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Geneforge 5

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It sure was refreshing having new creatures in Geneforge 4, but I missed the role that Alwan and Greta played. The other dude showed up too late in the game and just didn't really cut it.


Do y'all reckon that we'll see more creations in G5? What about the ability to shape your own living tools? Serviles? Why not?


I wonder what would happen if the Shapers found another nation of Shaping peoples, with their own separate strain of creations (forget the fyora). It would definately be interesting. Although it sounds like the next focus for the Spiderweb team is Nethergate.

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Originally written by Thuryl:
Originally written by Gabriel's Horn:
Is Jeff going to release the freeware versions of his games on his deathbed? confused
If you're thinking of doing what I think you're thinking of doing, don't try it.
Don't try it? Don't Do It. Period. I'm personally hoping Jeff will live to a ripe old age and make everyone happy with a few more Avernum/Geneforge games. Would you kill that happiness in cold blood? Would you? I hope not.
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Originally written by Kelandon:
Wonder no more. If Jeff had ever gotten such an offer, he almost certainly would've taken it and would be rolling in the dough right now (and not making any more games).
Ehhh, from what I understand things are rarely that cut and dry.

I doubt Jeff would take any offer that would not allow him to maintain creative control of all the series. (Even then there's always a chance of Jeff being muscled out from that position in favour of profits). Furthermore I doubt that just because someone bought Jeff's IP he would want to stop making games. He might have to upgrade his skills (LOL CANISTER) but I'd think he'd join the new team to work on the next game. Finally I hope everyoen realizes that Jeff is doing this more out of love and as a hobby instead of for the money. Even though I wish him the best I doubt he'll ever roll in a Ferrari because of this job or because his company was purchased.

Edit: On topic - Yes, I would love to have more NPCs join your party! I've read the complaints saying "But that'd make Shapers useless and obsolete! Also, look at the design for the first game!" and I think they are rubbish! I've yet to read of anyone who made their Shaper so powerfull through casual gameplay that they were controlling seven usefull creations. Having one or two human NPCs that can join you can add to the atmosphere, break up the monotony and, (if Jeff were to write it) provide some between-NPC interaction. Love? Backstory? Greta and Alwan are as flat and one-dimensional, despite Jeff's considerable writing talent!

So yes, I say bring on the party NPCs in the next Geneforge (or next game that Jeff is working on in general)!!
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Originally written by Khoth:
The story isn't the hard part. The hard part is fleshing out all the details to make a game, and making a game.
True. I guess what I meant was that Avernum and Geneforge are already franchises with a fanbase, and that's what companies like. Sure Jeff wouldn't get as much money as, say, the guys who sold out Fallout, but selling would be better than the alternative of retiring the series. Or when Jeff dies (many many years from now) his family could sell it, make some money, we'd get more games, everybody wins.
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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL,Runescape...I still have a level 98 account from there...

Wouldn't it be nice if in G5 it was longer,and you could make your own base,or lab,and make your own pylons and turrets?

I was hoping the game to be longer so you could at least reach level 50-60,because i only made it to 45,and that is from killing -EVERYONE-

In your lab,you can do your own experimental creations,I really,really wanna make those...

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But guys, all these things about base building and stuff totally change the game!


You are going from a single-player turn-based RPG that's mostly played solo to a Dungeon Keeper hybrid of some sort.


Personally I would like some customization in the series (for example, in GF3 I loved coming to each island and picking out a "home" for my character. Cleaning it up and organizing my stack of supplies there). But I'd rather avoid dealing with micro-management of "research", resources and base building.


tl;dr - Remember the "spirit" of the game. The things you describe sound cool but would they really add to the Geneforge experience?

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My idea wouldn't have all that base building nonsense. Just a room with a vat of essense. You bring components to it (found by defeating other factions), and by the end of the game it becomes a geneforge. You would be a one man faction, of course. After all, why would anyone want to help you build a geneforge?

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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
My idea wouldn't have all that base building nonsense. Just a room with a vat of essense. You bring components to it (found by defeating other factions), and by the end of the game it becomes a geneforge. You would be a one man faction, of course. After all, why would anyone want to help you build a geneforge?
The problem that I see with the "one-man faction" is that it would defeat the drawing point of the game. Said 'point' is that there is no perfect side that you ultimately must pick (as seen in events of GF3 and 4, no more fence sitting). I also share what I perceive to be your "The only man to whom I am loyal is the one I see in the mirror each morning" mentality but realize that GF wouldn't be what it is if I could just kill everyone on each map irregardless of consequences and loot them. It is frustration (Lord knows I want to kill some Sholai in GF1 after allying myself with them for some exp!) but more engaging to work within a tighter framework.
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In Geneforge 2, if you want the perfect Shaper ending, the best thing to do it to kill everyone on every map. The one man faction would not only be a great way to end the series (most people agree that they don't feel comfortable with any single faction) but it would also be a worthy challenge to play through without that extra help from a faction.

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More crafting. Fewer spores, pods and living tools but a variety of raw materials that could be used to craft the resources to suit a given build.


And how about all those broken swords and batons around the land; why not make them repairable with the iron bars and planks of wood, to be used or sold? Perhaps some of them might have surprising and exceptional properties.


The forges could be easier to reach, but getting the right hammer or tongs might be necessary for crafting items of rare quality and the more powerful artifacts.

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Tullegloar - You answered your own question, so to say. To get the perfect Shaper ending you could (and should) kill everything in GF2. THat's not the same as fighting for yourself. Also, as I mentioned earlier, four games consisting of little more than clearing out a map of all living things and looting it would get boring very quickly.


Enkephalin - Sounds cool! I just wish that Jeff owuld revamp the inventory system prior to doing that. Prime example - give us some bags please! This makes organization much easier and allows you to haul around more things. At the very least combine the inventory system from GF1 and GF3 where hitting G doesn't bring up the whole inventory (only the get nearest items) and hitting I for inventory brings up your avatar doll, equipped and bagged items and a place to drop items on the ground.

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Originally written by Eugi:
But guys, all these things about base building and stuff totally change the game!

You are going from a single-player turn-based RPG that's mostly played solo to a Dungeon Keeper hybrid of some sort.

Personally I would like some customization in the series (for example, in GF3 I loved coming to each island and picking out a "home" for my character. Cleaning it up and organizing my stack of supplies there). But I'd rather avoid dealing with micro-management of "research", resources and base building.

tl;dr - Remember the "spirit" of the game. The things you describe sound cool but would they really add to the Geneforge experience?
Hell, I'd happily pay 100$ for a game like that and blast the delays!
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Their are creations that create, right? In Geneforge 4 you have the ability to play as a servile.


And at least Drakons have shaping abilities. Don't know about Drayks for certain, but It'd be awesome to play one of those two. And they're part of the rebellion, well, in a way.

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All I know is that they shape themselves in new forms, but those forms are still all Drakon related, say, Drakon to Ur-Drakon.

Drayk -> Drakon -> Ur-Drakon


From memory, if you use the Geneforge in GF2, you start to grow claws and scales (?), until the transformation goes wrong and you die in horrible agony.


I'm not so sure if it's far fetched. A lot more genetic modification is needed for a human-Drakon transformation than a Drayk-Drakon transformation, though.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking about the possibility of creating servant minds but they could actually move instead of being immobile. And they could join you on your quest(s). And you could create serviles of any kind.

and possibly create charged Fyoras,charged cryoas,clones of yourself,and you could get anyone to join you.

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