pointing it out.
Well, it couldn't have been helped. MN hasn't been around enough to know that SoT is a good poster.
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Yes. The intentional irony. Thanks for ruining the joke by pointing it out.
Many a statement by me has been taken literally and resulted in offense. mad Glad to see others suffering the same fate. laugh Crash and burn I say.

Good, i failed English class. For a really, really, short post do I have to use spell check? I hate using it.
Obviously the answer is yes. "I" YDF
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