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Why Did the People Die????!!!! Why!!!!!!

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I accidentally killed my own people in Dhonal's Keep, Fort Wilson, and San Ru:

1) Middle of the Grumpy Guy Controlling the Golems in Dhonal's Keep. He's annoyed and calls an alarm, I use Secret _____(kill Hostile guys) to Kill him. He's Dead, With everybody else. Now I can't complete my Quest. frown

2) Went to San Ru after accidentally giving Lankan magic Canister in basement of diwaniya. Confronted Diwaniya and said "I confess, I did It". Diwaniya attacks me, and I kill her with the ____(kill hostile) and everyone dies with Diwaniya. frown

3) Went to fort Wilson. Raised alarm by going near a trap in a storeroom. Alphas chase me. I use ____ (kill hostile) again!!! Everyone dies.

It's sad, and I am stuck in Dhonal Isle for eternity, man!!!! frownfrownfrown

Now I can't enter Creator Hall. frownfrown

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Generally, you really should avoid pissing off the people in the towns.


1. Leave when he tells you too.

2. Even if you had killed Diwanya by normal means, the town would have become hostile, forcing you to kill them all.

3. Don't set off the traps.


A great addition to G4 would be a little subtle. When you commit a crime, everyone in the area, even those who are on your side, turn hostile. For example, if you're playing as an Awakened in G2, there's a spy outside the gates. However, if you commit a crime, he runs at you like any other idiot. It doesn't make any sense for the entire area to go hostile.

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I don't think I've seen a single RPG that's handled this sort of thing well -- aside from the bulk of them, that don't let you attack friendly characters in the first place.


In theory, it's nice to be able to role play a character with few morals, and kill and loot whatever you like. But given a game engine that is really designed for at least moderately amicable characters, I don't see the point in even having the option.

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Originally written by Mr.Bookworm:
A great addition to G4 would be a little subtle. When you commit a crime, everyone in the area, even those who are on your side, turn hostile. For example, if you're playing as an Awakened in G2, there's a spy outside the gates. However, if you commit a crime, he runs at you like any other idiot. It doesn't make any sense for the entire area to go hostile.
Appearances must be preserved.
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Originally written by The][Editbreaker:
Originally written by Mr.Bookworm:
A great addition to G4 would be a little subtle. When you commit a crime, everyone in the area, even those who are on your side, turn hostile. For example, if you're playing as an Awakened in G2, there's a spy outside the gates. However, if you commit a crime, he runs at you like any other idiot. It doesn't make any sense for the entire area to go hostile.
Appearances must be preserved.
But you have to kill him. He acts like any other idiot, even though he's on your side.

Edit: A good idea, though it might be a little tricky, would be to have every character have a "value" depending on your faction.
Here's an "example chart":
1- Will attack on sight; will attack you if you attack them
2- Will attack if you violate any law in area; will attack you if you attack them
3- Will attack you if A.The town's hostile, and B. They see you. Otherwise they'll stay out of the way.
4- Will stay out of the way, unless you attack them.
5- Will fight with you unless you attack them.

Yes, it's flawed, but it would be better than the current system (the entire area goes hostile).

And the values would change, of course, depending on factions and the like.
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Originally by Slartucker:


In theory, it's nice to be able to role play a character with few morals, and kill and loot whatever you like. But given a game engine that is really designed for at least moderately amicable characters, I don't see the point in even having the option.
Well, in theory, Geneforge is the kind of game where role-playing a psychopath who kills off every NPC is acceptable. Well, G1 and G2 are. Clearly, G3 is not.


Originally by Mr. Bookworm:


But you have to kill him. He acts like any other idiot, even though he's on your side.
Yes, the option to have spies stay friendly to you as you slaughter the rest of the town would be nice. Better yet, it would be nice to have a dialogue option that tells the spy to leave town because the town is no longer safe or their task is done.



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Originally written by StrongBattleAlpha:
I accidentally killed my own people in Dhonal's Keep, Fort Wilson, and San Ru:
1) Middle of the Grumpy Guy Controlling the Golems in Dhonal's Keep. He's annoyed and calls an alarm, I use Secret _____(kill Hostile guys) to Kill him. He's Dead, With everybody else. Now I can't complete my Quest. frown
2) Went to San Ru after accidentally giving Lankan magic Canister in basement of diwaniya. Confronted Diwaniya and said "I confess, I did It". Diwaniya attacks me, and I kill her with the ____(kill hostile) and everyone dies with Diwaniya. frown
3) Went to fort Wilson. Raised alarm by going near a trap in a storeroom. Alphas chase me. I use ____ (kill hostile) again!!! Everyone dies.
It's sad, and I am stuck in Dhonal Isle for eternity, man!!!! frownfrownfrown
Now I can't enter Creator Hall. frownfrown
Maybe you can use the editor to teleport...
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Originally written by Mr.Bookworm:

A great addition to G4 would be a little subtle. When you commit a crime, everyone in the area, even those who are on your side, turn hostile. For example, if you're playing as an Awakened in G2, there's a spy outside the gates. However, if you commit a crime, he runs at you like any other idiot. It doesn't make any sense for the entire area to go hostile.
This was sort of done in GF3. It you attacked that town on the Isle of Spears(forget the name) when you're a loyalist, the Mooralis guy doesn't fight you-he just pleads for his life
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The system is currently sophisticated enough to make fleeing NPCs and spies that run away to raise an alarm. Whether others can see your crime is even a part of the engine now. Really, I only want the addition of attitude groups, or at least subgroups within the generic "Friendly" group. This could be a major and worthwhile improvement. With this, a single map could seamlessly have two opposing factions whose attitudes toward the player are independent.

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