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A3: Fury Crossbow help

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I know you have to ask Judith about the location of the Pit of the Wyrm, and I know you have to ask the Sick Boy in Shayder about Judith to find out this information. However, whenever I give the Sick Boy some coins, is says "He doesn't seem to have forgotten your past behavior"... I figure I must have told him to shove off and saved afterwards, and now I'm not sure if I can get the crossbow. Help?



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Originally written by Yama:
Why do you insist on replying to questions you don't have the answer to with information that is obvious and irrelevant?
What's gotten into you lately? Is there some compulsive need on your part to be condescending to anyone with a member number higher than 7000?

Anyway, you could try to edit the flag. Only problem is that I don't know of a comprehensive SDF list for A3, which means that you'd basically be guessing. And with a 1 out of 2,250,000 chance to set the right flag to the correct value, odds are pretty low you'd hit the right one, considering that there's also a 1 in 3 chance you'd hit the wrong one and completely mess up your game. So go ahead and try it, but backup your save file first.

EDIT: Oops, wrong direction.
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Originally written by Nioca:
Originally written by Yama:
Why do you insist on replying to questions you don't have the answer to with information that is obvious and irrelevant?
What's gotten into you lately? Is there some compulsive need on your part to be condescending to anyone with a member number higher than 7000?
I resent the implication. I'm an equal opportunity curmudgeon, as I think I've proved on more than one occasion. I mean, what do I need to do, change my PDN to Wowbagger?

For the record, I have no problem with Muffin. Others have attacked him over his personality, his story, etc. I haven't. But I find these kind of posts both ridiculous and annoying. They deserve to be discouraged. The observation I made is entirely factual.
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Originally written by Yama:
But I find these kind of posts both ridiculous and annoying. They deserve to be discouraged. The observation I made is entirely factual.
No, it's not, and they do not need to be discouraged. While you may find those posts annoying, someone else might find them useful and/or worthwhile. I mean, can it hurt to try what Muffin suggested and see if it gets him anywhere?
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In Exile you can skip talking to people if you know the right clue word to give to the next person, while in Avernum you have to rely on going in order because it uses flags to trigger dialog options.


Unless you know the correct flag then your choices are to skip the quest or start over from the last saved game before you insulted Sick Boy.

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Nioca, read the posts. Muffin suggested talking to the guy (which the original poster had clearly already done) and pointed out that the quest he's asking about isn't necessary to finish the game.


Please explain to me how either of those statements are less than completely obvious. And please explain to me how exactly they answer Maledictis's question.


If you want to accuse me of being unfriendly, go ahead; but don't accuse me of saying untrue things.

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Originally written by Yama:
Nioca, read the posts. Muffin suggested talking to the guy (which the original poster had clearly already done) and pointed out that the quest he's asking about isn't necessary to finish the game.
That's where you're going off the mark. While the latter is blatantly obvious, the former... well, just look at his post and the post before that.

Originally written by Maledictis (emphasis added):
I've grilled the stuffing out of Spud, and he hasn't told me anything. And, like I said, the Sick Boy seems to be angry with me. I'm 90% sure he's the one who GIVES INFORMATION ABOUT JUDITH. Will time fix my trouble?
Originally written by Infernal Flamming Muffin (emphasis added):
I don't know but the fury crossbow isn't required to beat the game. You can beat the game without it.

You could, however, JUST FIND THE GUY AND TALK TO HIM.
You can quite clearly see that the person Muffin was referring to was Judith, not Sick Boy.

don't accuse me of saying untrue things.
Well, sadly, you are.
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Slarty is right, I am wrong. I don't know everything about A3, I was just making some suggestions (I do want to help).


Have you done different choice of dialogue?

Have you tried every other "Sick Boy" just in case you were wrong on who's who? You can never be too carful (except me, I am too paranoid).

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