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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Quote: Originally written by *i: word wrap feature Is this fancy talk for "type until it moves you to the next line automatically"?
  2. Geneforge 4 looks neat A better plot would be nice As well as no Geneforge EDIT: Except that's 5-7-6. Dammit.
  3. So perhaps there could be a physical object that appears when you enter combat? When you stand near it and click on it, you pick it up. That might be difficult to script, though.
  4. Quote: Treading water to stay afloat does you no good when you're swimming with sharks. Unless you're holding a machine gun, as the Awakened were. You can't forget, that despite the Awakened's peacefulness, they were still powerful.
  5. Hasn't Jeff said that his games won't work on Intel Macs?
  6. Quote: Originally written by Little Billy Sue: And anyway, it's possible to go on a homicidal rampage and murder every living being in the Avernums and Geneforge. If the possibility of killing children was to cause outrage, certainly that would cause at least the same amount.[/QB] I've done that before. In ways, you can do many things in Spidweb games that are as bad as things in, say, Grand Theft Auto. Massacreing a entire city is just as bad as killing a single child.
  7. Quote: Originally written by MagmaDragoon: Can I ask why GF4 will cost more? You can ask, but you won't get an answer.
  8. Uhhh, Magma? There's nothing behind the door (in scripting terms). It's there so you can end the game, go back, and say "There it is!".
  9. Through Learned Darian. I still don't get why Darian can hang around in a cave infested by powerful rogue creations, and not get killed. My Agent killed her in one hit.
  10. I go on the "Jedi" theory. The Shapers look for young people with innate magical talent, then they recruit/kidnap them. It would be nice if Jeff could shed some light on this in G4, though. EDIT: You have to remember, even though Shaping is very different from normal magic, it's still magic. It's not some other kind of power. Shaping is just a form of magic.
  11. That would make the game way to easy (in money terms, at least). To expand on flavour text, it's there to add a feeling of depth. It helps create a realistic world. If you simply clicked on a book, and it said, "You have learned the spell Daze", that wouldn't be very fun, would it?
  12. The Rebels could consist of a soggy leaf of lettuce, a fyora, and a five year old kid, and simply because you join them, they will win. Which brings up another question. Why aren't there any children in Geneforge?
  13. Yes, the Shapers have two continents of people. However, they aren't Shapers. The best they could use common people for is cannon fodder (as in footsoldiers). Even worse, many people would sign up at the chance to destroy the Shapers, so they're a threat as well. The base of the Shaper army isn't Shapers. It's whatever guards, people, and such they can scrounge up. Guardians are the fighters. Agents are the assasins, diplomats, etc. Shapers are the researchers. Guardians will be on the front lines, not Shapers. The Rebels have far more Serviles than the Shapers have Shapers. Forty trained, battle-hardened, Serviles are a match for a smaller number of Shapers/Guardians/Agents.
  14. Aura of Flames is only good for finishing off groups of monsters, softining up groups of monsters, and killing weak monsters. I prefer Essence Orbs, as it's not expensive, and it's a multiple-target spell. However, DV is right. You use different spells for different situations.
  15. If you were to drop your backpack, how would you get all of the items you need, like ammo for your baton? How about Jeff replaces those quick-use buttons with a "belt"? It could hold 5 or 6 items, but they would count towards your encumberance. That way you could implement the "drop the backpack" idea, yet keep several important items. It would also add strategy, since you would have to decide which items to take into battle. Since this would only differ in battle, you could still use it as quick-use buttons outside of combat.
  16. You mean the one behind the un-openable door? Go play G3, and figure it out.
  17. Geneforge 1: A Sholai Menace Geneforge 2: Attack of the Serviles Geneforge 3: Revenge of the Takers Geneforge 4: A New War Geneforge 5: The Rebels Strike Back Geneforge 6: Return of the Shapers
  18. I don't have much experience in scripting, but an SDF (Stuff Done Flag) flag shows that events have happened. Usually, if it has a zero, that means it hasn't happened. If it has a one, that means it has happened. Futhermore, I believe there are SDF flags that have multiple values. Say, for Greta's spells, 0=Fireball, 1=Searer, and 2=Essence Orbs. Of course, I could be wrong. EDIT: Listen to Kelandon. He has more experience than I do.
  19. Don't revive threads that are months old. Doing this a few times will get you canned/banned. (Since I'm not a mod, I'm not sure on the exact procedure)
  20. This topic is 7 months old. Cease and desist, or you will be banned/canned. - What the mods would say. Stop it.
  21. Spiderweb games are simple. yet complex, out-of-date, yet fun. In other words, the controller isn't compatible with Spidweb games.
  22. Right here. The new creation looks good, it seems like we have a new graphics for the classes, and the plot sounds good. EDIT: And it looks like the AI is getting better to. Notice the "Creation ignores you and goes for your leader" text? EDIT2: I have many speculations. I'll post after the conversation starts up.
  23. Keep in mind though, that you can easily blow 30.000 coins in a spending spree.
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