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The Agent's Skin


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I've been thinking about this for awhile. You see, I've always wondered why the agent's default graphic had pale green skin. Maybe all shapers are like that.


Then I supposed that was to represent the use of canisters since the agent was the only character that shows skin.


Has anyone else ever wondered about this oddly coloured skin?

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Given that the Shaper wears a shadowy robe that leaves only creepy red eyes visible, and the Guardian wears full body armor, the only skin you can actually see is the Agent's.


Perhaps they're all like that - which would be one thing that clearly distinguishes them from the humans in the game...

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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Maybe it's just Dikiyoba, but Dikiyoba doesn't see the green in the agent's skin. It's abnormally pale skin for someone who doesn't wear a lot of armor and presumably travels around outside a lot, but it's not green.
I looking at the skin again and yes, it is really pale but to me it looks glowy which translates as a greenish tone on my computer.

Given that the Shaper wears a shadowy robe that leaves only creepy red eyes visible, and the Guardian wears full body armor, the only skin you can actually see is the Agent's.

Perhaps they're all like that - which would be one thing that clearly distinguishes them from the humans in the game...
Ah the eyes are not always red it seems to correspond with your robe colour.
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Originally written by Milla:
I've always wondered why the agent's default graphic had pale green skin.

As for Shanti's hotness, whenever I think of her, I think of that dead serviles looking body. Disturbingly enough, this is not the first post I've made about agents and hotness... today...
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Originally written by Sarasaphilia:
I have a pretty good evil laugh, which has sent more than one person into shock.
My laugh has been described by several people as demonic. But here's the truly scary part: It's my normal laugh. laughcool
Originally written by lightningmaster2016:
Here's another thought: Shanti is hot, green or no green. Anyone agree?
Originally written by Milla:
I find Agent Miranda hotter myself. But she doesn't count since this isn't the G4 forum.
*shakes his head in disgust* They're all just a series of numbers on a computer. Personally, I don't give a (insert expletive here) about how hot a series of numbers looks. Sure, they may have some nice graphics, but none of them are anything to write home about.

Getting back on topic,
Originally written by Milla:
Has anyone else ever wondered about this oddly coloured skin?
I've never given this a second thought. Or a first one, for that matter. As long as a character's weird-looking skin doesn't cause my comupter to crash, it really doesn't make much difference to me.
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The agent has a 'sheen' to her skin. And no, you're not imagining it. She DOES have a slightly glowing skin. However, it's not always green. The colour of the glow is the same as the colour of her uniform.


I remember noticing how sexy glowing skin was on a relatively well toned girl all the way back in GF1.

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Originally written by Milla:
I'm guessing the Shapers glowing red eyes may be due to the Geneforge effect.
They were not.

Um, I mean, if the Geneforge and assorted canisters were hidden away on a remote island and eventually destroyed, then why do all Shapers have red eyes?

Or is the "Geneforge effect" something that isn't limited to the Geneforge?
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I was going from the description of Trajkov after he used the Geneforge: Glowing, fiery red eyes.


So it was easy to speculate that when the PC used the Geneforge that happened to them too.


Of course even just using enough canisters with apparently give you glowy eyes too.

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I found Milla's question regarding the Agent's skin coloring interesting and amusing. So it gave me the idea to experiment and change a graphic in GF2.


In so doing, (understand I'm not talking all graphics for the Agent, that would be a major undertaking) I was able to change my Agent, just on the inventory screen, to a long haired blonde w/blue eyes and red lips, black outfit w/silver-grey tights, black boots and a rather enhanced upper torso (in good taste). By making just these changes and using Jeff's original color, the skin tone lightened significantly.


FYI, I used resedit on a copy of the GF2 graphics file to do this.

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